Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 228 Arriving at Whiskey Peak

The lion Liki walked swayingly on the deck, his eyes dull, feeling no different from the kitten that had just been neutered.

"Pfft hahahaha! What kind of costume is this?! Did Li Ji become a lioness? But the lioness also has hair on her neck!"

Usopp looked at the poor lion and laughed. He had no choice but to do it. Originally, Usopp was on this ship, but he was at the lowest point in the ecological chain. Even the lion Liki often threatened him.

Now that this lion is in bad luck, it would be strange if Usopp didn't smile.

As if he heard Usopp's smile, Lion Liki turned his head and looked at the long-nosed shoveler, showing his fangs and biting him without saying a word.

Usopp had already experienced being bitten along the way. Seeing that the lion's expression was not right, he immediately turned around and ran away. However, the lion roared wildly, and a pair of wings instantly grew from its back and flew into the sky. The original lion's head also disappeared. It turned into a sharp bird head.

"Gryphon?! What...what's going on?"

Usopp screamed and was grabbed by the collar by the flying lion. The lion's claws turned into eagle claws, which made Usopp roll his eyes.

Nami on the deck ignored Usopp who was screaming in the sky. Her eyes turned around the hairless gryphon and looked at Uchiha Fei:

"Feiyu, what's going on? Why did this lion suddenly become like this? Is it because of the Devil Fruit user?"

As she spoke, Nami glanced at the wooden barrel filled with seawater. The vulture fruit user who was originally soaked in the wooden barrel had long since turned into a mummy and was thrown into the sea by Uchiha Feiyu.

"Yes, I extracted the Devil Fruit ability from the Devil Fruit user and gave it to this lion, so he could evolve into a gryphon."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded and said, looking up at the gryphon in the sky, with a strange expression on his face:

"But... this lion actually sheds hair on its neck like a vulture. I didn't expect it at all... Theoretically, if the animal devil fruit doesn't transform, it shouldn't have any impact, right?"

For example, Chopper, the deer who ate the Renren Fruit, although he looked strange when he turned into a human form, in fact, when he was in reindeer form, he was no different from an ordinary reindeer, except for having a blue nose, which was also his natural flaw. It has nothing to do with devil fruits.

Uchiha Feiha has never seen the image of a devil fruit like this actually affect the main body.

According to Uchiha Feiyu's guess, it is probably because the Devil Fruit ability is extracted directly from the body of the esper, rather than being obtained by eating Devil Fruit.

But it doesn’t matter, I’ll know the results after a few more experiments. Devil Fruits are hard to find on the Grand Line. Those with Devil Fruit abilities can really catch a lot.

Not to mention the unlucky Usopp and the lion Li Qi who didn’t know whether to be sad or happy, the Golden Merry was very fast. In less than a day, Whiskey Peak was revealed in the distance, commonly known as the Bounty Hunter of Cactus Island. Lair.

When the Golden Mery appeared, many bounty hunters gathered on Cactus Island, singing and dancing with wine and food to welcome them. However, when the Golden Mery got closer and closer, a group of bounty hunters discovered There was no pirate flag on the ship at all, so they all started yelling at the bad luck.

These bounty hunters are not very powerful and do not dare to arrest pirates with real swords and guns. They always block the entrance of the Grand Line and deceive some newcomers to the pirate group who have just joined the Grand Line.

If the rookie pirates were a little more vigilant and got drunk with wine, they would become their prey.

Seeing that the other party was not a pirate gang, this group of bounty hunters naturally felt a little unhappy. However, there were also some bounty hunters whose eyes were wandering, and they looked at the people on the boat who didn't seem to be very strong, and they had some evil thoughts.

After all, there is no clear dividing line between bounty hunters and pirates. Even some bounty hunters who have been working for a long time often make a cameo as a pirate.

However, one of these bounty hunters, Ikarem, who wore a large curly wig and looked like a gorilla, never left the dock and even stopped the group of bounty hunters:

"You idiots, those on board are our colleagues from the Baroque Studio! Didn't you see that they were Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday?"

In fact, those bounty hunters really didn't notice...Princess Weiwei let her hair down and no longer dressed like a spirited girl. As for Mr. 9, the crown on his head was split in two. This is gone. The biggest feature is that this guy seems to have no distinctive features.

People in the pirate world have some degree of prosopagnosia, and Luffy is one of those with the most severe disease, but others are also more or less prosopagnostic, and there's nothing to say if they can't recognize him.

"It's true... Where's the crown on that guy's head, Mr. 9?"

"Miss Wednesday turns out to be so beautiful. You couldn't even see her hair style before."

The bounty hunters here were still talking about it, but Uchiha Feiyu jumped off the boat and looked at the scroll head:

"Are you all bounty hunters from Baroque Works?"

Ikarim, the drum head, was a little impatient. Who are you talking about? He dared to talk to me like this, but Princess Weiwei, who also jumped off the boat, quickly winked at him and asked him to be more respectful:

"Yes, this entire Whiskey Peak is the base of Baroque Studio, and everyone is a bounty hunter..."

"Okay, I get it. In that case, you pick a few who are not completely in the same mind with Baroque Studio, and leave the rest to me!"

"Uh... what... what do you mean? Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Mr. Uchiha Feiyu, do you want to help us deal with Baroque Works?"

Vivi suddenly showed a surprised smile on her face and looked at Uchiha Feiyu. Although she didn't know Uchiha Feiyu's strength and whether he could deal with the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, she knew that he was definitely the strongest person she had ever seen in her life.

If there was such a person to help Alabasta, at least when dealing with the Seven Warlords of the Sea, they would have a better chance.

"No, I just need some experimental subjects, and to put it bluntly, these bounty hunters are just the periphery of the Baroque Studio. Even if they are all killed, the sand crocodile may not care."

"If you want me to help you solve the national problem, at least prepare the reward!"

When Princess Vivi heard Uchiha Feiyu directly asking for a reward, the smile on her face froze for a moment. To be honest, Alabasta is indeed one of the best countries in the entire Grand Line. There are 600,000 standing troops alone. It should not be short of money.

However, the royal family of Alabasta does not actually have much money. In recent years, the royal family's private treasury has been used to subsidize civilians, and it is even more stretched.

In the past, the national treasury was still full, and at most some money could be taken from the national treasury as a reward. Anyway, the money was originally for this country, but the severe drought caused by the dancing powder in recent years has made the national treasury dry.

In this case, Princess Vivi herself is not sure that Alabasta can come up with a reward that satisfies the other party.

" much Beli do you want?"

"How much money can you have in Alabasta?"

"Well...I don't know, probably a few hundred million Beli..."

Very good, a country with 600,000 standing troops actually only has a few hundred million Beli. Speaking of which, the bounties of slightly famous pirates in the New World are all several hundred million!

Uchiha Feiyu didn't know whether to say that Alabasta was too poor, or that King Kosa was really so selfless, but the speechless expression on his face clearly expressed his meaning, and Vivi blushed.

"Well...Alabasta has had some difficulties in recent years, but as long as Shaklock Fal is defeated, I believe the whole country will get better soon."

That's not necessarily true...Alabasta's current situation is certainly largely due to Shaklock Fal, but the country itself is probably not without problems - you have to know that this desert country has lasted for 800 years, and any system that has been running for 800 years will inevitably be riddled with problems and difficult to reverse.

Maybe it's because of the character of the people in the pirate world, and it's a supernatural world after all, which is better than the real world, but it's probably not much better. The lower class can just barely survive, not to mention the quality of life.

This kind of thing is not a problem that can be solved by the king's kindness and love for the people. Emperor Chongzhen worked 18 hours a day, ate only four dishes, and had patches on his clothes. Can you not say that he was diligent and frugal? Can you say that he had no feelings for the country? But in the end, the Ming Dynasty was still finished.

The torrent of the times is not something that an individual can change. Even the world government actually has such signs now. The so-called Great Pirate Era is no different from the peasant army uprising.

"Forget it... Let's talk about Alabasta later. I'll deal with the bounty hunters here first."

"Uh, wait a minute, I'll go call one of my companions over first!"

Mr.9 said, and then ran over. A moment later, he dragged a muscular woman over and walked over:

"I only have this one companion... I don't know the rest of the bounty hunters very well..."

After Mr.9 finished speaking, he started to mutter a few words to the muscular woman. Although the muscular woman looked very macho, she had a good temper. After listening to Mr.9's words, she nodded and stopped talking, as if betraying Baroque Studios was not a big deal at all.

As for Princess Vivi, in addition to the curly hair, she also pulled a running duck over. She said she was not familiar with the rest.

Speaking of it, it was only Mr.9's companion who was with Princess Vivi every day and had a good relationship with her. What kind of stinky tomatoes and rotten watermelons were the other bounty hunters who could touch a princess of a country?

"Very good, then I will take care of these bounty hunters next."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded, looked at the group of bounty hunters who were still a little confused, and said lightly:

"Does anyone want to quit Baroque Studio and join the light?"

Quit Baroque Works? A group of bounty hunters looked at each other, and suddenly burst into laughter:

"Where did you come from, you fool? You even dared to provoke our Baroque Studio!"

"Hehe, you probably don't know the power of Baroque Works! Just a guy from all over the world..."

Some bounty hunters also looked at Princess Weiwei and others with cold eyes:

"It seems that you have betrayed Baroque Works! Have you forgotten the horror of Baroque Works?"

"It's just a group of low-level agents. The studio will send strong men to kill you soon!"

Very good, Uchiha Feiyu nodded. He was really afraid that these bounty hunters would surrender directly. After all, it's not easy to find opportunities to kill people. He doesn't want to massacre ordinary civilians. Now that these people are so determined, it really helps him a lot.

"Very good, I don't know if Baroque Studio will send strong men to avenge you, but I know - you will definitely not see that day!!"

The knife flashed in an instant, and the third generation of Kitetsu had pierced the heart of a bounty hunter. The mutated armed color domineering and blood nerves were used at the same time, and the bounty hunter was sucked into a dry corpse almost in an instant.

Without waiting for other bounty hunters to react, Uchiha Feiyu shook the body, and the body was broken into two pieces. The knife light surrounded the few bounty hunters standing near him. They were cut in half without saying a word. The blood was instantly drawn out, merged into the third generation of Kitetsu, and then transferred to Uchiha Feiyu's body.

The power of the blood nerves appeared in Uchiha Feiyu's body again, and this time it dissipated a little slower. Uchiha Feiyu immediately used the power of the blood nerves and began to construct his own Shura body.

The blood began to be refined, the heart became more energetic, the internal organs seemed to be burning, and the shape of scales could be vaguely seen on the skin...

This was a thorough change to the original physique. With the power of the blood nerves, this kind of thing could not be done in this world-unless you keep killing people to practice and extract blood!

And Uchiha Feiyu is now constantly killing people and constantly extracting blood!

Several bounty hunters picked up their guns and aimed at Uchiha Feiyu and fired randomly, but Uchiha Feiyu did not dodge. With a flash of knife light, the head fell to the ground and the body turned into a mummy.

A bounty hunter took out a rocket launcher and fired at Uchiha Feiyu, but the rocket was directly split in half. The shrill knife light pierced through his eyebrows, and another new shriveled body appeared.

Ten, twenty, thirty... More and more bounty hunters turned into dry bones under the terrifying sword light. The courage of this group of bounty hunters, which was originally gathered by their numbers, finally collapsed completely, and some bounty hunters began to drop their weapons and run away. This situation was like an infection, and soon all the bounty hunters began to run for their lives.

"Monster... Monster!"

"You can't win, damn it, this is not the level of the pirates in the Four Seas!"

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