Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 44 Tracking and Traps

"Tsk, I'm still being caught up! But you, Redbeard, are persistent enough. We are almost close to Konoha's camp. Do you dare to catch up?!"

"So what if you are close to the Konoha camp? Even if the entire Konoha camp comes out now, they will never be able to save you!"

Jinchūriki Laozi made arrogant remarks with a fierce look on his face, making Uchiha Feiyu twitch his lips.

Is this guy's head assimilated by the four-tailed gorilla? Do you really think that the Jinchuuriki are invincible?

"Tsk, that's such a big statement... I'm really being underestimated!"

A cold voice rang in his ears, followed by venomous snakes of all sizes shooting like flying arrows. Amid the screams, less than half of the ninjas who followed Lao Zi were bitten by the venomous snakes in an instant, leaving them covered in bruises. breath.

"Orochimaru! Why are you here?!"

"Damn it, this is a trap!"

"Konoha ninja, so many Konoha ninjas!"

The Iwa Ninja team was in panic, and the ground trembled. A dozen Konoha ninjas instantly appeared on the ground and rushed directly towards the Iwa Ninja team.

These ninjas had been hiding underground from the beginning, thus hiding it from the eyes and ears of the Iwa Ninja team. Speaking of which, this is still the trick Iwa Ninja is best at. Unexpectedly, this time Konoha responded with his own way. His body is gone.

"Damn it, I was tricked!"

Lao Zi casually strangled two poisonous snakes that rushed towards him, and a layer of molten lava formed on his body, scalding all the poisonous snakes that jumped towards him to death.

But looking at his companions who were poisoned to death, he was also secretly frightened. You must know that because ninjas possess chakra, their poison resistance is much higher than that of ordinary people, and the effect of ordinary poisons on them will be greatly reduced.

However, these venomous snakes are much more powerful than ordinary venomous snakes in terms of toxicity and speed. They were obviously carefully cultivated by Orochimaru.

In fact, after Orochimaru obtained the method of cultivating the silver-scaled monster snake, he had already begun to cultivate the king of poisons. The poisonous snakes in front of him were only by-products of the cultivation, but they were much stronger than ordinary psychic poisonous snakes. cut.

Amidst the roaring sounds, the battlefield was directly divided into several pieces, and the remaining five or six Iwa ninjas were forced to disperse.

Almost every Iwa Ninja had to face the siege of two or three Konoha ninjas. When the personal strength of both sides was almost the same, the Iwa Ninjas quickly showed their weakness.

"Molten escape, lava bomb!"

The huge magma fireball hit Uchiha Feiyu. The sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand flashed and split open the magma fireball. But at the same time, the huge fireball also turned into lava all over the sky and sputtered out. The entire battlefield suddenly became a mess. confusion.

The tailed beast suit exuding high-temperature chakra enveloped Lao Zi's whole body, and even a tail formed of chakra stretched out from behind Lao Zi. The terrifying chakra aura made Uchiha Feiyu feel stagnant.

"What a terrifying chakra, it's just a tail... It seems that I underestimated the tailed beasts. The chakra of these monsters is more than ten times stronger than the Kage level!"

Fortunately, the main force against Lao Zi this time was not Uchiha Feiyu. Without saying a word, Orochimaru directly pressed his hands to the ground. After a huge burst of smoke, a seventy or eighty meter long purple snake suddenly appeared on the battlefield. .

"Orochimaru, don't forget to give me a sacrifice!"

As soon as the huge snake appeared, he spoke greedily, causing Orochimaru, who was standing on the head of the snake, to have a vein on his forehead:

"When this battle is over, you can eat as many Iwa-nins as you like, I'm afraid you will be strangled to death!"


With a roar full of rage, Lao Zi, who saw Orochimaru summoning even giant psychic beasts, finally no longer suppressed the chakra in his body. The terrifying chakra continued to expand and turned into a huge gorilla.

"Damn Orochimaru, no wonder you called me out... and actually asked me to deal with the tailed beast!!"

"Stop being wordy! Get ready!"

Although Wan Snake complained repeatedly, he did not hesitate in his actions. He rushed directly towards the four-tailed Sun Wukong. The snake tail like a pillar of heaven swept past him on the spot, sweeping the four-tailed Sun Wukong to the ground who had just woken up.

As the signature psychic beast of Longdi Cave, Wan Snake has a cruel and unruly personality, and is extremely difficult to tame. His only advantage is that he dares to chew hard bones.

With a loud bang, the battle between the two monsters spread out a huge wave of air. Many ninjas who had already dispersed and were fighting on their own suddenly began to escape from the attack range of the two giant beasts.

The battle between giant psychics and tailed beasts like Wan Snake and the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong is simply not something that ordinary ninjas can intervene in. A random collision between the two beasts can cause serious damage to ordinary ninjas in the aftermath of the battle.

Uchiha Feiyu saw that Orochimaru had taken away the hatred of the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, with his own almost complete imitation of Hatake Sakumo's fighting style, he was really helpless against the Tailed Beast. Start everywhere.

Then, Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the other ninjas who were completely separated due to the battle between the two monsters, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"You bastard of an Iwa ninja, you chased me so hard! Why don't you chase me now?"

"Since you don't chase me anymore, it's time for me to chase you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the other Iwa ninjas who were fighting.

As the ninjas carefully selected by Orochimaru, the Konoha ninjas are also elites with special jonin as the foundation. Their strength is not inferior to that of the Rock Ninjas. Their number is more than double that of their opponents. The Rock Ninjas are naturally no match for them and are just struggling to hold on.

However, when Uchiha Feiyu rushed into the battlefield without any martial ethics, the defense line that the Rock Ninjas barely held on completely collapsed. Facing the unparalleled White Fang swordsmanship, the opponent still attacked directly from behind. The Rock Ninjas, who were already at a disadvantage, were naturally killed on the spot with one sword.

After just a few minutes, Uchiha Feiyu pulled out a short knife from the vest of the last Rock Ninja and took away his soul.

This time when exploring the Rock Ninja camp, the number of ninjas killed by Uchiha Feiyu was only a little more than the last time, less than 30, but the quality was much better. At least half of them were ninjas above the special jonin level.

"What should we do next? I can't interfere with the battle of the tailed beasts! If you have any tricks to deal with the tailed beasts, do it quickly!"

Looking at the snakes being beaten by the gorilla not far away, Uchiha Feiyu looked around at his companions and spoke.

When he secretly reported the information to Orochimaru through the snakes in the Ryuchi Cave, he clearly told Orochimaru that there was a Jinchūriki on the opposite side. He really didn't believe that Orochimaru would not make any preparations.

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