In the endless desert, a very normal Sand Ninja team was escorting a backpack of scrolls towards the border.

At this moment, the Sand Ninja Jounin who was walking in the front suddenly stopped and waved his hand gently. The three Chunins under him also stopped and looked around nervously, alert.

With a whoosh, a kunai suddenly appeared in the void and stabbed the Jounin at a high speed. The Jounin moved his mind and a stream of yellow sand rose from the ground, blocking the stabbing kunai.

"What's going on? Is the other party invisible?"

"I didn't hear any sound... Is this Konoha's ghost killer?"

"Don't look around, look carefully at the ground!"

The leading Sand Ninja Jounin shouted in a low voice, causing several panicked Chunins to come back to their senses and look at the ground, finally seeing a very faint mark on the sand.

Above the faint footprints, the originally empty scene slowly faded, revealing the figure of Uchiha Feiyu, who sighed softly:

"That's why I hate places like the Kingdom of Wind, there's sand everywhere, and it's very difficult to hide my traces!"

"Sooner or later, I'll have to upgrade the Light and Heavy Rock Technique to the Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique, and then I'll be truly invisible and traceless when flying in the air."

"Konoha Ghost... you finally showed up!"

The ninja who manipulated the sand looked at Uchiha Feiyu with a serious face, and there was even a hint of joy on his face:

"You destroyed nearly half of the supplies supporting the front line, and you killed hundreds of ninjas - this time we're going to pay you back with blood!"

"Really? Have I killed so many Sand Ninjas? End It doesn't feel real at all... I just remember that I ate sand for more than two months. "

"Also, what does the nickname Konoha Ghost mean? It sounds a bit low!"

Uchiha Feiyu stretched out a hand and scratched his face, looking indifferent, then looked up at the Sand Ninja in front of him:

"A ninja who can control sand... It seems that you are still a high-level Sand Ninja!"

"But with your sand control technique, I'm afraid I can't give you so much confidence. If there is an ambush, call people out quickly!"

The Sand Village can be said to be the ninja village with the fewest bloodline ninjas, but the few types do not mean the few. The Sand Clan is the ninja clan with the largest number in the Wind Country, and may even be the ninja clan with the largest number in the entire ninja world.

The unique skill of the Sand Clan is the sand control technique combined with wind escape and earth escape. In fact, the so-called sand control technique is actually a degraded bloodline limit. According to the rules of the ninja world, it should be called sand escape.

However, compared with the so-called sand escape, the more famous one should be the magnetic escape of the Sand Village. These two bloodline limits are in a progressive relationship, and the sand control technique is a weakened type of magnetic escape.

Although both are bloodline limits mixed with wind and earth chakra, the so-called difference is a thousand miles away. The power of magnetic escape far exceeds the sand control technique, which is why the Sand Ninja just calls Sand Escape the Sand Control Secret Technique.

Just like the Raikage comes from the Night Moon Clan, the Wind Shadow also comes from the Sand Control Clan, and even if there are many ninjas in the Sand Control Clan, there are only more than 20 people who can really practice the Sand Control Secret Technique. It can be said that everyone has a high status in the Sand Ninja.

During this period, Uchiha Feiyu was almost afraid of killing the ninjas who transported supplies to the Sand Ninja. Suddenly, a ninja from the Sand Control Clan appeared. It is definitely impossible that he came here to be cannon fodder. The biggest possibility is naturally a trap.

The ninja sneered and said lightly:

"It's just relying on the ability of invisibility to play tricks. Do you think this trick will work on me..."

However, before the Sand Village ninja finished speaking, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a phantom, and rushed up with a whoosh. In the sound of swishing, after a fight like a gust of wind and lightning, Uchiha Feiyu retreated back to his original position.

The original Sand Ninja's face fell off with a crackling sound, and turned into a pile of sand, but it was a layer of sand shell that blocked Uchiha Feiyu's sudden attack.

However, the Sand Ninja's face was very ugly. He turned his head and looked at the three Chunins behind him.

The three Chunins had a bloody wound on their necks, and blood spurted out like red mist, making a light rustling sound. The three covered their necks, their throats trembled twice, and their eyes were filled with despair, and they fell to the ground.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so fast!"

A rustling sound was heard, and the cracked face was covered with sand again, returning to its original state. The Sand Ninja pulled out the scroll he was carrying from behind and said coldly:

"I really can't stop you with my strength against a high-speed ninja like you, but this time, you really can't escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Sand Ninja directly pulled open the scroll in his hand, and there was a bang bang bang sound, and several ninjas appeared directly on the battlefield.

It turned out that the scroll was a disposable item for ninja summoning. Obviously, the Sand Ninja was determined to get rid of Uchiha Feiyu, a big worry.

Among the summoned ninjas, the leader was a rather gorgeous female ninja.

Her green hair was combed into a bun, with two orange highlights on the front, orange pupils, a hot body, and a sleeveless backless dress.

Although there are some subtle differences between the second dimension and the third dimension, with such an obvious dress, Uchiha Feiyu could still recognize the identity of the ninja in front of him at a glance - it was the famous unlucky guy from Suna Ninja Village who was sent to the fog. Shinobi's gift of alliance (send death), Sword Release Envoy Ye Cang!

This Burnt Release user is probably the strongest ninja of the younger generation in Sand Ninja Village besides the Fourth Kazekage. To be able to win the title of Sand Ninja Hero, he should have a strength close to or reaching Kage level.

In addition, the remaining three ninjas should be at least jounin-level ninjas in terms of momentum. In addition to the sand ninja jonin who transported supplies, the four jonins each have a shadow level or quasi-kage. This scale is enough to deal with a village of shadows.

"Is it actually Yakura, the Burning Release user of the Sand Ninja? You guys take me too seriously! Do you even care about the front lines of the Mist Ninja Village?"

Contrary to his serious tone, Uchiha Feiyu's face was still very relaxed, without any trace of nervousness.

"The bandits in Mist Ninja Village can only wreak havoc along the coast and don't dare to go deep into the desert of the Country of Wind. In comparison, defeating Konoha is more important!"

Ye Cang said calmly, while several other ninjas had already moved silently, directly surrounding Uchiha Feiyu.

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