
Keep giving rewards!

Chen Ge made another move and threw millions of divine stones to the Goddess Hanba, who was stunned.


【You rewarded the Goddess of Hanba with one million divine stones!】

【Your arcane eye resonates!】

【You got 10 million God Stones back!]


You want an effect?

So Goddess Hanba is one of the very few special people who can trigger the return of God Stones?

Go on!

Chen Ge smiled and threw 2 million God Stones to Goddess Hanba. Goddess Hanba was about to say something, but when she saw 2 million God Stones, she was confused again.

On the side.

The messenger Monica blinked frantically.


Is this a disease that likes to throw money?


Please throw more money to me!

You can unlock more functions of this humanoid messenger!

The angel of destiny Ariel had only one question in her mind at this moment, that is, how many God Stones did the Lord have ?


【You rewarded the Goddess of Hanba with two million divine stones!】

【Your arcane eye resonates!】

【You received 20 million divine stones in return!】

【You currently have 614 million God Stones!

Here it comes!

God Stones are returned!

A total of 4 million rewards!

40 million have been returned!

600 million God Stones in stock!


Keep throwing God Stones!

Throw 4 million!


It seems?

No response?

The resonance of the Eye of Arcane is over?

There was no sound when I threw it in this time?

Chen Ge smiled.

He looked at the rolling fog in front of the God King Fortress.

Indistinctly, he saw a ray of light.


Is the third wave of monsters coming to attack the city?

The first wave was 10 billion succubi.

The second wave was 50 billion dragon legions.

The third wave should have at least 100 billion.


Come quickly!

Let my blood angel devour them fiercely!

Chen Ge called out in his heart.

"you...Give me so many magic stones...Do you want to protect me?..."


The Goddess of Hanba stared at Chen Ge and said something!


The Angel of Destiny Ariel fell to the ground!

The next second she immediately jumped up from the ground!

"Forehead..."My beautiful girl, our Lord may just be suffering from a disease that makes him love to spend money. Please don't make too many assumptions. Although you are very beautiful, you are still a little bit inferior to those beautiful women in the Lord's territory."

The messenger Monica said with a smile.


The Goddess Hanba was stunned again.

In this era?

Are there still people who have the disease of scattering divine stones?

Can this be called a disease?

Boom! Here they come!

They are coming!

The Fortress of the God King!

In the fog right in front!

Groups of huge fireballs flew out! They were densely packed!

There were a million of them!

Behind the million fireballs!

Another overwhelming army rushed out!

At a glance!

It was far more than the previous dragon army!

"What kind of troops are these?"

Ariel, the angel of destiny, was full of confusion.

These huge fireballs!

Why do they feel like each one is like the sun!


Before Ariel was surprised, millions of huge fireballs turned into giant birds like flames!

These giant birds!

All have three legs!

Incredible! Incredible! Noble!


Golden Crow!

Ariel recognized what kind of troops these were!

"Golden Crow...Million Golden Crow...Lord, it seems we have encountered a strong enemy this time!"

The messenger Monica's eyes were bright!

"Golden Crow..."

The Goddess of Hanba glanced at the millions of golden crows and frowned slightly, as if she didn't have a good impression of this race!

"Golden Crow...Is this my first battle against the Golden Crow?"

On the top of the God King Fortress, Chen Ge chuckled. The third wave of the impact assessment actually welcomed the Golden Crow Army.

Not bad!

Really good!

We can test the value of this special type of soldier, the Golden Crow!

My 200 million Blood Angels!

Against a million Golden Crows!

Will we crush them or be crushed!


A flash of fire!

A projection of a god descended!

"Hmm? Blood Angels? Two hundred million Blood Angels? Among this class of students, there are actually people who tame Blood Angels? Young man, you are playing big, don't you know that the Blood Angels will be hunted down by the gods as soon as they appear in the world?"

"My million Golden Crows, with a breath of Sun's True Fire, should be able to easily kill your two hundred million Blood Angels! Young man, you should be thankful that this is just a test for you. Don't train this kind of soldiers in the future!"

"That’s right! Remember my name! Zhou Hunyuan, the 97th Overlord of the Zhoutian World! You can call me Emperor Hunyuan!"

The divine projection swept across the 200 million blood angels lined up outside the God King Fortress. A flash of surprise flashed across his eyes, and then he shook his head gently and raised his hand!


Millions of golden crows!

Spewing out the true fire of the sun! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) On the top of the God King Fortress, Chen Ge also raised his hand, signaling the 200 million blood angel legions to stay where they are!


The true fire of the sun!

Devouring the blood angel legions!


What's going on?

This super rich lord?

He actually let his angel legion eat the true fire of the sun?

The goddess Hanba was full of doubts.

"Blood Angels...Although they are forbidden troops and their reproduction speed is extremely terrifying, in front of truly powerful gods, the Blood Angels are nothing but this! Your 200 million Blood Angels were easily killed by my Golden Crow Legion! Young man, do you know that in this chaotic divine domain, the backer of the Golden Crow clan is the Chaos Sun God, and the Chaos Sun God is revered as the first god!"

Zhou Hunyuan, who calls himself the Great Emperor Hunyuan, chuckled!


The next second!

The Sun's True Fire that devoured the Blood Angel Legion disappeared!

200 million Blood Angels!


Not one was missing!


Zhou Hunyuan raised his eyebrows!

The million-strong Golden Crow Army was startled!


The Goddess Hanba was shocked.

What happened?

Did the Blood Angel eat the Sun's True Fire?

"Most of your Golden Crows are at the demigod level, and there are not many true god-level Golden Crows. The Sun Fire they spew out doesn't seem to be that good either."

On the top of the God King Fortress, Chen Ge shook his head and snapped his fingers.


Two hundred million Blood Angels!

Raised their hands at the same time!

Didn't activate the Valkyrie talent!

Didn't activate the Gigantamax talent either!

Just one round of forbidden spell bombardment!

Millions of Golden Crows!

Exploded into blood mist!

Hundreds of billions of Golden Crows behind the million Golden Crows!

Also exploded into blood mist!

Killed in seconds!

Goddess Hanba!

I can't understand it at all!

Zhou Hunyuan's divine projection was also confused!

"Damn! My Golden Crow is the top-level soldier in the Chaos God Realm! It has the Great Golden Crow's blessing at the level of the Destroyer! It can ignore attacks at the level of the Original Creator! I, Zhou Hunyuan! I'm ranked 19th in the ranking of all the major earthly students! My Golden Crow Army was destroyed by an angel army of a current student like you! Damn! This is unreasonable!"

Zhou Hunyuan's spirit projection came back to his senses, gritted his teeth, and stared at Chen Ge!


Students in the mortal world!

It's not that there are no super freaks!

Those super freaks!

Everyone is the top of the top!

Everyone is protected by the top gods!

There is even a girl who became the daughter of the Immortal First Emperor!

Possessing the immortal terracotta warriors, which are known as the ultimate soldiers!


How do I feel!

This guy in front of me!

His blood angels are more powerful than those top of the top soldiers!

Blood angels!

Are they so strong! The reason why blood angels are taboo!

Isn't it because this type of soldiers will reproduce like locusts!

Crash! Crash!


Suddenly! Outside the God King Fortress! A golden rain fell!

Gold coins!

A huge amount of gold coins!

Burst out of the Golden Crow Blood Mist!


Killing gold coins can explode gold coins?

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.


Harvest information appeared!


【You slaughtered millions of Golden Crows!】

【You have won one hundred trillion (good luck) gold coins!】

【You currently have 150 trillion gold coins!]


A Golden Crow just exploded 100 million gold coins!


King of Greed!

Get rid of the King of Greed!

Get the King of Greed's talent to use gold coins to explode soldiers!

How many soldiers can be exploded at once with 150 trillion gold coins!


The Blood Angel Legion has begun!

Swallowing the blood mist of the Golden Crow!

Swallowing the blood mist of Zhou Hunyuan's 100 billion troops!

In an instant!

200 million Blood Angels became 300 million Blood Angels!

Zhou Hunyuan's divine projection suddenly reacted!

".Good job!"

"Is this the reproduction speed of the Blood Angels!"

"It's really scarier than locusts!"

"Junior, I will remember you!"

"Don't worry, I won't disclose your information to anyone else!"

"I lost a million Golden Crows and 100 billion soldiers!"

"Those guys on the ranking of earthly students must suffer for a while!"

"I have a suggestion for you!"

"When the day comes when you truly step into the realm of chaos, pray to the Chaos Sun God, or pray to the Immortal First Emperor. Only these two characters can protect your Blood Angel!"

"The Chaos Sun God and the Immortal First Emperor are not bound by any rules of the Chaos God Realm. They are the true overlords of the only two eras!".

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