
The chat group of the gods.

The live broadcast of the Goddess of Death disappeared.

Chen Ge's territory.

A flash of white light.

The Goddess of Death landed.


The fog outside the territory!

Automatically retreated five miles!




The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves, the Goddess of Magic, the Goddess of Luck, the Goddess of Dark Moon, and the Goddess of Love all looked over!

"God of Knowledge...Your magic stone helped me solve a big problem. This is your kingdom of God...."Hmm? Why are there so many familiar faces?"

The goddess of death, who was as beautiful as the goddess of love, took the initiative to greet Chen Ge, but just halfway through her words, the goddess of death frowned slightly.

"Goddess of Death...This is the first time I have seen the true face of the Goddess of Death. She is so beautiful! Goddess of Death, welcome to join the Alliance of Fallen Goddesses!"

The Elf Goddess took the initiative to greet

"Welcome to join the Evil Women Alliance!"

The Goddess of Light laughed.

"Goddess of Death, welcome to the richest place of this era! This is Chen Ge, who is in charge of the richest place. In the mortal world, he is a mortal territory. In the chat group of gods, he is the god of knowledge and the only man who has truly integrated the Whip of God's Punishment!"

The Goddess of Love opened her arms, hugged the Goddess of Death, and then introduced Chen Ge.


Whip of God's Punishment?

The Goddess of Light, Magic, Dark Moon, and Luck were all startled!

"Whip of Divine Punishment...The Lord has integrated the Whip of Divine Punishment, which even the ancient God Kings could not handle. Has the Lord handled it? Lord, can you whip me hard with the Whip of Divine Punishment tonight?"The

Elf Goddess rushed over and acted like a spoiled child.

"Whip of Divine Punishment..."

There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the Goddess of Death. Her eyes suddenly turned gray and stared at Chen Ge, as if she wanted to spy on something.


【Your broken Taoist temple is forcibly bound to the goddess of death!】

【You have gained the power of rebirth!】

【Your people have been given the power of rebirth!】

【The Goddess of Death at the Creator level holds a supreme power.

As long as the Goddess of Death is not dead, you and your people can be reborn infinitely!

】A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge.

Oh? Infinite rebirth!

The Goddess of Magic provides infinite magic power!

The Goddess of Love provides infinite energy!

The Goddess of Death provides the power of rebirth!

The Immortal Angel Corps is taking shape!

Then trick the Goddess of Life over!

As long as the Goddess of Life has the Fountain of Life!

Then you can have unlimited troops!

The only remaining problem is the Godhead!

"This woman is good, she can be my eldest daughter-in-law."

At this time, the sixteen-winged angel in the two-wing state said.


The goddesses swept over.

For a moment, they were a little confused.

This angel really thinks she is the mother of the Lord.

The Goddess of Time and the Queen of Gods Eve seemed to know the origin of the sixteen-winged angel, and at this moment, they looked thoughtful.

The Goddess of Time and the Queen of Gods Eve were in a strange sealed state. Chen Ge tried to let the two goddesses eat the God Stone, but the God Stone had no effect.

In fact, the sixteen-winged angel was in a similar state.

"Goddess of Time...Eve...So this is what you meant when you said that to Adam in the chat group of the gods."

The Goddess of Death noticed the presence of the Goddess of Time and Eve, and said after a deep sigh:"After the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and the Darkest Night in ancient times, too many false gods were born in this world, and it is indeed time for some changes. I decided to invest in your kingdom of God, and I will give you a blessing, which I can only release once."


The Goddess of Death raised her hand!

A mysterious mark appeared!


The mark flew into Chen Ge's brow!

The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves, the Goddess of Love, the Goddess of Dark Moon, the Goddess of Luck, and the Goddess of Magic all looked envious!

"This is what the Lord of Time and the Tyrant Adam want. They don't know that the Goddess of Death can only release this blessing once!"

The Goddess of Love sighed

"how so..."

The goddess of luck said


【You have been blessed with the supreme power of the goddess of death!】

【From this moment on!】

【Even the Lord of Destruction cannot kill you!】A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge. Hmm? No wonder! No wonder the Lord of Time and Tyrant Adam showed up in the chat group of gods today! The Lord of Time! Tyrant Adam! Called the original god! But in fact, he is between the original creator and the Lord of Destruction! The blessing of the goddess of death! It is equivalent to a gold medal of immortality!

"Your territory...Are angels the only type of soldiers?...It's a bit too monotonous. I'll buy some more stocks."

The goddess of death swept past the two little angels, swept past the military buildings in the territory, took out the death sickle, and slashed at the air.


A military building fell to the ground!


【You have obtained the Angel of Death tower!】

【You can use the corpses of legendary or higher creatures to summon the Angel of Death! 】

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