Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 3 Konoha White Fang

Anyway, Kakashi was quite happy to win, especially since the battle was a back-and-forth battle, and both sides had done their best to some extent, which increased Kakashi's sense of achievement.

Naturally, Kakashi did not refuse what he had promised Uchiha Feiyu, and gave Uchiha Feiyu a seal scroll, asking him to clean up the giant bear's body.

However, because Konoha White Fang was out on a mission, Uchiha Feiyu could not go to pay a visit in a short time.

After parting with Kakashi, Uchiha Feiyu returned to his home. His current house was a single-family house, which was built just outside the Uchiha clan's territory.

After opening the door and walking into the house, Uchiha Feiyu looked up at the family photo on the desk, and a trace of haze flashed in his eyes.

Not long after Uchiha Feiyu awakened the Sharingan, his civilian parents died suddenly due to an "accident".

Although Feiyu's feelings for his parents are not deep due to reincarnation, he is definitely not indifferent. He has been holding back his breath for the accidental death of the two.

But firstly, he is weak now, and secondly, he does not know the real reason for his parents' death. Although the Uchiha clan is a big suspect, as a pseudo-minor with a mature mind and a very good understanding of the Konoha Ninja Village, Feiyu will not directly identify the Uchiha as the murderer.

The conspirators in this world always like to brainwash ninjas through hatred and other methods. If someone deliberately uses this method to guide his hatred towards the Uchiha, Uchiha Feiyu will not be surprised at all.

Uchiha Feiyu's performance has always been bad, of course, it is out of his nature not to want to be a ninja, and at the same time, there is also a part of the idea of ​​​​disguising himself. As long as he is bad enough, no one can use him.

After staying at home for two days, on the morning of the third day, Uchiha Feiyu, who was exercising, heard a knock at the door, wiped his sweat, and walked directly to the door.

After the door opened, a white-haired boy appeared in front of Uchiha Feiyu. It was Hatake Kakashi.

"Kakashi? Why did you come to see me? Could it be that Senior White Fang is back?"

"Yes, you are lucky. Father came back last night!"

"Don't you want to go to see your father? It's just right that you can go today!"

Kakashi, wearing a mask, said calmly, but Uchiha Feiyu keenly felt a hint of impatience from Kakashi's tone.

If it were someone else, they might misunderstand that Kakashi had a bad attitude because of Uchiha Feiyu's request.

However, Uchiha Feiyu knew Kakashi very well. At least Kakashi, who was still in the cub state, was the kind of person who would respond to his requests. It was impossible for him to have any emotions because of his own requests.

Could it be that Konoha White Fang's mission failed this time?

Uchiha Feiyu turned this thought in his mind. According to the time, it was almost at this time that Konoha White Fang ushered in the first and last failed mission in his life.

After that, Hatake Sakumo couldn't stand the rumors and committed suicide at home. To some extent, the death of Konoha White Fang was also one of the fuses of the Third Ninja World War.

Under the leadership of Kakashi, Uchiha Feiyu soon arrived at his door. Kakashi knocked on the door. After a while, a ninja who looked a little tired opened the door.

This ninja was tall and had a cold face. From his silver hair and handsome appearance, we can see the blood relationship between him and Kakashi.

His body was straight and his movements were standard and refined, as if he was a sharp blade. Only his bloodshot eyes and slightly confused eyes could show his fatigue.

The current Konoha Ninja Village has not reached the time when rumors are spreading everywhere, but the only mission failure in his life has obviously dealt a big blow to this ninja who has always maintained a perfect record.

Uchiha Feiyu, who knew the future well, knew that all this was just the beginning. Soon, the rumors in Konoha Village, the accusations of other ninjas and partners would be the real reasons for the break of Konoha White Fang.

"Dad, this is the strange Uchiha I was talking about!"

Kakashi was young and did not see his father's decadence, but he also knew that his father would not be in a good mood after the failure of the mission. He briefly introduced it and stopped talking.

After hearing Kakashi's words, Hatake Sakumo focused his eyes on Uchiha Feiyu. After looking at Uchiha Feiyu for a while, the Konoha White Fang was quite surprised.

"Are you Kakashi's friend? You're doing pretty well in physical training! There aren't many Uchiha clans willing to work on their foundations these days!"

"I've heard some rumors about the Uchiha clans, and now it seems like you're not just some mediocre person who just woke up the Sharingan by chance."

As the elite ninja with the most missions in Konoha, Konoha White Fang naturally knows the Uchiha clan very well. Apart from external factors such as personality, the clan is indeed the largest clan in Konoha in terms of strength.

But the Uchiha clan still has its own shortcomings, which is that they over-pursue their own bloodline, which results in most Uchiha clans not having a solid foundation.

After all, the Sharingan is too omnipotent. As long as you awaken the blood succession limit, you can easily copy various physical techniques and ninjutsu, and it has a very high bonus to illusions. It can be said that as long as you have the Sharingan , any Uchiha can become a comprehensive and blind ninja in a short period of time.

With such a convenient ability, those Uchiha are naturally unwilling to work hard to polish their physical skills and learn ninjutsu, but instead pursue the development of their own blood.

But the Uchiha Feiyu in front of him could tell from the calluses on his hands, his steady steps, and his thick body that he had polished his body to a certain extent, which was rare among Uchiha.

Such Uchiha may seem like aliens, but their actual achievements are much better than those who blindly pursue the Sharingan.

It has not been opened to the level of kaleidoscope. In the final analysis, the Sharingan is an auxiliary blood succession limit. People who possess the Sharingan can easily reach the ultimate level of skills. At this point, what determines its final height is its own foundation. .

"Oh, senior, please don't praise me. Kakashi is five years younger than me. I can't even win. If I can't be called a mediocre person, then I can only be called a loser!"

Uchiha Hiba chuckled and said self-deprecating words, which made Hatake Sakumo laugh dumbly:

"Well, I heard Kakashi say something about you. It seems that you have some ideas of your own."

"But your mentality is really different from that of ordinary ninjas, let alone those Uchihas. Speaking of which, your attitude of being unfazed by favors and humiliations is more suitable for the profession of ninja!"

Uchiha Feiyu was slightly startled, but he did not expect that Hatake Sakumo would say such a thing. This Konoha White Fang was very clear when he looked at others. When it was his turn, he was not what he said. easy.

However, Uchiha Feiyu is still thinking about Konoha White Fang's soul, so naturally he won't be idle to enlighten him. If Konoha White Fang has his own ideas, he, Uchiha Feiyu, will suffer a big loss.

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