Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 57 Ye Cang is seriously injured

Amid the rumbling sound, Uchiha Feiyu dodged the golden fireballs like a nimble bird, ignoring the air waves caused by the explosion. The short sword in his hand, with a brilliant white light, slashed at Ye Cang in an instant.

Ye Cang's body speed was far less than Uchiha Feiyu's, but he did not need to rely on his body speed to fight with Uchiha Feiyu. As her mind moved, the two golden fireballs behind her were already rotating and blocking in front of her, causing Uchiha Feiyu to pause and return without success.

Not only was the killing power of the Burning Escape powerful, but it was also very flexible to control. The two fireballs actually played a defensive role. At least Uchiha Feiyu did not dare to touch them with his body.

Of course, Ye Cang's attack could not threaten Uchiha Feiyu, because her reaction speed and ninjutsu attack speed were too slow compared to Uchiha Feiyu. After a barrage of bombardment, at most, some dust fell on Uchiha Feiyu's head.

"It seems... it's time to use some trump cards!"

Uchiha Feiyu dodged a golden fireball again, his eyes slightly focused, and the lightning on his body suddenly flashed, turning into an aurora and rushing towards Ye Cang again.

Ye Cang also used the same trick again, and the fireballs surrounding his body blocked in front, trying to stop Uchiha Feiyu again, but this time the short sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand suddenly grew and pierced the huge fireball in an instant.

With a puff, the long sword cut Ye Cang's cheek, making her face, which was originally a little surprised, reveal a pale face after surviving a disaster.

After all, who would have thought that the short sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand could be extended and retracted at will? In addition, the big fireball blocked her sight. If it weren't for the danger premonition of being a top ninja, this sword would have pierced through her skull on the spot and taken her life.

"Tsk... I didn't succeed... That's right, even if these top ninjas are blocked from view, they can predict danger very well. If they are so easy to deal with, wouldn't my invisibility and high-speed tactics be invincible?"

Perhaps only ninjutsu like the Wheel Grave Prison can be truly invisible and traceless, and even the danger prediction of top ninjas cannot be sensed. No matter how Uchiha Feiyu restrains his breath, his body still interacts with the outside world, and it is impossible to be completely invisible.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Feiyu did not use the camouflage technique when fighting with Ye Cang, and added all his abilities to speed.

"Really insidious... The descendant of Konoha White Fang actually uses this trick?"

"By the way, what is your impression of Konoha White Fang! That guy is a ninja, not a samurai. Isn't it normal to use various means to kill the opponent?"

Uchiha Feiyu's words made Ye Cang a little speechless. Hatake Sakumo's previous performance was indeed very samurai-like, and he even committed suicide because of his reputation being damaged, but he was indeed an orthodox ninja, not a samurai.

"And do you think the Kusanagi sword is my best move? Now let me show you the latest version of the White Fang Sword Technique!"

Before Ye Cang could react, Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed and approached the blind spot of Ye Cang's sight. The Kusanagi sword in his hand turned back into a normal long sword and stabbed her eyes.

After Ye Cang hastily dodged the attack, the originally sharp sword light suddenly split into two, twisted and weird like a venomous snake, and pointed at her throat.

Blood flowers bloomed on Ye Cang's shoulder. Although the female ninja dodged the sword's throat by rolling with the lazy donkey, a deep scar on her shoulder was still left.

However, Ye Cang had no chance to deal with the scar on her shoulder at this moment. The White Fang Sword Technique, which was integrated with the Exorcist Sword Technique, was not only unpredictable in its moves, but also pressing step by step, and there was no mercy.

The long sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand was like a strange poisonous dragon with nine heads, constantly lingering and biting Ye Cang's eyes, throat, chest, and genitals.

Facing this set of moves that appeared for the first time in the Naruto world, Ye Cang was extremely uncomfortable. She didn't even have the opportunity to use her proud Burning Escape, and could only dodge with ninjutsu such as the Instant Body Technique.

After only a dozen moves, the Burning Escape user was already covered in blood. Even if he avoided the vital parts, he was still covered in wounds and was likely to be on the verge of death in the next move.

At this moment, a swishing sound rang in Uchiha Feiyu's ears. He frowned slightly, and the long sword in his hand turned into an arc. With a ding-dong sound, he knocked away a dozen poisonous needles that were shot over.

"Old lady Chiyo... Are you going to let me fight two people at once? Where are all the other Konoha ninjas?"

Looking at the old lady driving ten puppets and rushing over, Uchiha Feiyu cursed in his heart, but now the battlefield was in chaos, and he could not see the shadow of another Konoha strongman Akimichi Tofu.

"Was she killed by Chiyo? If that's the case, I might as well just run away!"

After the battle with Ye Cang, Uchiha Feiyu now has some confidence in his own strength. Facing Ye Cang or Chiyo alone, he basically has an absolute chance of winning, but if he faces two Kage-level people, it will be really dangerous.

"The descendant of White Fang? No, your swordsmanship has surpassed that man. Such a young strong man... Konoha is indeed the cradle of geniuses!"

"So, for the Sand Ninja, you will die here today... Bastard, don't run away!"

While the old lady Chiyo was still talking nonsense and talking nonsense, Uchiha Feiyu turned around and ran without saying a word, and his figure gradually disappeared into the air.

"Is this bastard really the descendant of White Fang? He is so shameless!"

The speed of puppeteers has always been a problem. Even for a legendary puppeteer like Chiyo, the speed of his movement is at most the same as that of an ordinary jonin. When Uchiha Feiyu really turned around and ran away, Chiyo was helpless.

As for Ye Cang, who had just taken a breath, not to mention that her speed was not as fast as Uchiha Feiyu, her injuries were also a great burden to her. If she dared to chase him alone, Uchiha Feiyu would not mind killing her in return.

"Senior Chiyo... This Konoha ghost can escape, but these Konoha ninjas can't. Don't forget that our war is ultimately to defeat Konoha!"

Ye Cang, who was covered in blood, reminded Chiyo, who immediately came back to his senses and nodded grimly:

"Well... Didn't they say the Will of Fire in Konoha? I don't believe this guy is so patient that he can remain indifferent when seeing his companions being killed!"

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