Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 22: Testing the bottom line

After introducing each other, Hyuga Hizashi brought the three of them to the training ground to test their strength.

In this war era, there are no messy tests. Uchiha Feiyu and the other two are not so much Hyuga Hizashi's students as Hyuga Hizashi's subordinates. There is no such thing as fighting back to school.

On the training ground, Hyuga Hizashi glanced at the three of them and said in a deep voice:

"I have also seen your information. You three are all excellent students of the Ninja School. You have just graduated and your strength is outstanding among the Genin."

"But just looking at the information, I still can't be sure of your strength level. Now let the three of you join forces to fight me!"

While speaking, Hyuga Hizashi has already put on the soft fist posture, signaling the three to attack.

Uchiha Feiyu's eyes lit up. Although his current strength is not weak, he has never encountered an opponent at the level of Jonin, and his combat experience is very scarce.

Even if the Soul Conscription trick allows Hatake Sakumo to help fight, it is beneficial to have some experience fighting against masters.

"Feiyu, let's discuss tactics."

Yuhi Kurenai looked at Hyuga Hizashi, who gave people an invulnerable feeling after posing, and said to Uchiha Feiyu, but Uchiha Feiyu's eyes were filled with two magatamas and shook his head:

"You two look at the situation, if you can intervene, intervene, if you can't, don't force it..."

"What do you mean? Are you looking down on us?"

Asuma said angrily, but Uchiha Feiyu was no longer interested in talking to him. In an instant, the whole person flashed with lightning and rushed away like a movie.

"So fast!! Such a sharp sword technique!"

Seeing Uchiha Hiyū's sword slashing down on his head, Hyuga Hiashi, who had a little intention of teaching at the beginning, almost didn't react. He pulled back immediately, and his skin was covered with goose bumps under the cold sword energy.

When Uchiha Hiyū made his first sword attack, he was afraid that Hyuga Hiashi would underestimate him and get hurt, so he reserved his strength a little and didn't arouse the chakra sword energy unique to the White Fang sword technique.

At this moment, seeing Hyuga Hiashi dodge the first sword, he knew that the other party would never underestimate him again, and the short sword in his hand was instantly aroused by a foot-long sword light, and the original short sword directly turned into a slightly shorter samurai sword.

"This is, White Fang Sword Technique!"

Hyuga Hiashi's face showed a cautious look, and he didn't have time to think about why Uchiha Hiyū, such an Uchiha, actually learned Hatake Sakumo's sword technique. He just stared slightly, and the veins at the corners of his eyes were exposed, and he immediately opened his white eyes.

Lightning flashed, the figure was like lightning, and a faint white light pierced Hyuga Hizashi at an incredible angle in an instant. Hyuga Hizashi shouted, and the whole person turned his body, his fists and palms were nimble, and his posture was agile. In the sharp white light, he seemed to dance on the tip of a knife, and flexibly dodged one knife after another.

The strong wind that came in the face made Hong and Asuma retreat two steps slightly. Asuma widened his eyes and clenched his fists:

"Uchiha Feiyu, this guy... How much strength did he retain before?!"

Hong also spoke solemnly:

"No wonder this guy told us that he couldn't help, and don't force it... I can't even see his figure clearly. At this speed, the two of us really have no room to intervene..."

"Then the two of us will become a burden, right? Damn it..."

No matter what Asuma and Hong felt in their hearts, Uchiha Feiyu only felt that he was fighting very happily.

Hyuga Hizashi is also considered an elite among the jonin level, not to mention that the Byakugan Soft Fist is also good at close combat. As long as he is not careless, Uchiha Feiyu does not have to worry about the opponent getting hurt, and can pour out his attacks to his heart's content.

Fighting with a living person is much more refreshing than chopping wood or stone!

However, Hyuga Hizashi feels much more uncomfortable. It's not that he can't beat Uchiha Feiyu now. When Uchiha Feiyu didn't let Hatake Sakumo take over, the combat power he showed was just that of a special jonin with fast speed and strong lethality.

It's just that the White Fang sword technique is dangerous and unpredictable, and the long and short sword light makes Hyuga Hizashi, who uses the soft fist technique with bare hands, very afraid.

If you just want to defeat Uchiha Feiyu, it's fine, but this is a coaching battle between a teacher and a student. It's much more difficult to defeat and control Uchiha Feiyu without any injuries on both sides.

The two sides fought for several minutes before Hyuga Hizashi found an opportunity. He spun like a gyroscope, and the strong blue cyclone instantly knocked Uchiha Feiyu away.

Uchiha Feiyu spun in the sky, knelt on one knee and landed on the ground. After raising his head, he immediately stretched out his hands:

"Awesome! It's worthy of the perfect defense of the Hyuga clan. I admit defeat!"

Hyuga Hizashi, who wanted to continue fighting, suddenly felt a little bit up and down. In the previous battle, he had adapted to Uchiha Feiyu's white fang swordsmanship. If he continued to fight, he had absolute confidence that he could win quickly.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu also saw some clues from the increasing pressure that Hyuga Hizashi put on him during the battle just now, and did not give Hyuga Hizashi a chance to beat him.

After calming down a little, Hyuga Hizashi looked at Asuma and Hong again:

"Well, I have seen Feiyu's strength. To be honest, it really gave me a huge surprise. Next, you two attack me, and I will also come to feel your strength."

Asuma and Kurenai looked at each other and rushed towards Hinata Hizashi.

As soon as they fought, Hinata Hizashi breathed a sigh of relief. Asuma and Kurenai were outstanding among the ninjas of the same age, but they were not as shocking as Uchiha Feiha. They were still in the category of genin, almost After the move, Hinata Hizashi figured out the basics of the two of them, and casually sealed their acupuncture points to repel them.

"I already know your strength very well now. You have a good foundation. It seems that I don't need to worry too much."

"Especially Uchiha Feiyu, as long as you perform more missions and gain more combat experience, even I dare not say that you will definitely be your opponent."

"There is still a lot of time left today, so we are going to take on some tasks. Let's take you to practice!"

"Can you take the mission today? Come on, let's go on the mission!"

As soon as he heard that he was about to take on the mission, Uchiha Feiyu was the first to get excited, which made both Asuma and Kurenai a little confused. Why is this guy so excited? It’s totally unlike this guy’s character!

Looking at the confused looks of the two people, Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and said:

"What are you looking at? Don't forget, I'm an orphan. Where can I get money if I don't accept the mission?"

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