
"The ancient thunder goddess was promoted to the original!"

"Could it be that the Eagle God happened to meet the ancient thunder goddess and the goddess resurrected?..."

"Has the case of Eagle God’s death been solved?"

"The fourth original...I have a bad feeling, another balance has been broken, our world will not usher in the second Blackest Night!"

The gods chat group.

The gods were shocked by the news.

Goddess of Thunder?

Promoted to the Primordial?

So this woman who is above the Sea of Time?

She is the Goddess of Thunder?


How many divine stones!

Can knock her out!

Five million divine stones!

Or ten million divine stones!

At that moment, Chen Ge had an impulse, but he restrained himself. Without the broken Taoist temple, it would be absolutely stupid to use divine stones to hit a Primordial God.

"Promoted to the original!"

"Your name will appear on the immortal monument of the Pantheon!"

"This is the highest honor!"

"Even if you have billions of divine stones, you can never become the original!"

"I'm talking about you, the God of Knowledge!"

The chat group of the gods.

The ruthless voice of the tyrant Adam sounded

"Your wife is with me."

Chen Ge smiled and replied.

Suddenly, the chat group of the gods fell silent.


The goddess of luck who was hugging Chen Ge was stunned, and then she came to her senses. This sentence seemed to be correct. The lord did pick up the missing Queen Eve from the star realm.

"War of Gods!"

"God of knowledge!"

"Do you dare to accept the God War?"

A moment later, in the chat group of the gods, the tyrant Adam was furious.

The gods did not express any opinions.

Wow! The mysterious woman who seemed to be the goddess of thunder disappeared in the Sea of Time. From beginning to end, she never looked at Chen Ge. It seemed that neither Chen Ge nor the goddess of luck were worthy of her looking at them.

"Thunder Goddess...The fourth primordial god...terrible...I'm a little panicked! One hundred thousand years ago, there were actually only two original gods, the Goddess of Night and the Lord of Time!

One hundred thousand years ago, the tyrant Adam was suddenly promoted to the original, followed by the rebellion of the Eight Kings of Ancient Times, and then the Blackest Night! The Blackest Night was too terrible, many gods died, many creators fell, and even the original creator fell!"

The goddess of luck lowered her voice

"Thunder Goddess...Not interested in the Time Sandworm?"

Chen Ge was a little curious. After the Thunder Goddess was promoted and left the Sea of Time, she seemed too lazy to catch the Time Sandworm.

"The biggest function of the Time Sandworm is to open the Chaos God Realm and comprehend the origin law in the Chaos God Realm. The Thunder Goddess has the top Thunder Law, and the Time Sandworm is basically useless to her! Lord, don't waste time, start fishing for the Time Sandworm, or the Lord's territory is safe!"

The Goddess of Luck responded in a low voice.

It's too dangerous outside.

Don't come out in the future.

Hide in the Lord's territory.

There is that weird Taoist temple to protect.

It's safer than anything else.


In front of Chen Ge, a light flashed.

A fishing net appeared.

"Creatures that enter the Sea of Time for the first time can get three fishing opportunities. It is said that the Goddess of Night has special fishing techniques. If you catch a Sandworm of Time in one of the three fishing opportunities, the Sandworm of Time will directly open the Chaos Divine Realm. The Sandworm of Time can be seen as a gift from the Supreme Will to all living things."

The Goddess of Luck said

"Fishing Net...If you make socks out of them, they should increase your attack speed a lot."

Chen Ge smiled slightly, took the fishing net, and threw it casually towards the Sea of Time below.

"Fishing net? Socks? Increase attack speed?"

The goddess of luck was puzzled.


Less than ten seconds after the first net was thrown!

A mysterious light lit up!

Chen Ge subconsciously pulled the net in!

A crystal clear sandworm over one meter long emerged!



The first net?

Caught the sandworm of time?

The goddess of luck's full luck effect is so powerful?

Chen Ge himself was a little confused.


The goddess of luck widened her eyes


【You caught the Sandworm of Time!】

【The Sandworm of Time opened the entrance to the Chaos Realm!】

【You are about to be teleported! 】

Before Chen Ge could come to his senses safely, a white light flashed, and the Holy Angel teleported.


The Holy Angel just teleported!

The Sea of Time was in turmoil!

A pure white hand seemed to be across endless time and space! It penetrated the Sea of Time! It grabbed the place where the Holy Angel was just now!

It grabbed nothing!


The pure white hand!

Transformed into water splashes all over the sky!

Scattered into the Sea of Time!


【You discovered the Chaos Realm!】

【You have been given an opportunity to comprehend the fundamental laws!】

【The time limit is three days! 】

The Holy Angel.

Floating in a chaotic world.

The master-class magic ship can't move forward.

"This is the Chaos Realm, where the gods comprehend the origin law, but the Creator can only come in once in ten thousand years! My Lord, the more colors the origin law has, the stronger it is. A three-color law can guarantee that a god's path to the gods is the creator, so the origin law is also called the law of the gods! It is said that the Goddess of Night, Tyrant Adam, and the Lord of Time all have five-color laws. I look forward to your harvest, my Lord!"

The Goddess of Luck was extremely excited. She could only come in once every ten thousand years, and today was equivalent to getting a free chance.

"law...monochrome...Tricolor...Five colors...At least three colors are needed!"

Chen Ge thought.


Eye of the Arcane!

Find me an origin law!

He shouted in his heart! He raised his hand and grabbed it!

In the chaos!

A divine light flew over! The divine light hit him directly between his eyebrows!

The divine light turned into a mark!

In the blink of an eye!

The mark merged into his divine fire!


Too fast?

I didn't see it clearly!

"How many colors!"

Chen Ge asked the goddess of luck!

The goddess of luck was stunned!

After several seconds!

The goddess of luck trembled and responded!

"seven...Seven colors!"

"I I I was scared!"

"My Lord, the Seven Colors Rule...Your path to the gods is guaranteed to be the master of destruction!"

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