Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 23 The First Mission

Among the members of the first team, Asuma is the son of the Hokage, and Hyuga Hizashi is also the brother of the Hyuga clan leader. Even if he is a branch family, he is still a young master. Even Kurenai has a father who is a jonin. Basically, they have never worried about money.

Uchiha Feiyu is different. The Uchiha clan treats him as a transparent person. His parents are civilians and have no pension. In the past few years, in addition to relying on hunting to supplement his family income, he has been spending the inheritance left by his parents. It can be said that he is living on empty mountains.

In this case, Uchiha Feiyu is of course quite interested in money. In the world of Naruto, money is also a kind of power.

If Uchiha Feiyu was a wealthy man from the beginning, he would have hired ninjas like Kakuzu to capture a large number of junin and jonin-level rebel ninjas, and then extract their souls one by one to practice ninjutsu. It would not be until now that he has a heroic spirit like Hatake Sakumo who can be used for possession.

For Uchiha Feiyu, the ordinary Chunin soul has limited enhancement, and Uchiha Feiyu will not use the soul-subduing method on human souls, so it seems to have no effect.

But in fact, any Chunin basically has strong ninjutsu experience. Senior Chunin will also practice the nature change of chakra. As long as he gets their experience and learns from their strengths, Uchiha Feiyu has enough confidence to reach the level of elite Jonin in a very short time.

It was almost noon today. Hyuga Hiashi took Uchiha Feiyu and the other two to have a meal first, and then came to the mission hall downstairs in the Hokage building.

Because of the coming of the war, Konoha has now cancelled all D-level missions. Basically, as long as it is a mission, it will start from C-level.

The newly established three-person team can only accept C-level missions. Generally speaking, C-level missions involve combat, but not ninjas. They are mostly tasks such as escorting bodyguards and expelling wild beasts.

Hyuga Hiashi looked through the mission list, then accepted a mission to expel wild beasts in the field, and left the mission hall with the three little ones.

The escort mission is often not short, at least one or two days to complete, and it is much easier to drive away wild beasts, because there are no ordinary people to drag down, and if it is close, it may take two or three hours to complete the mission.

This time, Hyuga Hizashi found a village not far away. It is said that many cattle and sheep raised by the villagers there were eaten by some kind of beasts. The traps set by the villagers were useless. Even two hunters who practiced chakra were eaten by beasts.

The chakra refining technique in the Naruto world is widely spread. In addition to ninjas, there are also many ordinary people who practice chakra, but most of them do not know any ninjutsu.

But even if it is just a two-handed sword with chakra, in the real world, it is enough to fight ten little supermen alone, and ordinary lions and tigers are really not enough to fight.

Being able to devour a hunter with chakra, it can only be said that this beast must be a chakra creature. In order to train Asuma and Hong, Hyuga Hizashi can also be said to have carefully selected the tasks he found.

As for Uchiha Feiyu, the mission that can train him must be an A-level mission or go directly to the front line.

"We are here, this village!"

Hinata Hizashi looked at the village in front of him, stopped, and walked in with his three men.

"Are you the ninjas from Konoha Village? You are finally here!"

An old man who looked to be in his 50s walked out of the door. This village was not too far from Konoha Village. The old man was obviously used to seeing ninjas. Even when he saw Hina Hizashi's white eyes, he was not panicked at all.

"That beast is getting more and more rampant. Just last night, Jiro who was hiding at home was also swallowed by the monster. We really have no way. Please drive the monster away quickly, ninja!"

"The monster took the initiative to eat people?! It seems that it is really impossible to keep it!"

Hinata Hizashi frowned and said.

For animals, chakra has the function of opening up their intelligence. Even if they were just ordinary frogs or puppies, they will gradually gain a certain amount of wisdom after obtaining chakra. Some chakra animals are even more intelligent than ordinary people. Even those with low intelligence have the intelligence of an eight or nine-year-old child.

Chakra animals with this kind of intelligence generally will not actively attack humans, but once they start to actively attack humans, it will easily become a normal state and become a terrible beast.

"It's probably because the last time two hunters from our village pissed it off! It used to only deal with some livestock, but now it's eating people!"

"By the way, village chief, you always talk about that monster, what kind of animal is it?"

Faced with Asuma's question, the village chief's face suddenly showed distress:

"This... Speaking of which, I really don't know. The claw marks of the monster look like some kind of lizard or something like that, and it hides during the day and comes out at night. Everyone who has seen its true appearance is dead."

"The most important thing is that except for the claw marks left at the crime scene, its claw marks can't be seen anywhere else, and its footprints can't be found at all!"

"It seems that it's not an ordinary chakra animal, but it's still my specialty in finding people, so leave this guy to me!"

Hinata Hizashi said, with the Byakugan, he is so confident!

However, an hour later, Hinata Hizashi felt that he was slapped in the face.

Several places where the crime was committed have been visited, including the cowshed, the sheepfold, the place where the two hunters were killed, and the room where the villager named Jiro was eaten, but nothing was found.

Apart from the claw marks of the lizard left at the crime scene, there were no claw marks of the other party coming or leaving. The other party seemed to appear out of thin air, which made people puzzled.

Hinata Hizashi also used the power of the Byakugan to turn around several times in the jungle near the village. Except for some ordinary beasts, no beasts with chakra were found.

"Teacher, where is the monster? Can't even find your Byakugan?"

Faced with Asuma's question, Hinata Hizashi was also a little depressed and shook his head helplessly.

"Uh... it's really strange..."

"If there are no traces on the ground, could it be some kind of flying animal?"

Hong frowned and asked, and Hyuga Hizashi immediately shook his head:

"From the claw marks, we can tell the size of the animal. If it is a flying creature, it will definitely leave traces in the jungle and the room, at least there will be holes in the roof!"

"What's going on? It can't be that this animal has space-time ninjutsu, right?"

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