Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 220: The Embarrassed Dashiqi

"I'm not dead at all! But it did almost scare me to death. This guy is so barbaric that he's not afraid of actually hacking me to death!"

Speaking of this, Ippon Matsu became furious and looked at Uchiha Feiyu with wide eyes:

"You bastard, do you know that my heart almost stopped beating at that time!"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if you didn't subdue the Third Generation Ghost and hacked me to death?"

Uchiha Feiyu sheathed the Third Generation Kitetsu and lightly shrugged:

"What should I do? Let's just have it cold! Anyway, I'm not the one who was hacked to death. The worst I can do is just turn around and run away with a wanted warrant."

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean, the person being hacked to death is not you! Am I the target you use to test the knife?"

Ipponmatsu's eyes widened and foam flew from his mouth, causing Uchiha Feiyu to take two steps back:

"Okay, okay, aren't you okay? Now you should admit that I can use this demon sword Kitetsu!"


Ipponsong was silent for a moment and glanced at the demon sword with a complicated expression:

"Indeed, with the bloodthirsty ferocity and sharpness of that demon sword, it can cut through my hair and clothes without hurting my skin. You have indeed completely controlled this demon sword."

"No, to be precise, this demonic sword is in your hand, just like an obedient child... I always feel that this guy will become a person who kills thousands of people and slaughters tens of thousands of people in the future. With this sword I don’t know if it’s the right thing to give it to you…”

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and opened the box in his hand. The scent of ink attracted Berry's attention almost instantly.

"Three million berries, which is already three times the price of an ordinary sharp knife. It's a fixed price, you decide whether to sell it or not!"

"Uh...well, anyway, all the knives sold are used to cut people. As long as they don't hurt themselves, it has nothing to do with me as the boss..."

After seeing the money, Ipponmatsu immediately changed his mind, took the 3 million berries handed over by Uchiha Feiyu, put them in the counter drawer, and then respectfully handed over a wooden box, which was specially used for Tools for maintaining knives.

The value of a good sword is only 1 million berries. A sharp sword like the Third Generation Kitetsu can be sold for 300,000 berries, which is already good. Uchiha Feiyu's price this time is ten times the price. For the sake of money, Ipponmatsu immediately forgot about the unpleasantness just now.

On the other side, Dasqi, the naive naval commander, had his eyes wide open at this moment, and finally figured out what he had done.

"I'm sorry, sir, I shouldn't have suspected you were a murderer...but this kind of knife-testing behavior is wrong! Life is not such a child's play!"

"Ah, yes, yes, I know, I know."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded perfunctorily. This insincere answer made Dasqi suddenly puff up his mouth and look angry:

"Sir, I feel like you don't have any introspection... By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

"How could it be? In fact, I have been reflecting on it very seriously... As for the name, you can call me Uchiha Feiyu."

"Captain Dasqi, the knife in your hand looks good!"

After hearing the question about the knife, Dasqi was immediately changed by Uchiha Feiyu and raised the knife excitedly:

"The full name of the sword in my hand is Xiaoye Shigure. Generally, everyone calls it Shigure. At night, dewdrops like rain will condense on the sword, so it gets its name."

"Saya Shigure is one of the 50 Ryo Kuai Swordsmen. It is a famous sword that is very suitable for women... My biggest wish is to collect all the famous swords from the hands of villains!"

"Oh, a few days ago I heard that the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, came to the East China Sea. Why didn't you go to him to collect the Black Blade Night?"

Dasqi: "..."

Do you want me to die? Go directly to the world's greatest swordsman to collect his sword? Wouldn’t it mean that you would die if you try? If you don't know how to chat, just shut up!

"Okay, I'm just kidding... but based on your performance just now, I think the most likely possibility is to give someone a knife, right?"

"Well... I know my performance is not very good... I will work harder in the future."

Dasqi lowered her head guiltily, and when she lowered her head, her eyes were right on the third generation of Kitetsu in Uchiha Feiyu's hand.

After one look, another look, and another look, after a while, Dasqi finally couldn't bear it anymore and said:

"Can you let me see the third-generation ghost sword in your hand? This is the legendary demon sword. It is said that its pure quality is higher than that of ordinary good and quick swords."

"Okay...but be careful. You almost killed yourself with an ordinary good sword. If you are a third generation ghost, you really have to be careful about your own life."

"What! It was just an accident!! I will be very careful!"

Dasqi puffed up her mouth again, reached out and took the third generation ghost from Uchiha Feiyu, pulled out the knife, and soon showed an expression of obsession on his face:

"As expected of the legendary demon sword, the hamon pattern is a typical flame-patterned steel burning blade, which is folded and forged. There is no blood groove on the sword, but it faintly reveals the aura of blood..."

It seemed that they were too close. Dasqi had just fallen to the ground, and her glasses, which were already slightly folded, fell to the ground with a clatter. In an instant, the female marine who had an obsessed expression on her face just now became completely confused. He started to panic:

"Oops, my glasses, I can't see anything!"

As he spoke, Dasqi took two steps, and heard a click, and his glasses were immediately trampled to pieces.

Feeling the vibrations and crisp clicks on her feet, Dasqi stiffened up and raised her head pitifully:

"That one... was crushed by me just now..."

"Yes, it's your glasses."

Uchiha Feiyu was not surprised by Taschi's performance and calmly told her the answer.

"Oh no!!"

Hearing this answer, Dasqi was extremely frustrated, moved away, and then lowered his head, wanting to see if his glasses could still be saved.

As a result, when she bent over, Saya Shigure on her waist suddenly hit the knife hanging on the wall behind her. With a soft sound, the knife hanging on the wall slid down with a squeaking sound. , the blade scraped across Dasqi’s back.

"Ahhh!! Who is it! Who is attacking me!!"

As the cold blade scraped across her back, Dasqi's hair immediately exploded. She waved the third generation ghost in her hand randomly, covered her head and rushed forward. She ran seven or eight meters and hit the counter she split open. Then he stopped and turned around:

"Who is it? Mr. Hiba Uchiha, is it you? Teasing girls is not a good habit!!"

"It's not me...forget it, it's not easy for you to survive until now."

"One more thing, you'd better put down the knife in your hand. You just cut down the weapon shop owner!"

Just as Dasqi rushed forward with his head covered, wielding the Third Generation Ghost, Uchiha Feiyu, who didn't want to be harmed by Chiyu, ducked sideways.

Then standing behind Uchiha Feiyu, the poor boss Ipponmatsu was hit on the spot. Sandaiki Tetsu shaved his head, cut off a small piece of scalp, and was also hit on his shoulder.

If it hadn't been for Uchiha Feiha who saw that the situation was not going well and pulled the Ipponmatsu boss, the original owner of the demon sword would have become the third generation of Kitetsu's new record today.

Ippon was sweating coldly, trembling, and almost speechless. He hid behind the counter, not even daring to show his head.

The blood on his shoulder was dripping, almost staining his arm, and the blood slowly seeping out of his head made the boss's face covered in blood, making him look extremely embarrassed.

"Ahhh, yes, yes, I'm sorry!!"

Dasqi hurriedly sheathed the sword of the Third Demon King, but she forgot that she did not have the third generation of Demon Demon King's sword on her body. In addition, she put it away too hastily, and the final result was that the knife cut into pieces. The belt, the inner clothes, and the pants immediately fell off, revealing her two long white legs.

Dasqi's body froze slightly, and she felt the slight cool breeze below. The expression on her face was almost about to cry:

"Mr. Hiba Uchiha, please don't look at it!"

As she spoke, the girl seemed to want to take two steps back, but she tripped over her pants and fell to the ground with a thud. The Sandaiki Tetsu in her hand flew out again and stabbed Uchiha Feiyu.

Uchiha Feiyu raised the scabbard, and with a clang, the third generation Kitetsu easily put the sword back into its sheath. Uchiha Feiyu turned the knife in a circle and put it back on his waist.

It's a pity that the two people in the store, one is Tashiqi who is severely short-sighted and in a hurry, and the other is the boss Ipponmatsu who was just scared out of his wits and now dare not even show his face. Uchiha Hiba's behavior can only be regarded as She gave the blind man a flirtatious look.

However, Daschi's fall opened the door wide, allowing Uchiha Feiyu to see a good view. If he hadn't seen Daschi's shameful and angry expression, he would have whistled loudly.

Dasqi's mind went blank after falling to the ground. It took him a while to react, and he quickly reached out to cover his lower body, and then said tremblingly:

" saw it all, right! Mr. Hiba Uchiha?!"

Uchiha Feiyu was silent for a moment, and finally said cautiously:

" you want me to say thank you for the hospitality?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu indeed, you have seen everything. It's over, I can't get married! Wuuuu..."

"Well, instead of crying here, I think you should change into a pair of pants and glasses first. Also, you should compensate my boss. He was almost killed by you just now."

"I...I understand...Mr. Feiyu Uchiha, please turn around and stop looking!"

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged and turned around. After a minute or two, he heard Taschi making a good sound.

Turning his head and taking a look at the confused girl, he saw that she was holding up her pants with one hand and her shattered glasses with the other hand. Her severely myopic eyes were full of confusion, as if she was a girl. Like a poor puppy.

"Miss Dasqi, please stretch out your hand. I will lead you as you walk. Don't cause any more trouble."

Dasqi, who was now a little helpless, heard Uchiha Feiyu's words, and quickly put down her glasses, and then stretched out her hand. Uchiha Feiyu took her hand, turned around and said to Ipponmatsu:

"Speaking of the Mediterranean... Bald store manager, go find a doctor for treatment! As for compensation, I will bring this Navy Sergeant to discuss it with you later!"

"Go, go, take that little ancestor away! Nothing good will happen if you meet these navy!"

Ippon Song stuck his head out from behind the counter, shook his arms, and shouted loudly.

When Smoker came to Rogue Town, Ippon Song's business plummeted. This smoke fruit ability user was simply a dimensionality reduction attack in the East China Sea. Pirates with a little intelligence dared not stay in Rogue Town, and Ippon Song's weapons could not be sold.

As a result, this time when he met this "chivalrous" female navy sergeant, he almost sent himself away. Ippon Song felt that he must have been destined to offend the navy, otherwise why would he always have bad luck when he met the navy?

Ippon Song didn't take compensation too seriously. Dashiqi didn't know Ippon Song, but Ippon Song knew Dashiqi.

This sergeant of the navy of Dashiqi is a rank of the navy headquarters, which is equivalent to a captain in the branch. For ordinary people, this is already a very high official.

Moreover, Dashiqi often patrols in Rogue Town. Although she is reckless and often makes some troubles, she is actually much stronger than the average navy. She is also well-known in Rogue Town. How dare I mess with such a person?

After taking Dashiqi out of Ipponmatsu's shop, Uchiha Feiyu put his coat on Dashiqi again. The back of this navy girl was also cut by the blade. The whole top was almost split in half, and her snow-white back could be seen completely.

Although most women in the pirate world don't care much about these, and there are many who wear more popular clothes, but just like the difference between underwear and swimsuits, Dashiqi is obviously very reluctant to go out in such an embarrassing outfit.

Feeling the clothes on her body, the navy girl's face immediately showed a touch of emotion:

"Thank you, Mr. Uchiha Feiyu, you are such a good person!"

"Tsk, you just give me the good person card, what an impolite little girl."


"Nothing, just a little old joke, by the way, where are you going? Do you want me to take you to the naval base?"

"Thank you very much, take me to the dormitory in the naval base! I usually live there, the house number is 13, there are my spare glasses."

"Okay, follow me!"

Uchiha Feiyu nodded, took Tashigi's hand, and walked towards the naval base.

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