Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 2: Competition with Kakashi

After Uchiha Feiyu finished speaking, Kakashi was slightly stunned, but he quickly reacted:

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Kakashi's father, Hatake Sakumo, is the famous Konoha White Fang in the ninja world, and is one of the top ninjas in the entire Konoha Ninja Village.

And now is the time when this Konoha White Fang is the most famous and famous in the world. It can be said that he is the most famous ninja in the entire Konoha Ninja Village except for the Hokage.

For Kakashi, it is normal for someone to want to visit his father, and he didn't think too much about it.

Uchiha Feiyu wanted to meet Konoha White Fang, of course, not because he admired Konoha White Fang's reputation and wanted to learn from him.

On the contrary, Uchiha Feiyu thought of the original work, Hatake Sakumo failed in his mission during this period, and then committed suicide amid rumors - he was targeting Hatake Sakumo's soul!

The Soul Binding is one of the Eight Great Skills in the world of One Person, and it is a skill that can forcibly restrain the souls of others, or even devour the souls of others. The power of the Soul Binding depends on the soul reserve in the hands of the owner.

Unfortunately, there are no wild souls in the Naruto world. Generally speaking, after any creature in this world dies, as long as it exceeds ten minutes, the soul will dissipate without a trace and go to the Pure Land.

Therefore, Uchiha Feiyu, who has been staying in the Konoha Ninja Village, has not found the soul of any ninja even if he has been searching hard for more than ten years.

No matter how dangerous the Naruto world is, at least the current Konoha Ninja Village is still relatively safe for the time being. It is almost impossible to find the body of a ninja who has just died within ten minutes.

Uchiha Feiyu even went to the Konoha Hospital to wait, but found that because of the popularity of medical ninjutsu, the ninjas who could be sent to the Konoha Hospital were basically all able to be saved, and those who could not be saved died without being sent to the Konoha Hospital.

There are also places like the interrogation class, the intelligence class, and the Konoha prison where you can come into contact with fresh dead bodies, but they are all the vital parts of the Konoha Ninja Village, and no ninja student can come into contact with them at all.

So until now, Uchiha Feiyu has only some animal souls in his hands, and has never got any ninja souls.

Most of the animal souls were eaten directly by Uchiha Feiyu. He couldn't do things like devouring human souls, but he didn't have any psychological burden to absorb animal souls, and most animal souls, even if they were possessed, couldn't exert much combat power, so there was not much meaning.

It was precisely because of these animal souls with chakra that Uchiha Feiyu was outstanding in both physical fitness and chakra volume among his peers and even among Uchiha of the same age - but only among his peers.

Knowing these situations, it is clear how tempting the ninja souls of the level of Konoha White Fang are to Uchiha Feiyu.

Even if the soul possession cannot bring out all the strength of the original owner, a strong man like Konoha White Fang is enough to make Uchiha Feiyu instantly have the top combat power among the jonin.

But now, Uchiha Feiyu first has to deal with the enthusiastic Kakashi.

As the whistling cold wind blew, Kakashi pulled out a short knife from his waist, and the cold light flashed on the blade.

Before Konoha White Fang committed suicide, the White Fang short knife was certainly not in Kakashi's hand, but the quality of this short knife is definitely first-class.

Compared with Kakashi, Uchiha Feiyu casually pulled out two kunai. Although he joined the Uchiha clan, it is easy to imagine that the Uchiha clan could not put much effort on him as an "outsider", so the equipment on his body can be said to be ordinary.

However, after holding the two kunai tightly, a black leopard-shaped soul suddenly appeared on Uchiha Feiyu.

This was the strongest beast soul he had ever collected in the Forest of Death, a black panther with an extremely fast speed. With the help of the ability to summon spirits and send generals, the soul of this black panther could increase Uchiha Feiyu's nerve reflexes and physical speed by 50%.

Kakashi had no way to see the soul, but he felt Uchiha Feiyu's instantaneous change in momentum, and his expression on his face was also somewhat excited, and subtle electric light began to jump on his body.

Stimulating one's own cells to speed up through the lightning current was exactly what Konoha White Fang was good at. Obviously, Kakashi also inherited his father's unique skills.

Feiyu threw the kunai in his hand and whistled at Kakashi. It was not a fancy kunai throwing method of the Uchiha family, but a pure and sharp throwing.

Kakashi knocked the short knife in his hand, making a short and sharp clang sound. The kunai, which contained huge power, made Kakashi's wrist numb.

Following closely behind, Feiyu raised the kunai in his hand high. Although it was a short weapon, he used it like a heavy weapon such as a hammer and smashed it down directly.

Kakashi gritted his teeth lightly, raised his slightly numb arm, and violent sparks flew between the short sword and the kunai. At the same time, Kakashi also took several steps back.

"It's so heavy... Are you really an Uchiha? How come your fighting skills are so similar to that guy Akai!"

"Sorry, although I have the Uchiha Sharingan, I didn't receive any education in Uchiha since I was a child. Compared with those fancy skills, I believe more in the physical foundation of thousands of hammers!"

In fact, Uchiha Feiyu had already planned his future training route, and the physical foundation can be said to be the top priority when he laid the foundation.

Things like so-called skills can be made up by the ninja souls that will be obtained in the future, but in any case, the physical foundation of one's own body can only be improved by oneself.

Moreover, the method of subduing the spirit can be said to be a comprehensive strengthening of Feiyu, not only chakra and spiritual power, but also physical strength. This also makes Feiyu's current fighting mode not at all Uchiha, but a bit like the Senju clan.

After taking two steps back, Kakashi's figure flashed and directly launched the substitute technique. Feiyu, who had been attacking, split the substitute wood in half with a knife, frowned slightly, turned around, and kicked it out.

Kakashi, who appeared behind Feiyu, was kicked into a ball of white smoke by Feiyu with a bang, and then a white light fell from the sky and pierced Feiyu's shoulder.

"I've been waiting for you!"

Feiyu chuckled, and the whole person retreated in an instant, avoiding Kakashi's ambush. As his body retreated, the kunai in his hand turned into a black light and shot towards Kakashi's chest.

In the state of being possessed by the black panther soul, in addition to speed and nerve reflexes, Uchiha Feiyu's five senses and intuition will also increase significantly, and the clone technique and substitute technique cannot be hidden from him at all.

Kakashi, who failed to ambush and was caught by Uchiha Feiyu, barely deflected the kunai. Before he could catch his breath, Uchiha Feiyu drew out two kunai again and rushed over again.

After blocking several moves, Kakashi retreated one after another, but gradually calmed down.

Uchiha Feiyu, who was possessed by the black panther soul, was almost the same in speed as Kakashi who used the lightning stimulation method, and in pure physical strength, he was far better than Kakashi, who was only nine years old now.

But Kakashi, the genius ninja, still found the only shortcoming of Uchiha Feiyu - the use of physical skills and ninja tools was only solid, and the body was strong, but the technology was not outstanding.

After all, Uchiha Feiyu did not receive a very good education and inheritance. Needless to say, the ninja school in Konoha only taught the basics of the basics. The Uchiha clan only gave Uchiha Feiyu some basic ninjutsu books and materials, and did not really train him.

On the contrary, it was Hatake Kakashi. The physical fitness of an eight-year-old child was far from the limit. Even if he relied on the stimulation of lightning chakra, he still had great shortcomings in physical strength. But if we only talk about sword skills, Hatake Kakashi, who studied under Konoha White Fang, was eight feet away from Uchiha Feiyu.

Discovering the shortcomings of Uchiha Feiyu's skills, Kakashi said nothing and never fought with Uchiha Feiyu again. The short knife in his hand drew arcs of light, and used sticking, sticking, and pulling techniques to remove the power of the kunai in Uchiha Feiyu's hand.

After Kakashi changed his combat mode, Uchiha Feiyu was indeed very uncomfortable, but relying on the black panther soul in his body, Uchiha Feiyu's five senses and intuition were extremely sharp.

With this keen sense, Kakashi had the upper hand, but it was difficult to take him down in a short time.

Snowflakes flew up from the snow, accompanied by the clinking sound of weapons and sparks, and two figures shuttled through the woods and separated in an instant.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at his torn white clothes and frowned slightly.

Standing opposite, Hatake Kakashi was unscathed, but his breathing was rapid and fine sweat flowed on his forehead.

Although Kakashi had a certain advantage just now, the physique of an eight-year-old child still limited Kakashi's physical strength. After more than ten minutes of full-scale fighting, Kakashi's physical strength was seriously depleted.

"It seems that I lost. Kakashi, you are improving so fast. You are worthy of being the most famous genius in Konoha Village."

Blood slowly seeped out from Uchiha Feiyu's torn clothes, gradually dyeing his sleeves red. Uchiha Feiyu casually pulled out gauze from the ninja bag, wrapped it around his arm, and bandaged the wound.

The wound was not deep, and it didn't even have much impact on Uchiha Feiyu's battle, but it undoubtedly meant that Uchiha Feiyu was defeated.

Kakashi took two deep breaths. He didn't win easily. If he fought for a few more minutes until his physical strength was exhausted, he would probably be the loser.

Neither of them used much lethal ninjutsu in the battle, so although Kakashi's physical strength was consumed a lot, his chakra was still sufficient. He recovered after taking two breaths.

"You...if you behave more actively, you should be able to get a lot of resources!"

"Since you have been practicing here secretly every day, why don't you behave better and ask for more resources from your family and village?"

In response to Kakashi's question, Uchiha Feiyu just chuckled and didn't explain much.

With the Soul Binding and General Condemning Technique, he doesn't need to worry about not having any ninjutsu to use in the future. On the contrary, if he gets too many resources from the village or family, it will be difficult for him to just sit around and do nothing.

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