Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 227 Devil Fruit Experiment

"Miss Wednesday, be careful, the other party is the pirate hunter who refused our Baroque Studio's solicitation..."

"I see, you actually dare to refuse the invitation of our Baroque Working Society. It seems that I will teach you a lesson!"

Mr. 9 and Princess Vivi sang and finished speaking, which made Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Before Usopp next to him could explain anything, the third generation Kitetsu in his hand had already been unsheathed.

Hearing a whooshing sound, Mr.9 felt his scalp go cold. The crown on his head fell to the ground with a bang and split into two halves. The cut section was extremely smooth and evenly symmetrical. It looked like it had been cut by someone. Use a ruler to measure the average.

Mr.9 froze for a moment, then stretched out a hand to touch his scalp. After making sure that his head had not been cut open, the original serious expression on his face turned into a flattering smile:

"Um...Lord Sauron, I'm actually not very familiar with Studio Balot. Look...can we reconcile?"

Uchiha Feiyu slowly sheathed the sword of Third Generation Kitetsu and said calmly:

"First, my name is Uchiha Hiba, not Zoro, and I don't have green hair or a turban!!"

"Second, whether you are familiar with Balot Studio is up to you. I think your companion looks a little familiar."

companion! ? Mr.9 took a step back, walked to Princess Weiwei, and asked in a low voice:

"Miss Wednesday, do you know this guy in front of you?"

Princess Weiwei's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and the corner of her mouth twitched:

"How could I have known such a powerful master... Haha, he must have recognized the wrong person!"

Oops, Oops, Oops, after I joined Balot Studio, I didn’t show much publicity. Could it be that... the other person is someone who has met me before?

If this identity is revealed... it will be really bad!

However, what you are afraid of comes from nothing. Just when the smile on Princess Weiwei's face was a little forced, Uchiha Feiyu had already spoken directly:

"Miss Wednesday? Haha, I don't know who the agent of Balot Studio is, but with your appearance, you are obviously the heir of Alabasta, Princess Vivi, the daughter of King Kosha!"


Mr.9 was stunned, with protruding eyes and open mouth. He looked at his companion with an expression of disbelief:

" are the princess of Alabasta!! No way! My partner is actually a real princess!"

Mr.9 often wears a crown on weekdays and looks like a king. Although it feels more like a monkey wearing a crown, it is obvious that this guy yearns for the status of king or prince.

Suddenly hearing that his companion was actually a real princess and would become a queen in the future, Mr. 9 was immediately confused.

"Are you could I be the princess of Alabasta? A princess wouldn't go to Baroque Works to be an agent!"

Weiwei's face was a little pale, she smiled stiffly at the corner of her mouth, and tried her best to explain.

"Don't be stupid, little girl. I don't know why you went to work as an agent at Baroque Co., Ltd., but you didn't even want to disfigure yourself. You just put on makeup and came undercover... Haha, you really hurt others. Be a fool!"

"In other words, most of the agents in Balot Studio are uneducated and don't read newspapers very much. Otherwise, if they had seen your photo in the newspaper, I'm afraid your identity would have been exposed long ago!"

Princess Weiwei was speechless after hearing this. Self-destruction and other things were no problem for those grown men, but for a little beauty like Princess Weiwei, it was really impossible for her to make this decision.

You must know that she was only 14 years old when she was going to go undercover at Balot Studio. How could a 14-year-old girl in junior high school be so cruel as to ruin her appearance?

As for the many flaws in joining Balot Studio... I can't help it. One of the characteristics of the pirate world is that everyone's IQ is not very high, not to mention that the protagonist Luffy is not necessarily much higher than a monkey. IQ, in fact most people in the entire pirate world are not very smart.

It's not just that the people at Balot Studio are not smart. Princess Vivi's identity has not been discovered for two years. Only one Robin noticed the clues.

And Princess Weiwei herself is not very smart. A princess of a country, a princess of a country who has been in the newspaper, just directly joined the reactionary forces in the country as an undercover agent. Her only disguise was to dress like a little girl, and she even dyed her hair. Even if you can't do it, this is not something that a smart person can do.

After working undercover for two years, I investigated Lonely. After meeting Xiao Feng, even though the characteristics were so obvious, I didn't find out that the other person was from Balot Studio. I can only say that this princess has a face like Nami. In fact, But it has an intelligence of 1.5 Luffy level.

Mr.9 scratched his head. He was one of the fools described by Uchiha Feiyu. He had been partnering with Princess Weiwei for such a long time, but in fact he had not found any flaws at all.

"Yes, I am Princess Weiwei. What do you want to do? Report me to Baroque Works?"

Princess Weiwei finally couldn't bear the psychological pressure and admitted her identity. While speaking, she also took out a chain lock from her sleeve, which was her weapon.

Although she felt it was useless, the opponent split the crown on Mr. 9's head with a knife, but did not damage a single hair of Mr. 9. Although the movement was not big, if you think about it carefully, you will know how skilled this is. .

My own fighting power is almost the same as Mr.9's. If the opponent can kill Mr.9 with one blow, it will definitely not be a problem for me. But the attitude still needs to be developed.

After Mr.9 was surprised for a while, he saw Princess Weiwei's alert expression and stood in front of her with two baseball bats - people in the pirate world are stupid enough, and when they talk about loyalty, they really mean loyalty. In the original work, this guy betrayed Baroque Co., Ltd. because of Princess Vivi. Now facing Uchiha Feiha, Mr. 9 made the same choice.

"Don't worry, if I really want to attack you two, you two will have no room to resist!"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes, and with a flying slash, he directly cut off a small section of the cliff next to him. With the sound of the cliff falling into the sea, Mr. 9 and Princess Weiwei were stunned and let go. Weapon in hand.

Obviously, compared to cutting the crown without hurting the scalp, this more direct and violent flying slash is more shocking. No, after seeing this flying slash, these two people immediately calmed down. .

"Okay, let's not talk about other things for now. If I guess correctly, you should have a record pointer on your hands!"

Princess Weiwei nodded very honestly:

"Yes, I have a record pointer for Whiskey Peak on my hand... In addition, I also have a record pointer for Alabasta, and a record pointer for a small garden..."

"Very you have a record pointer for Drum Island?"

"Well, I don't have it on hand now, but if I go to Alabasta, I can take out most of the record pointers."

This is true. As one of the top powers in the Grand Line, Alabasta basically has record points for most of the islands in the Grand Line.

Although the civil strife in Alabasta is severe now, as Princess Vivi, it is of course easy to get some record pointers.

"Well, Alabasta... Forget it, let's go to Whiskey Peak first. I remember that place is the lair of bounty hunters."

"Yes, most of the bounty hunters in Baroque Studio are gathered at Whiskey Peak. After all, the pirate group that has just entered the Grand Line is considered the best to deal with..."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand, interrupting what Princess Weiwei was going to say next, and said:

"Well, in that case, our first stop should be the base of this Baroque studio!"

"It just so happens that I still need some materials, so I can go there to supplement them."

"Uh...can I ask? Mr. Feiyu, where did you get so much information? Also, do you know the boss behind Baroque Studio?"

Now Princess Weiwei didn't know much about Uchiha Feiyu, and she didn't dare to speak. She asked him to help Alabasta. She just wanted to ask the boss of Baroque Works and judge Uchiha Feiyu's position.

Uchiha Feiyu directly saw what Princess Weiwei was thinking, and he had nothing to hide:

"The boss of Baroque Studio, it's actually easy to guess how many strong people there are in the entire Alabasta? Except for the Shichibukai, no one else is qualified to be the boss of this behind-the-scenes organization!"

As soon as these words came out, Princess Weiwei and Mr. 9 almost knelt down again. There was no way, the name of Shichibukai was too scary.

Not to mention that Shakrok Dar has been fighting pirates in Alabasta for so many years. His strength has been demonstrated vividly. He is called the king of the desert in the desert. He can easily set off a sandstorm and destroy an army of millions. If these two people are not afraid, then That's the weird thing.

"Surprisingly... it's actually the Qibukai..."

"Isn't that right? Mr. Shakrok Farr, hasn't he always been the hero of Alabasta?"

Mr.9's face was full of emotion, and Princess Weiwei didn't even believe it. However, Uchiha Feiyu's face showed a mocking look:

"Yes, a famous big pirate, a Shichibukai with hands and eyes as wide as the sky. He does his best to solve problems for Alabasta and act as Alabasta's hero when he has nothing to do. What do you think he is for?"

For what, what else could it be for? After all, Princess Weiwei's brain is a little smarter than Luffy's. She was born into a royal family and is alert enough in this regard:

"Could it be that...he wants to steal Alabasta?"

"Well... although it's not his real purpose, it's almost the same!"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't explain much. Regarding Pluto, the text of world history, etc., it would only make things more complicated. It was better to just let Princess Weiwei think that Laosha wanted to steal Alabasta.

What does it mean to be almost the same? What conspiracy does that Shichibukai have, and what is his true purpose? You should make it clear!

Princess Weiwei had many doubts in her heart, but looking at Uchiha Feiyu's expression, she didn't dare to ask. Anyway, now she knew who the enemy was, and Princess Weiwei just needed to defeat him!

Well, after thinking about it carefully, Princess Vivi found that it seemed that the entire Alabasta did not have the power to confront Shacklebolt, oh ho, it was over.

"Okay, stop rambling so much and take us to Whiskey Peak!"

Uchiha Feiyu urged, and took the two of them back to the Golden Meili. He also pulled up their boat, set sail, and left the Twin Gorges.

On the Golden Meili, Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin and looked at the vulture fruit user soaked in the bucket. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out a hand.

The palm of his hand pressed on the head of the powerless Vulture Fruit user. In an instant, the Vulture Fruit user's eyes popped open, his whole body trembled, and the blood in his body surged out.

The mana of the blood nerve was formed in Uchiha Feiyu's body again, but this time Uchiha Feiyu used his own domineering energy and began to slowly contact the blood nerve mana. Although he could still feel the pressure of the world's rules, the speed of the mana disappearing But it's more than ten times slower.

Haki and mana were not completely integrated, but were forcibly pinched together. They were still distinct, but vaguely, Haki seemed to have undergone some special changes due to the influence of mana.

Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of paying attention to these special changes. After discovering that the speed of mana disappearing had slowed down, all his attention was focused on the vulture fruit user, and he finally felt the weird soul in this user's body.

With a casual tug, Uchiha Feiyu finally pulled out the soul of the Devil Fruit user, but the soul was divided into two parts. One part was the image of the Devil Fruit user, and the other part looked like a vulture. , and there are some strange patterns on it.

"That vulture-like soul should be the Devil Fruit... Who should I find for the experiment?"

Turning around and looking around, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes immediately focused on a lion that was dozing on the deck.

The lion Li Ji, who was caught by Uchiha Feiyu on the boat, was dozing off. Suddenly he felt a chill in his heart and his body trembled. He raised his head and saw Uchiha Feiyu standing in front of him, with a strange expression on his lips. smile.

The hair all over the lion's body exploded. He turned his head and wanted to run away, but Uchiha Feiyu grabbed his tail with one hand:

"Come on, little lion, today I will give you a blessing. A lion and a vulture. You can directly use ordinary animal species fruits to transform into a magical beast, a gryphon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the piece of Devil Fruit soul in Uchiha Feiyu's hand was shot into Shishi Liki's body.

Lion Liji howled miserably, and then froze for a moment. He didn't notice any changes in himself, and his eyes suddenly became a little cute.

The next moment, its mighty lion's mane fell down, revealing its ugly bare neck.

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