
"I hope that one day, you will have a battle with Uriel, who is ranked third on the earthly student rankings. That guy is too arrogant! His army is also an angel, and it is an extremely special army among angels!"

"I hope you can kill Uriel one day!"

"That’s right! That guy has been promoted to the Creator! It took him 500 years to become the Creator! That guy holds the record for the fastest promotion to the Creator!"

"Goodbye! I hope we will never meet on the battlefield!"

Zhou Hunyuan's spirit projection added a few more words, and the spirit projection shattered itself.



Third in the worldly student rankings?

The soldier is an angel?

Five hundred years to become a creator?

Five hundred years is the fastest promotion record?

I am now a pillar god, and I can be promoted to the creator only if I have the creator godhood. How can I get the creator godhood within half a year?

It seems that this so-called third in the worldly student rankings Uriel is just like that.

Angel soldier?

Can it beat my angel army?

Chen Ge smiled faintly.

Today's first battle with the Golden Crow, the Blood Angel Legion killed the Golden Crow in one round of forbidden spells. Chen Ge has already understood that these so-called top soldiers are actually just like that.

Top soldiers.

No matter how high the initial level is, it can't be the destroyer.

The really powerful ones are the big guys in the top soldiers.

For example, the big golden crow that pulls the chariot for the Chaos Sun God.

So 623!

My own angel army!

In the weird world, the goddesses, the chaotic goddess, the mysterious water With the super talent of the owner of the crystal coffin, it can be said that he is absolutely invincible in the same level!

He can kill all soldiers of the same level in seconds!

No matter if you are a Golden Crow!

Or other top-level soldiers!

As long as they are of the same level!

Then they will be killed instantly by his angel army!


His own army!

He is only afraid of people who surpass the Lord of Destruction!

For example, the Brilliant Goddess!

For example, the origin of the mechanical race!

For example, the Chaos Sun God!

For example, the Immortal First Emperor!

If one day, he gets a crystal coffin, and the owner of the crystal coffin has a super talent of immunity to all attacks, then he can unscrupulously send the Blood Angel Army into the Chaos God Realm!


【You have gained hundreds of billions of military merits!】

【You have unlocked a new exchangeable item! 】

At this time, the information appeared.

The battle merit exchange interface appeared again.


Something new?


Not a soldier!

Not a divine weapon!

Not a special recruitable character!

Not a godhood!

The exchangeable item unlocked this time is actually a title!

The title of the God King!

Trillions of battle merits can be exchanged!


One trillion war merits?

I only have 100 billion war merits?

How can I redeem them?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows.

He scanned the rolling black fog in front of the God King Fortress.

There was no sign of the fourth wave of monsters attacking the city.

【I'm back in the territory!】

【I also returned to the territory. This time, during the third wave of the assessment of the Chaos Divine Realm, I suffered heavy losses and gained nothing!】

【Has anyone obtained godhood, special arms, special recruitable characters, or titles?】

【You should ask, is there anyone still defending the fortress in the Chaos Divine Realm?】

【Call Miss Shen Xingyue!】

【Call Miss Poseidon!】

【Call Miss Anya!】

【Call Miss Selina!】

【Call Chen Ge!】

Lord channel.

Various messages flashed.

Almost all the lords who spoke suffered heavy losses.

【I, Luo Guangming, admit that I overestimated myself before and underestimated the difficulty of the third wave of impact assessment! This time the difficulty is extremely high. I estimate that it is impossible for anyone to obtain the title of Chaos God Realm!】

【I have obtained the title information of Chaos Realm from the Temple of Destiny. This time, only one title will be spawned, and its name is God King!】

【In the strange world, the God King is equivalent to the Creator, so you understand the value of this title!】

【In order to exchange for the title of God King, one needs trillions of military merits. Do you think anyone among us can get trillions of military merits?】


【I personally guess that the one who suffered the most in the third wave of assessments was Chen Ge! 】

Luo Guangming sent a voice message. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Is Chen Ge here?】

【Chen Ge replied!】

【Chen Ge, what's wrong with you?】

【If you don't say anything, it means you agree!】

【Your troops (bcae) will not be lost in the Chaos God Realm, right? 】


Almost all familiar faces called Chen Ge.


Why hasn't the fourth wave of siege monsters spawned yet?

Chen Ge ignored the Lord Channel information and only stared at the rolling black fog in front of the God King Fortress. Normally, the fourth wave of siege monsters should have spawned.

Could it be?

The assessment time is up?

No more monsters?


【Because all other students have already withdrawn from the Chaos Divine Realm!】

【The third wave of impact assessment will end in one minute!】

【Countdown begins! 】

In front of Chen Ge, a special message popped up.


The assessment time has really come!

All the other students have quit!

As a result, there are no more monsters now!

What should I do?

The title of God King is right in front of me!

Can I just watch this thing?

Oh, right!

There is also the God King Fortress!

I really want to bring this God King Fortress back to the territory!

"Can I get some discount cards?"

Chen Ge's eyes moved and he looked at the messenger Monica.

"Discount card? Lord, you want a war merit discount card? You can actually get one! But it might cost a little more divine stones!"

Monica responded.


You can get a war merit discount card with divine stones?

You should have said it earlier!

There are 600 million divine stones in stock!

Are they going to get moldy if you don't spend them?

"How many divine stones do you need?"

Chen Ge stared at Monica.

"this...It should cost two million divine stones! Lord, rest assured, as your messenger, I will definitely not take kickbacks! I am a principled messenger, I can't do such a thing! If I take kickbacks, my body will shrink immediately to the size of an airport!"

Monica quoted a price.


Chen Ge casually threw two million divine stones to Monica, and there were still twenty seconds left on the countdown!


Monica took the magic stone and chanted the ancient spell. A mysterious light flashed. No one knew who Monica had traded with. Two million magic stones disappeared!


A blood-red card appeared!


【You have obtained a war merit discount card!】

【After using it, a discount will be triggered randomly! 】


Random discount?

It depends on luck?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this moment!

There are still ten seconds left in the countdown!


Chen Ge used the war merit discount card!


【You used the War Merit Discount Card!】

【You triggered a 10% discount! 】

The prompt appeared!

Almost at the same time!

The items on the battle merit exchange interface were discounted!

Originally, one trillion battle merits were exchanged for the title of God King!

Now it’s 10% off!

One hundred billion battle merits can be exchanged for the title of God King!


Three seconds left!


Chen Ge exchanged in one second!

One hundred billion battle merits!

Take the title of God King!.

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