Uchiha Feiyu finally agreed to Orochimaru and became his disciple. Of course, his disciple's strength was no worse than Orochimaru's. Rather than saying he was a disciple, it was better to say he was an ally to some extent.

Apart from other things, after becoming Uchiha Feiyu's teacher, Uchiha Feiyu's contribution naturally also had a share of Orochimaru's, not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu's current strength was also of great benefit to Orochimaru in his fight for the position of Hokage.

Don't say that Orochimaru has no intention of fighting for the position of Hokage, but only wants to do research. Didn't the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama do research while being a Hokage? The things he researched were no less than those of Orochimaru.

Having a big ninja village behind the scenes to support it greatly promoted the research work. Otherwise, Orochimaru would not need to contact Danzo after his defection, let alone establish the Sound Village.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu didn't think Orochimaru could really get what he wanted. After all, everyone knew that the Hokage of Konoha didn't look at how much credit you had made, but whether you listened to the words of the third generation.

However, it would be a good thing to take this opportunity to get some benefits from Orochimaru.

After becoming Orochimaru's disciple, Orochimaru was not stingy and directly gave Uchiha Feiyu two ninjutsu, namely the Snake Style Substitution Technique and the Rashomon Summoning Technique.

The level of these two ninjutsu is not very high, but they are extremely practical. The Snake Style Substitution Technique is the best among all substitution techniques. Although it consumes a lot of chakra, it can make the original damage invisible.

And the Rashomon technique is extremely rare. It is a powerful defensive ninjutsu that can even resist the Tailed Beast Ball. In terms of defense, it is much stronger than the general water escape and earth escape defensive ninjutsu.

Uchiha Feiyu, who got the ninjutsu, quickly returned to his training ground to start practicing, and then the next day he received the news that the Sand Ninja had surrendered directly.

"Tsk, surrender so soon? The Sand Ninja is not as stubborn as the legend says!"

Looking at the intelligence scroll handed over by the Sand Ninja, Uchiha Feiyu's face showed a very obvious disappointment. If he fought again, the sacrificial black energy he obtained would probably exceed thousands!

As for souls, Uchiha Feiyu gradually discovered the limit of the Soul Binding General. Now that he controls six or seven hundred souls, he has already felt a little pressure. If there are more souls, he will probably have to let go of the souls he controlled before.

Now Uchiha Feiyu has begun to do this. Many weak souls, whose skills were completely eaten up by Uchiha Feiyu, were directly released by him. Anyway, those souls can't help in battle.

In the future, Uchiha Feiyu's Soul Binding General will probably only capture some souls at least at the level of Special Jonin. He no longer needs ordinary souls.

In response to Uchiha Feiyu's complaints, Orochimaru just laughed. Although he accepted Uchiha Feiyu as his disciple, he still felt a little headache about his disciple's personality.

In addition to being afraid of death and cruel, now he also likes to bully the weak? I don't know how such a weird ninja would appear in the Konoha Village, which emphasizes the will of fire?

"Anyway, after the Sand Ninja admits defeat, most of the ninjas on our front line can be withdrawn. I haven't been back to Konoha for a long time. Don't you want to go back and take a look, Feiyu? I miss my laboratory in Konoha Village!"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't miss Konoha Village, but the end of the war is always a happy thing. Life in Konoha Village is much better than in the barracks.


In Konoha Village, the third generation Hokage looked at the surrender letter handed over by the Sand Ninja, breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

"The Sand Ninja was defeated. Orochimaru did a great job!"

"And that Uchiha Hiha, I never thought this kid was so strong. It seems that Hatake Sakumo has a successor!"

"Huruzen, this kid is an Uchiha after all, he is likely to be a threat!"

Danzo in the office was also looking at the intelligence, and suddenly spoke up.

The Third Hokage rolled his eyes at Danzo and said lightly:

"Then what do you say we should do? Danzo? Let him join your root? Didn't you say you don't need such a ninja?"

Danzo's face was dark, silent, how could he know that this kid's talent was so strong at that time?

"Besides... with that kid's personality, it is absolutely impossible for him to join your root. Why don't you try to persuade him to join?"

The Third Hokage said with a smile. With Uchiha Hiha's personality, if Konoha dared to use him as cannon fodder, he would have to defect the next day.

This kind of person is the most troublesome old-timer for the Third Hokage. Generally, only ninjas in their thirties or forties who have no worries will behave like this.

Young ninjas are easily fooled. Ninjas with ninja clans and families have more concerns and are more obedient to arrangements.

However, there are basically few strong ninjas like this who are playing badly. If they are really talented, they would have been brainwashed every day as the focus.

Unfortunately, although Uchiha Feiyu is young, his mind is very clear and he doesn't fall for brainwashing at all.

"Forget it, the character of that kid is not suitable for the root, but Hiruzen, you have to keep an eye on this kid."

Danzo said coldly. He knew very well that it was basically a daydream to force a ninja with such strength and no worries to join the root.

However, his inherent hatred towards Uchiha still made him put some eye drops on Sarutobi Hiruzen. Anyway, as long as he was an Uchiha, he would not be a good person!

"Don't worry, I know the character of that kid very well. Although it is difficult to entrust him with important tasks, at least he has no ambitions."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, indicating that he already understood something, but Shimura Danzo continued:

"Don't forget, he is now also Orochimaru's disciple!"

The expression on the face of the Third Hokage stagnated slightly, and finally shook his head:

"It doesn't matter, Orochimaru is my disciple, I believe he still has a sense of propriety."

Although he said so, the Third Hokage had a thorn in his heart after all. It's not that Uchiha can't enter the master-disciple system of Konoha, such as Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Kagami.

It's just that these Uchiha basically recognized the will of fire and were considered "politically qualified" people.

Although Uchiha Feiyu does not have a good relationship with the Uchiha clan, he obviously does not believe in the will of fire. In addition, he is very powerful, so it is hard to say whether he will have an impact on the inheritance of Hokage in the future.

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