Orochimaru's guess was not wrong, and it can even be said that he underestimated the means of the Sand Ninja.

Just after the Konoha ninja returned to the camp, they also received intelligence that the Konoha field hospital in the rear was attacked and suffered heavy losses. The hospital camp and the internal equipment and medicines were all destroyed, and most of the medical ninjas were killed or injured. Only 20% to 30% of the medical ninjas escaped.

After receiving the intelligence, Orochimaru's face was gloomy, and the other ninjas were even more angry. Attacking the enemy hospital on the battlefield was indeed an extremely cruel means.

Of course, ninjas are a profession that will do anything to achieve their goals. When they are angry, the ninja village can even send children under ten years old to the battlefield. Attacking hospitals can only be regarded as pediatrics.

The problem is that in the battle with the Sand Ninja, medical treatment is the most important part, because the Sand Ninja is the ninja village that is best at using poison in the entire ninja world. If the puppeteers of the Sand Ninja do not have seven or eight kinds of deadly toxins, they will be laughed at by their peers on the street.

It can be said that this move of the Sand Ninja can be regarded as hitting the snake at its weakest point, and it hit Konoha's vital point at once.

"Notify everyone that our ninja team will take a defensive position during this period, and report to the village to request support from medical ninjas and medical supplies. In a short period of time, the Sand Ninja will definitely increase their offensive and provocation. I hope everyone will restrain themselves. When the support from the village arrives, the situation can be reversed."

Orochimaru distributed the tasks in an orderly manner. Now the medical system in the camp has collapsed for the most part, and in addition, Konoha has just fought a big battle with the Rock Ninja Village. Even if it wins a great victory, Konoha has suffered certain losses. In a short period of time, facing the Sand Ninja, it can only avoid its edge.

After that, Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Feiyu and said:

"Feiyu, I also have a task for you. I hope you can cut off the supply line of the Sand Village and try to disrupt their logistics."

Uchiha Feiyu blinked his eyes and showed an innocent expression:

"Is this task a bit too difficult? I am a ninja who just graduated from the Ninja School for a year. I am afraid it will be difficult to perform this task well!"

Is it so easy to run to the Wind Country to cut off the logistics line? Generally, among ten ninjas who perform such tasks, it is considered lucky to be able to return three. In more cases, hundreds of ninjas are sent in, and only three or five remnants come back!

Although Uchiha Feiyu still has some confidence in his current strength, it is still dangerous to run to the Wind Country to deal with the Sand Ninja.

Uchiha Feiyu has made up his mind. If Orochimaru really insists on going to the Wind Country to kill the enemy, then he can only go there and slack off slowly. Anyway, Orochimaru can't see him after arriving in the Wind Country. Isn't it up to him to decide how to perform the task?

If I just explain that I got lost or had bad luck and couldn't find the Sand Ninja Transport Team, would Orochimaru still kill me?

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's excuse, the senior ninjas in the camp had different expressions. Do you think it's unfair to say this? Have you forgotten the hundreds of ninjas who died at your hands?

However, after hearing Uchiha Feiyu's reminder, the ninjas were a little scared when they thought about it. He could kill so many people on the battlefield just one year after graduating from the Ninja School. This Uchiha kid was a little scary in terms of talent and mental state.

Orochimaru also felt a little headache. This kid was a little too slick, but Uchiha Feiyu's combat power was indeed what the entire Konoha camp needed now.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru said:

"In this case, I allow you to select three ninjas in the camp to assist you in performing the mission. There will be no problem, right?"

After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu thought about it for a while. If the three ninjas selected were well matched, it would indeed greatly reduce the danger of this mission.

Of course, with three ninja subordinates, it is not easy to slack off when carrying out the mission. You have to fight with the Sand Ninjas of the Wind Country.

In the end, it was the souls and lives of those Sand Ninjas that moved Uchiha Feiyu. He has accumulated almost 300 Rock Ninja souls. If he collects more Sand Ninja souls, he will definitely be able to exchange the desired abilities from the Book of Magic Inheritance.

Besides, if it is really dangerous, he can also abandon the three subordinates and run away...

Orochimaru did what he said and directly handed over the information of all the special jonin and chunin in the camp to Uchiha Feiyu, letting him choose by himself.

Forget about the jonin level. There are only a dozen in the camp. They are all in their own place and cannot leave. Moreover, Uchiha Feiyu is not easy to command.

The strength and ability of special jonin are not necessarily weaker than those of jonin. Many special jonin are stuck in that position only because of political factors. In fact, their abilities are enough to be promoted to jonin.

After looking through the list, Uchiha Feiyu first picked out Yamanaka Chengyi, his companion from the last mission, and then selected a special jonin from the Hyuga branch. For the last spot, he selected a special jonin who also practiced medical ninjutsu.

Professional medical ninjas basically don't go to the battlefield, but in fact, there are many ninjas who also practice some medical ninjutsu, and even many ninjas who practice medical ninjutsu are better than ordinary medical ninjas.

It can be said that it was bad luck. Uchiha Feiyu killed so many ninjas, but unfortunately none of them had advanced medical ninjutsu. The most powerful ninja could only know some simple hemostasis and healing techniques at most.

After reading it, Orochimaru waved his hand and agreed to Uchiha Feiyu's request, and then asked the three to go to the Wind Country to carry out the mission the next day.

At the entrance of the camp, Uchiha Feiyu brought Yamanaka Chengyi, looked at his other two subordinates, and said:

"The mission is about to be carried out. Let's introduce each other. My name is Uchiha Feiyu. I am good at swordsmanship, lightning escape, and invisibility. I am a standard high-speed ninja."

"The one next to me is Yamanaka Chengyi. He has carried out missions with me before. He is a perceptual ninja and has the ability to communicate remotely."

The two ninjas selected by Uchiha Feiyu looked at each other. The one who was the ninja of the Hyuga clan was the first to come. Speaking:

"My name is Hyuga Ichiro. Like other members of the Hyuga clan, I am good at soft fists and perception."

Another Konoha ninja also spoke:

"My name is Ito Ryoma. I am good at earth escape ninjutsu and physical techniques. In addition, I also know some medical ninjutsu, including the thin wound extraction technique and palm magic technique."

The thin wound extraction technique is the nemesis of poison. With this technique, as long as the early treatment is proper, there is no need to worry about poisoning. In other words, there are too few ninjas who know this technique, otherwise the poison of Sand Village would not make people shudder.

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