Uh, the Death Angels Tower.

Isn't this also an angel?

Chen Ge smiled and thought it was a pity. His angel army had already killed many legendary creatures while exploring the fog to expand the territory. The bodies of legendary creatures had long been reduced to ashes. It was a pure waste.

Speaking of which, the Death Angels Tower.

As long as the bodies of legendary creatures or above can be automatically transformed into Death Angels, then it can be said that there is basically no need to invest any resources.

As you continue to explore the fog and kill legendary creatures or above, the number of Death Angels will increase by itself, which is very good.

"I will give you some more shares."

The Goddess of Death groaned, and suddenly took out a coffin and threw it directly to the Death Angel Arms Tower.


A black light flashed.

A figure flew out of the Death Angel Arms Tower.

Black robe!

Death sickle!

A pair of black wings!

It was like the combination of the God of Death and the Fallen Angel!


The first Death Angel born from the Death Angel Arms Tower flew in front of Chen Ge!

"Ymir greets the Lord!"

The Angel of Death half-knelt and saluted.


When the goddesses heard the Angel of Death call himself, almost all of them flashed a look of surprise, and the Goddess of Time and Queen Eve also had a look of surprise in their eyes.


The little fallen angel Emile blinked.

The little seraph Avril raised her eyebrows slightly.


【You have obtained the Angel of Death, Ymir!】

【Your Broken Taoist Temple is forcibly bound to Ymir!】

【The probability of encounter events in your territory has doubled!】

【Your territory population +1! 】A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge. An adventure event? Doubled? Is this Ymir's natural talent? Come! Take a look at Ymir's character panel!

【Citizens: Ymir】

【Level: Demigod】

【Race: Angel of Death】

【Skills: Death Scythe, Soul Harvester】

【Talent: Harvest Power】

【Talent: Ancestral Power】

【Talent: God Master】

【3D: 93/61/91】

【Character Rarity: Illusionary]


Born as a demigod?

Great body?

But the skills seem a bit ordinary?


【Your angel army has discovered the second wall!】

【Your angel army begins to attack the second wall! 】

Suddenly, there was another message reminder.


Chen Ge looked towards the west of the territory. The fog at the edge of the territory had dissipated, and a pure white wall at least 200 meters high stretched across the land. The light and dark angel army, everyone is a demigod, and everyone has the mysterious talent of a sixteen-winged angel, but they were unable to break through the magic barrier of the pure white wall at the first time.

"Angel Legion?"

"Is this the principality of the mysterious Duke?"

"Wait! How can a principality have so many angels! These angels are all demigods! This is wrong! Lord Hegs, report to the Temple of War!"

"What! The information can't be transmitted! I can't even pray to the God of War! What's going on!"

"Duke Weird, you have crossed the line! I am the demigod Heges, the guardian of the second wall. I am the servant of the God of War. There is a war curtain on the second wall. Your angel army cannot break through the war curtain! Duke Weird, retreat quickly!"

On the top of the pure white wall, figures appeared one after another.

A strong man over three meters tall growled at this side.

"Lord Haggis...I used a telescope to look at the mysterious dukedom. Although there were not many buildings in the strange dukedom, there were many women! Why did the women in his territory all look like goddesses above the clouds! I have been to the God of Magic Tower and admired some portraits of goddesses!"


A white-robed wizard exclaimed


The demigod Hegus grabbed the telescope and looked towards the center of Chen Ge's territory. When he saw the figures of the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves, and the Goddess of Magic, Hegus's hands trembled all over!



Hegus's heart was beating wildly!

This mysterious Duke's territory!

How could there be so many goddesses!

The mysterious Duke!

He is just a mortal lord!

"Illusion! It's all an illusion! Duke Weird, your illusion can't fool me! The gods are above the clouds, it's impossible for them to descend to the mortal world. The mortal world is ruled by the Lord of Gray Mist, and the Lord of Gray Mist won't allow the gods to descend! Duke Weird, your illusion is too low-level!"

"Duke of Mystery, I don't know where you summoned so many angels from, but as long as the war curtain is there, you will never be able to break through the second wall!"

"Duke of Mystery, the second wall is not the place for you to be now, you are not qualified to be king! I have the holy object given by the God of War, your angel army cannot kill me unless the true God descends!"

Heges roared!


The next second!

The war curtain covering the second wall!

Cracks appeared!

The angel army forcibly tore open the war curtain!

The demigod Heges!

The legendary creatures on the wall!

They were stunned!



The Angel of Death Ymir in front of Chen Ge!

Disappeared from the spot!

The next second, she appeared above the second wall!

The light and dark angels were slightly stunned!


And in that breath!

Ymir waved the death scythe! A flash of black light!

Sweeped across the entire second wall!

All the creatures on the second wall!

Whether they were legendary or demigods!

They lost their breath of life in an instant!

Emile and Avril raised their eyebrows at the same time when they saw this scene!




The bodies of the demigod Heges and the legendary creatures were swallowed by the black light!

Then! The angels of death flew out from the angel of death arms tower! Welcome the 7-day National Day holiday and have fun reading books! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points! Recharge now (Event time: October 1 to October 7)

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