Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 219 The Third Generation of Kitetsu

Naval base in Rogue Town.

Nami carried two unlucky pirates on her back and walked directly to the naval base. Several soldiers from the naval base quickly stopped her:

"Hey, this is a naval base, you can't barge in... What's that thing you're carrying on your back?"

"Ah, this is the pirate that my partner and I caught, and we're going to exchange it for a bounty."

"Are there any pirates with a bounty? Let me see."

A navy came over with a little curiosity, and Nami put Akin and Creek on the ground, and the appearance of the two was immediately exposed to all the navy.

"Hey! Wait, my eyes are not blurry! These... these two guys are..."

"It's Admiral Creek of the East China Sea and the demon Akin!! Two big pirates with a bounty of more than 10 million!"

"Go report to Commander Smoker!"

If it were in the Grand Line, a pirate with a bounty of only more than 10 million would probably not even be considered a fish belly, and could only be classified as a high-level miscellaneous soldier.

Going to the naval base of the Grand Line, this kind of pirate probably needs the navy's statistician to look through the bounty order to find the bounty portraits of the two.

However, this is the East China Sea. Admiral Creek of the East China Sea is not the strongest pirate in the East China Sea, nor is he the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, but he is definitely the most famous, most powerful, and most troublesome pirate in the East China Sea.

These navy officers of the East China Sea know Creek's appearance very well, but they remember it in their hearts. Naturally, they discovered the identities of the two at first sight.

It is said that Smoker was smoking in the office of the naval base at this moment. At this moment, there was a knock on the door from the door of the office. He frowned slightly, stretched out his hand directly, and his arm turned into white smoke and quickly stretched out to open the door.

"What's the matter? Why are you so flustered?"

"Captain Smoker, there's a bounty hunter outside who wants to collect the pirate's bounty. They, they caught the East China Sea Admiral Creek!"

The navy soldier stuttered as he finished his words, his face full of excitement. In comparison, Smoker's expression was much calmer:

"Crick? Didn't that idiot go to the Grand Line? He didn't die there and escaped back to the East China Sea? This guy is really lucky, but he's also unlucky enough to be caught by a bounty hunter!"

Smoker doesn't care about Creek, a "big pirate" with a bounty of more than 10 million. Only in the East China Sea can such a bounty be called a big pirate. If it's in other places, let alone the Grand Line, even in the other three seas, this kind of strength is just ordinary, just out of the bottom.

He really saw the world when he was in the Navy Headquarters. If Smoker wanted to, he could catch the entire Creek Pirates by himself, just a pirate who relied on equipment and his men to punish criminals.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look... At least it saves me a lot of trouble."

The sea area where the Creek Pirates' lair is located is quite far away from Smoker's Rogue Town, which is why Smoker did not take action to capture the Creek Pirates.

Rogue Town is extremely important as the gateway from the East China Sea to the Grand Line. Under normal circumstances, Smoker would not leave.

And there is another point... With Smoker's eyesight, he can fully see the flaws of the Creek Pirates. It is a joke for a pirate group of this strength to break into the Grand Line. It is estimated that they will die in a few months.

So when the Creek Pirates passed by Rogue Town and attacked the Grand Line, Smoker didn't care at all.

After all, it was the Great Pirate Era. Even in the peaceful East China Sea, the total number of pirates was also as numerous as cattle hair. Among them, those who wanted to go to the Grand Line would almost gather in Rogue Town.

Even with Smoker's strength, it is impossible to intercept hundreds of pirate groups, so he has always pursued a policy of catching the big and letting the small go, and only caught some threatening pirate groups.

As for those ordinary pirates who can't survive three days in the Grand Line, Smoker doesn't mind them going to die.

However, the Creek Pirates went to the Grand Line and escaped back... That's a bit troublesome. If these pirates who have been to the Grand Line and have really seen the world are still unwilling to live in seclusion after returning to the Four Seas, it will be a great threat to the security environment of the Four Seas. Being caught this time can save some trouble.

After walking out of the door, Smoker soon saw the two unlucky pirates chained and lying on the ground in the square of the naval base.

"Tsk, Ajin and Creek, it's these two guys, how much is their bounty?"

"Report to the commander, Creek's bounty is 17 million berries, Ajin's bounty is 12 million berries, adding up to 29 million berries!"

"29 million berries, 10% of the handling fee, about 26.1 million berries, help them count the money and give it to them!"

Smoker blew a smoke ring, glanced at Uchiha Feiyu and Nami, and didn't say much.

As for the idea of ​​luring the two to join the navy, it's even more impossible. In fact, the navy rarely lured bounty hunters.

There are no requirements for ordinary people to join the navy, but if they are strong, they must have a clean background, otherwise they are likely to be spies who have infiltrated the navy.

Most bounty hunters are strong, but few can meet this requirement.

Otherwise, the navy recruitment in the original book would not have produced two admiral-level masters. If it were really easy to join the navy, Fujitora and Midori would have already joined the navy, and there would be no need for any recruitment.

Smoker gave the money straightforwardly, and Uchiha Feiyu didn't talk nonsense. After letting Nami count the money clearly, the two left the naval base directly.

"Okay, now let's start the 50-50 split!"

Uchiha Feiyu opened the box, pulled out 13.1 million Berry, and handed it directly to Nami:

"Go ahead and buy whatever you like. I just happened to be shopping in Rogge Town to see if there are any good things."

There are two famous swords here in Rogge Town. Although they are only good sword-level weapons, the third-generation ghost sword can be used by Zoro until the new world and has not been eliminated. It can be seen that it is an absolute masterpiece among the good swords.

Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu's current strength is still somewhat lacking. A high-quality and fast sword is enough for him. As for the so-called third-generation Kitetsu's demon sword... Uchiha Feiyu is a devil himself, so he still cares about this thing. ?

Nami, a little thieving cat, was already extremely happy when she saw that Uchiha Feiyu had given her an extra 100,000 berries. She didn't care what Uchiha Feiyu was going to do, and just took the money and went shopping.

Uchiha Feiyu carried the box in his hand and walked around the entire Rogge Town. First he went back to his hometown of this body, and took a lot of funds, and then quickly found the place where Zoro bought the knife. The place where I saw a Mediterranean boss.

The Mediterranean boss now had a worried look on his face, almost sighing. Uchiha Feiyu didn't care so much and walked in directly carrying the box:

"Boss, buy a knife!"

"Come, come, guest, what kind of knife do you want? Do you want me to introduce it to you?"

When the Mediterranean boss heard that business was coming to his door, he immediately came over with a smile on his face. Uchiha Feiyu scanned the entire store and soon felt a sharp aura in a corner.

It was an aura that was somewhat bloodthirsty and frantic. If Uchiha Feiyu hadn't had experience in practicing magic, it would have been difficult to feel the existence of this strange aura.

"No introduction is needed, I think that knife is very good!"

Slowly walking into the corner, the demon sword Gui Te now has not been thrown into the waste knife barrel, but the place where it is placed is also very inconspicuous.

"Wait... that knife... that knife is..."

"The Third Demon King!"

Uchiha Feiyu drew out this famous sword with a bloodthirsty aura. The third generation of Kitetsu did not belong to the 50th grade of good swordsmen, but only belonged to the ranks of the most ordinary swordsmen.

And in fact, in terms of sharpness and sturdiness, this knife is absolutely outstanding even among good and fast knives. The looming spirituality in the knife is beyond the scope of ordinary good and fast knives. The reason why it is classified into the ranks of fast knives is just that Because this sword is just a fierce demon sword.

"No, you can't buy this knife!"

The Mediterranean boss stopped in front of Uchiha Feiyu and shouted loudly:

"This is the demon sword Kitetsu. It is a demon sword that will bring killing and despair. Many swordsmen once coveted its power, and they all died miserably in the end..."

"If you die because of this knife, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing someone for me who sells the knife?"

"Tsk, he's obviously a bald and money-grubbing Mediterranean boss, but I didn't expect that he's actually a special good person?"

Uchiha Feiyu sheathed the Demon Sword Demon Blade and glanced at the Mediterranean Sea in front of him:

"Whether I can withstand the power of the demon sword is my own business, so you don't have to worry about it so much!"

"What does it mean to be bald and greedy for money? My name is not Mediterranean Boss, my name is Ippon Matsu!"

Mediterranean boss... Ipponmatsu said with an angry look on his face. Seeing that Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of listening to his persuasion, he became even more angry:

"The curse of the demon sword is no joke. I have seen many swordsmen who wanted to surrender the curse of the demon sword, but they died..."

"Okay, how much does this knife cost?"

"Hey, did you listen to me? I told you I won't sell this knife!"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and pulled out the demon sword Kiteru again. The domineering energy in his body was input into the demon sword. The whole sword seemed to resonate with Uchiha Feiyu's soul and trembled slightly.

Then Uchiha Feiyu did not hesitate and struck Ipponmatsu with a knife. The Mediterranean boss did not expect that Uchiha Feiyu would suddenly attack. He only heard a scoff and Ipponmatsu screamed and fell to the ground.

"Boss?! What happened?! You guy, what did you do?!!"

With an angry shout, a girl wearing glasses rushed in. Looking at the boss lying on the ground, she directly pulled out the long knife on her waist and pointed it at Uchiha Feiyu.

"How dare you do such a thing in broad daylight! Murderer, come with me!"

"Hey, hey, which one of your eyes saw me killing someone! And who is this woman?"

"Questions and answers are useless. Today I, the Navy Commander, Dasqi, will bring you, a murderer, to justice!"

As he spoke, the girl named Daschi waved the long knife in her hand and rushed directly towards Uchiha Feiyu.

This young girl's posture is impressive, which shows that she has worked hard to practice. The long sword in her hand is shining with cold light, and it is obviously a good famous sword.

Unfortunately, the coolness lasted only three seconds. Dashiqi rushed forward two steps and stepped on the palm of the Mediterranean boss Ipponmatsu. Accompanied by Ipponmatsu's scream, the girl was also frightened and panicked. She was knocked down by Ipponmatsu's arm and even the long sword in her hand flew out.

Dashiqi's sword is called Shigure, which is one of the fifty good swords and is also an extremely sharp sword. She fell to the ground with her back to the sky, and saw her sword turned 720 degrees in the air and stabbed straight into her throat.

"Help, help, help... Help!!"

Facing the long sword falling from the sky, Dashiqi's brain went blank. Apart from screaming and closing her eyes, she had no reaction.

After a long while, Dashiqi, who closed her eyes, did not feel the pain of the long sword piercing her throat. She carefully opened one eye and saw the murderer just now, holding the handle of Shigure's sword with a playful smile on his face.

"Amazing! Are you trying to make me laugh to death?! If that's the case, I admit that you succeeded. I haven't seen such an idiotic navy!"

Uchiha Feiyu's words undoubtedly broke Dashiqi's defense. She was red-faced, smoke was coming out of her head, and her eyes were circling:

"I, I, I, I... I just made a mistake... I saw the dead resurrected..."

"Anyway, a swordsman who was injured by his own blade is really too bad, and facing the blade falling from the sky, your reaction was to close your eyes directly. As a swordsman, this is not qualified at all."

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head and said disapprovingly.

In fact, if Dashiqi hadn't closed her eyes directly in the face of the long sword falling from the sky, this little girl would definitely be able to dodge the knife falling from the sky.

After all, to put it bluntly, the danger just now was just the gravitational acceleration of the knife. The speed was not fast at all. As long as you stay calm and roll over, you can dodge it.

If it weren't for Dashiki's poor psychological quality, Uchiha Feiyu wouldn't have needed to help.

After being said by Uchiha Feiyu, Dashiki, who was originally quite ashamed, was completely sunk in an instant, and the whole person fell to the ground as if he had been hit by a ghost fruit:

"Yes, I am an unqualified swordsman and a completely failed navy..."

"That... Miss, can you please not do this in my store... I feel it will affect the business!"

Dashiki raised her head with a look of loss, and saw that the original Mediterranean head had a corner of hair missing, and the clothes were cut by the sword.

At this moment, the boss looked unharmed, the only thing that was a little red and swollen was his hand that was stepped on by Dashiki, and he was still shaking it around.

"Boss, how did you come back to life again?"

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