Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 56 The battle begins

On the Kikyo Mountain defense line, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the dagger with cold light shining in his hand. He felt the chakra flowing smoothly in the dagger and couldn't help but sigh:

"Orochimaru is so generous! If this Kusanagi Sword were left outside, it would probably be sold for at least tens of millions of taels!"

"Konoha's foundation is still very rich. It is appropriate to equip you with a magical weapon that can fully unleash the power of the White Fang Sword Technique."

Hatake Sakumo's soul spoke lightly, as if he was thinking of something:

"I also asked the village to help me make my White Fang dagger."

"It's different. The value of the White Fang Dagger is not comparable to that of the Kusanagi Sword. That sword can only be regarded as an excellent product at best, but it is definitely not as good as a legendary weapon like the Kusanagi Sword. Moreover, it is Orochimaru's personal belongings. What does it have to do with Konoha?"

"Besides, even if the village customized the White Fang dagger for you, you must still have paid for the materials and labor, right? This is a purely free prostitution. I got the reward even before I carried out the task."

Hatake Sakumo was speechless. Thinking about it carefully, Orochimaru was indeed a bit too generous.

Uchiha Feiyu had some suspicions in his mind. Orochimaru obviously wanted to win over him!

Do you see yourself as a container for reincarnation, or do you want to be the Hokage?

He didn't know Orochimaru's current mentality, and Uchiha Feiyu couldn't guess Orochimaru's thoughts, but he was certain of one thing, Orochimaru was interested in him.

"Actually, it's not bad to join Uncle Snake's camp. After all, Uncle Snake's research ability is not limited, and his moral bottom line is very low, which is suitable for the development of a demonic character."

However, these are things that should be considered after the third war. The top priority now is to deal with the menacing Sand Ninja.

On the skyline, a golden wave appeared vaguely, with a rumbling sound like a sea tide, reflecting dazzling light, and rushed straight towards the battle line.

"The art of placer gold is such a great feat. This Fourth Kazekage is really arrogant!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and it was hard to tell whether it was ridicule or praise in his tone.

The golden placer gold looks majestic and majestic, but unfortunately it is not real gold, just a metal mixture containing a small amount of gold. Otherwise, the Fourth Kazekage, a gold miner, would not be able to feed a village of sand ninjas, and would put the five major He could afford to raise the Ninja Village even if it was packed away.

"After all, he is the Kazekage. He represents the face of Suna Ninja Village."

Orochimaru sneered. Today he rarely put on a ninja vest and tied up his long hair behind him. He looked neat and tidy, obviously ready for battle.

Seeing the golden waves rolling in, Orochimaru did not hesitate and formed a seal with his hands. In the filled white smoke, a huge figure of Wan She appeared.

This huge snake still had some burn spots on its body, which were the scars left from the last battle with the four Jinchūriki, and it looked even more sinister.

"Orochimaru...what opponent is this time?"

Wan She spoke lazily, mainly because it appeared in several battles during this period. After each battle, Orochimaru would ask Wan She to clean up the battlefield. A large number of worthless chuunin and genin corpses had already been destroyed. The ferocious psychic beast was full.

"This time it's the Sand Ninja Village. It's still the same. If the battle can be won, the corpses of the Sand Ninja Genin and Chuunin who don't have any important information will all be sacrifices to you!"

"Sand ninja...those guys playing with sand? Haha, it looks like I can have a good meal again!"

A ferocious smile appeared on Wan She's face, he lifted up Orochimaru who was standing on his head, and ran straight towards the golden sand wave.

The golden wave was forced to stop in an instant, and Orochimaru on the giant snake's head and the Fourth Kazekage stepping on the golden sand started a battle like a barrage of wheat.

At the same time, a large number of Suna Ninja teams and Konoha teams also appeared from all directions, and the entire Kikyo Mountain turned into a chaotic battlefield in an instant.

Uchiha Feiyu sighed, and his body slowly disappeared. At the same time, the bodies of several sand ninjas who rushed towards him shook slightly, and a blood mark appeared on their necks, and their heads rolled down.

"Don't worry about old lady Chiyo for now. I'll kill one first and make a little profit!"

Then an invisible Kamaita storm was set off among the Sand Ninjas. In an instant, the Sand Ninjas near Uchiha Feiyu changed their jobs one by one into Flying Barbarians. The terrifying sight made the Sand Ninjas who saw this scene... His face changed drastically:

"Konoha ghost... Konoha ghost is here!!"

"Can't see, can't see at all, can't even hear the sound...Run!"

Faced with the invisible attack, even the ferocious and disciplined Suna ninja were quickly frightened. However, because the battlefield of ninjas was so large, they would not collapse and rush into battle. On the contrary, Slowed down Uchiha Feiyu's killing efficiency.

"Konoha Ghost?! That damn coward is finally out!"

At this moment, Ye Cang, who had just killed a Konoha ninja, looked happy and rushed directly in the direction of Uchiha Feiyu. The golden fireball rotated in the sky, splitting into countless tiny sparks with a bang, and swept away several A space the size of a basketball court.

"You can't hide... Come out and die, damn Konoha ghost!"

Uchiha Feiyu slowly revealed his figure, frowned and patted the sparks on his shoulder. Unexpectedly, he actually attracted this woman.

Sorry, although you are very pretty, my target has always been that old lady!

Well, the main reason is that Ye Cang's Burning Style has too much restraint on the melee type Uchiha Feiyu. If he touches it, he will turn into a mummy. Just being illuminated by the big fireball will make sweat and physical strength flow down.

And the high temperature will also cause the camouflage and hiding technique to be distorted, and it is impossible to maintain a perfect stealth state.

In this case, Uchiha Feiyu in the possessed state, even if her hard power is better than Ye Cang, does not want to risk fighting with her.

How good is old lady Chiyo? Puppet masters are naturally restrained by high-speed ninjas, and Hatake Sakumo even chopped the Sand Ninja puppet masters. They are experienced among experienced hands. They can win by chopping this old lady without thinking.

Unfortunately, Ye Cang, who has a bad temper, doesn't care so much. She remembers how Uchiha Feiyu used a shadow clone to trick her, and then made her eat sand in the desert for more than a month without even touching a hair.

Now that he saw me appear, the Burning Escape Master naturally didn't say a word and just raised his hand and threw a fireball over.

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