In fact, even synthesizing a type of escape technique bloodline limit is extremely difficult for ninjas.

Especially for the first generation of bloodline limit creators who have not inherited any blood, the difficulty is ten times greater than that of ninjas who have inherited bloodline limits.

However, for Uchiha Feiyu, who has the ability to summon souls and send generals, it is much easier for him to learn bloodline limits - he killed a ninja with bloodline limits, and with the help of the ability of summoning souls and sent generals, as long as he uses the bloodline limit ability a few more times, his body and chakra will naturally give birth to bloodline limits under this stimulation.

Just when Uchiha Feiyu was happy about his harvest, a large amount of soul breath appeared in his perception and completely surrounded the house.

"It's coming fast, even Ye Cang is here?"

With a loud bang, the whole house was blown to pieces by a huge fireball. In the smoke, Uchiha Feiyu rushed out like a lightning.

The two sand ninjas who were blocking the front had not reacted yet, and their necks were cut by the short sword.

However, after receiving the news, the Sand Ninjas who came to encircle and suppress the ghosts of Konoha were naturally not small fish characters. The Sand Ninjas whose necks were cut turned into mud with a crash. It was obviously just two earth clones.

At the same time, the golden fireball fell from the sky again, and with a bang, it exploded on Uchiha Feiyu, blowing him into a cloud of smoke.

"Shadow clone? Be careful! This guy must be invisible! Everyone be on guard, don't disperse the encirclement!"

Ye Cang spoke with a serious face, and at the same time, he bombarded the ruins of the room without hesitation, regardless of the bodies of the Fourth Kazekage and Chiyo.

The living Luosha and Chiyo were the Kazekage and elders of the Sand Village, but after death, they were just corpses with great research value. This is the cruelest fact in the ninja world.

However, after the bombing, the whole room had turned into ashes, and both Luosha and Chiyo had turned into crushed mummies, but there was still no trace of Uchiha Feiyu.

Ye Cang looked at the marks on the ground, her mouth twitched, and veins popped out on her forehead:

"Damn kid... This guy left from underground from the beginning! What a coward!"

Just as Ye Cang started to curse, screams resounded throughout the entire Sand Ninja camp. The expression on her face changed slightly, and she immediately ran in the direction where the screams came from.

But when Ye Cang arrived at the location, she saw only the bodies of Sand Ninjas on the ground, and Uchiha Feiyu had already left.

A moment later, screams of Sand Ninjas were also heard in another direction. Ye Cang, who rushed there again, still did not find the shadow of Uchiha Feiyu, but only saw the Sand Ninjas with heavy casualties.

"Lord Ye Cang, we can't go on like this!"

A calmer Sand Ninja stopped Ye Cang who was about to run over and said:

"Gather all the ninjas. Only in this way can we deal with the invisible assassination of Konoha Ghost!"

"And... Lord Ye Cang, we should surrender to Konoha."

Ye Cang's body shook slightly, and his face showed a bit of anger at first, and then turned into a helpless look.

"I know... Let's gather everyone first!"

The Sand Ninja Village has only three Kage-level combat forces, and the Jinchūriki is still an old monk who can't kill people. Now, Luosha and Chiyo are dead, leaving only the weakest Ye Cang.

This strength has almost fallen out of the category of the Great Ninja Village. To be honest, the strength of the Sand Ninja Village is not necessarily stronger than that of the Rain Ninja Village. If it doesn't admit defeat, it may become the first Great Ninja Village to be destroyed!

After Ye Cang gave the order, all the Sand Ninjas gathered together soon. During this period, even though Uchiha Feiyu killed another thirty or forty Sand Ninjas, she did not move.

When the Sand Ninjas in the entire camp gathered together, Uchiha Feiyu knew that her assassination operation should come to an end.

Now that the fighting power of the Hokage has not expanded, no ninja can defeat the ninja army head-on. It is possible for him to fish in troubled waters to assassinate, but it is definitely impossible to directly confront these ninjas.

Leaving the Sand Ninja Camp again silently, Uchiha Feiyu returned to the Konoha Camp very happily and handed in the task to Orochimaru.

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's report and knowing the current situation of the Sand Ninja Village, Orochimaru immediately judged that the Sand Ninja Village could no longer fight.

"It seems that the war is finally over. Feiyu-kun, you have made great contributions!"

"It has nothing to do with me. It's mainly because you, Lord Orochimaru, killed the Fourth Kazekage. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so easy to win."

Uchiha Feiyu said indifferently. He didn't need military exploits. On the contrary, Orochimaru was still eager for the position of Hokage, so he needed military exploits.

Orochimaru chuckled and suddenly said:

"Feiyu-kun, do you have the idea of ​​becoming my disciple?"

Becoming a disciple of Orochimaru? Uchiha Feiyu was slightly stunned and thought about it.

Is there any benefit in becoming a disciple of Orochimaru? Well, there is. As one of the three ninjas, the candidate for Hokage of Konoha, and the master of forbidden techniques of the ninja village, Orochimaru has all-encompassing ninjutsu, which almost includes all the ninjutsu forbidden techniques of Konoha Ninja Village.

Moreover, he is not like other teachers who pay attention to teaching apprentices step by step. As long as he catches his eye, he will teach most of the ninjutsu forbidden techniques.

As for the disadvantages, if Orochimaru defected in the future, his disciples would definitely be affected in Konoha. In addition, they might be used as containers for replacement bodies by Orochimaru.

But if you think about it carefully... Anyway, as an Uchiha, I don't expect to have any development in Konoha, and I regard myself as the target of the rebirth of the corpse... to get to know the spirits and generals.

Even if I defected with Orochimaru, it seemed that there was no problem, anyway, I had stayed in Konoha long enough.

With my own strength, even if I defected, the pursuit of Konoha Ninja Village would at most be a show, and there was no need to worry about safety issues.

Moreover, Konoha did have a lot of forbidden techniques, which made Uchiha Feiyu quite coveted, but it was almost impossible for him, an Uchiha, to get those forbidden techniques.

For example, the Impure World Reincarnation, the Flying Thunder God, or the Spiritualization Technique, these were the real bottom-line ninjutsu of Konoha, and he, an Uchiha, basically had no way to exchange them normally.

But if he surrendered to Orochimaru, it would be much easier to obtain these ninjutsu from him. Given Orochimaru's character, he didn't have much intention of keeping other ninjutsu secret except for the Eight-Headed Technique and the Reincarnation Technique that were related to his life.

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