Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 43 Escape and Pursuit

Since the first raid was unsuccessful, Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of entangled with Lao Zi anymore, but Lao Zi would not let Uchiha Feiyu withdraw so easily.

With a roar, Lao Zi's body had formed a complete tailed beast suit, and he said with a cold expression:

"Originally I didn't want to expose this ability, but at your age you can surpass that limit and become a Kage-level ninja. It's really too dangerous. I can't let you continue to grow!"

"Melting Escape—Scorching River!"

The identity of the jinchuriki was exposed, and Lao Zi's aura increased several times at the same time. The terrifying magma spewed out like a huge river, rushing towards Uchiha Feiyu like a huge wave.

Faced with this overwhelming full-screen attack, even at the speed of Uchiha Feiyu, it is difficult to escape. Fortunately, his current earth escape technology has also improved a lot, and a huge earth wall has risen from the ground with his hands. :

"Earth Escape - Earth Current City Wall!"

The earth wall briefly blocked the gushing river of magma, and was soon completely burned through. However, after a while, Uchiha Feiyu had already withdrawn from the attack range.

Facing the Jinchuuriki who had gradually used the power of the tailed beasts, Uchiha Feiyu knew that he could not get anything good, so he turned around and began to retreat.

"Boy, don't even think about escaping!"

Seeing that Uchiha Feiyu was running faster than a rabbit, Lao Zi naturally started to chase him, but he stopped after two steps - the speed difference between the two was a bit big:

"You bastard, you guy, don't you even have a little face?"

"Haha, you are a Jinchuuriki in his 30s and you are pursuing me, a ninja who has only graduated from a ninja school less than a year ago. Are you ashamed of yourself?"

Uchiha Feiyu retorted while running away, and soon disappeared from Lao Zi's sight, leaving only the jinchūriki who was helpless and furious.

"Are these rats born in the year of the dog? Are they chasing so fast?"

Uchiha Feiyu once again killed a team from the Iwa Ninja Village and complained, but because the team just fired a signal flare, he did not dare to neglect and hurriedly started to escape.

Running along the way has consumed a lot of his physical strength, and now that he is deep into the area occupied by the Iwa Ninja, there may be some obstacles ahead. Now he no longer dares to use Thunder Release to stimulate his body.

Although the thunder escape technique can greatly speed up one's own cells by stimulating it, it will also greatly increase the speed of one's own exhaustion. It can be used in battle or when leaving the battlefield, but using it as a tactic to rush on the road, at least Uchiha Feiyu can still Don't have that kind of physical strength.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu also knew the reason why these rock ninjas were chasing him.

Of course, it was his talent that scared them in the first place, which made Iwa Ninja think of killing him as soon as possible.

The second point is that he knows the information about the Jinchuuriki coming to the battlefield. It is no surprise that if the information is leaked, both Konoha and Sand Ninja will directly regard the Iwa Ninja as the first target of attack and attack them first. Get kicked out!

"Iwa Ninja Village has a sensory ninjutsu that can sense the fluctuations transmitted by the ground and understand the movements of enemies within seven or eight kilometers... However, the number of Iwa Ninjas with this level of perception is very rare."

The soul of Hatake Sakumo said to Uchiha Feiyu in a calm voice. After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes lit up:

"In other words, the other party is actually sensing a large area through ground fluctuations?"

"Yes, generally if a companion constantly interferes with Earth Release Ninjutsu, it can disrupt the opponent's perception."

"I don't have any companions to help, but I think..."

Uchiha Feiyu directly summoned a rock ninja's soul ball. Looking at the confused soul under his control, a smile appeared on his lips:

"As long as I become lighter, won't I be able to feel it?"

"The other party's vibration has disappeared, and I can no longer sense his movements!"

Two kilometers behind Uchiha Feiyu, a bespectacled Iwa ninja frowned and turned back to Lao Zi.

The scars on Lao Zi's face were still dripping with blood, and with his messy red hair and beard, he looked full of a ferocious aura.

However, despite his ferocious appearance, he acted very calmly and was not angry. Instead, he asked in a low voice:

"Do you think the kid used psychic skills to leave, or did he simply interfere with your perception?"

"It should have interfered with my perception. If I used psychic techniques, his vibration waves should have disappeared instantly, but in my perception, I can feel the process of the weight of his body changing from heavy to light - as if he is light and heavy. Same as Rock Technique!”

It has to be said that the elite ninjas from the Great Ninja Village do have two skills. Both their observation and analysis abilities are far beyond ordinary people, and they can really analyze the state of Uchiha Feiyu.

"The Jutsu of Light and Heavy Rocks? This is the secret ninjutsu of our ninja village. How could that kid do it?"

"Isn't it because your perception is wrong? On the mountain!"

"There may also be some other ninjutsu, such as ninjutsu that uses wind escape ninjutsu to reduce body weight."

As soon as the sentient ninja named Shan finished speaking, the seven or eight ninjas behind him started talking about it.

The sensory ninja named Shan Shan didn't say anything, but there was a look of disapproval on his face. He trusted his own perception ability very much, and he could be sure that 90% of the techniques used by Uchiha Feiyu were light and heavy rock techniques, or at least earth escape. Gravity-based ninjutsu.

As for the wind escape ninjutsu, please, being blown by the wind and losing weight due to anti-gravity are completely different vibration waves, okay?

In fact, the reason why the rock ninjas behaved like this was because they were too concerned. After all, the gravity-based earth escape ninjutsu was also a secret in the Rock Village. The confidentiality level was second only to the dust escape of the Tsuchikage. In theory, it was a ninjutsu that could never be learned by ninjas from other ninja villages.

"Okay, stop talking too much! No matter whether that kid used the light and heavy rock technique, as long as we kill him and search his head, we will know, right?"

Lao Zi's cold voice suppressed the discussion of others, and the ninjas following Lao Zi stopped talking immediately.

These ninjas were reinforcements sent by Huang Tu. They were all elites who were recognized to participate in this pursuit battle. The distance of two kilometers was already within their tracking range.

After Lao Zi, the Jinchūriki, gave the order, a group of people also used their abilities and then chased in the direction of Uchiha Feiyu.

After Uchiha Feiyu used the Light and Heavy Rock Technique to reduce his weight, the other teams were unable to grasp his direction. As expected, they found that the number of ninjas who intercepted him had decreased a lot.

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