"Hmph~~ In addition to the Byakugan that has the reconnaissance function, the Hinata family's real means of self-protection is the soft fist..."

"The true essence of Soft Boxing lies in the use of chakra. It doesn't require physical contact at all. It only requires the transfer of chakra. You can easily control your opponent. You shouldn't use those steel wires to deal with me!"

Hinata Nei was chatting calmly, with a bright look on his face. Sasuke Uchiha, who had failed a move, was half kneeling on the ground, feeling that half of his body was numb and unable to move at all.

This is because Hyuga Neji is merciful. If it is really a life-and-death opponent, Hyuga Neji will have the confidence to directly explode the opponent's internal organs only by passing the chakra, instead of just paralyzing half of the opponent's body.

"Damn it!"

Qing Tianzhu, who was beaten severely on a whim, had a look of resentment on his face. This is how ordinary ninjas fight. Because they are strong in offense and weak in defense, even if they are as strong as jounin, they will be beaten once the opponent catches the opportunity. The genin instantly killed him—not to mention Uchiha Sasuke, whose current strength could not compare to Hyuga Neji.

"It seems that I won this competition... Do you want to try it again? This time you didn't show enough qualities to become a genin."

Hyuga Neji spoke calmly. With his strength, he was actually stronger than the average chuunin. At least chunin like Umino Iruka was definitely not his opponent, so he had to deal with ordinary graduates before. At that time, Hyuga Neji always defeated the opponent after the opponent tried his best and showed his best.

This time, because of being provoked by Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, as well as the bet with Xiao Li, he didn't hold back at all.

After hearing Hyuga Neji's words, Uchiha Sasuke felt that the anger in his heart suddenly surged, his unyielding fighting spirit burned crazily, and the originally silent chakra in his body surged as quickly as the Yangtze River.

On the other side of the Hokage's office, a smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Feiyu's mouth, controlling the young Uchiha's mind, while crazily increasing his fighting spirit and anger, while feeling the opponent's inner demons entering his body, completely fighting with him. The feeling of his emotions coming together as one.

"It's like a puppet on a string... Is this the secret power of the devil? It silently interferes with the other person's mind, plays with the other person's inner demons, and ultimately makes the other person become his puppet..."

And the most important thing is that the so-called inner demon is actually just another side of the personality. It is still the same person, without any change in spirit or soul.

"This is a much scarier ability than the God-Saving Technique and the Kaleidoscope of Other Gods, because the so-called inner demons are the spontaneous changes of the person, and there is no trace of external interference at all! Once successful, there is almost no way to solve it... …At least the chakra system can’t solve it.”

Of course, it could be so successful because Uchiha Sasuke himself was weak, so he was easily parasitized by Uchiha Feiyu's inner demon. If he were replaced by some strong people, it might not be so easy to succeed.

Besides, in the examination room at this moment, with the actions of Uchiha Feiyu, the anger in Uchiha Sasuke's heart was getting higher and higher, and the strong unwillingness turned into a key, opening up the potential in his eyes again.

The Sharingan, which originally had only one Magatama, rotated rapidly, splitting into a second and a third Magatama in an instant. While the Sharingan evolved, the chakra fed back into his body stirred up the original silky web. , the Hyuga chakra that controlled half of his body allowed him to regain his ability to move.

"It's not over yet!"

The three Magatama Sharingan gave Uchiha Sasuke a completely different feeling. The whole world seemed to slow down. Even the dust in the air and the expressions on everyone's faces were easily caught in his eyes. .

It was as if his whole person was completely transformed in an instant. The powerful Yin Escape Chakra doubled the amount of Uchiha Sasuke's chakra in an instant, making him feel more comfortable controlling chakra. a feeling of.

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke who stood up again with a high-spirited expression and the three magatama in his eyes, Hyuga Neji felt like a lost dog for a moment.

Gan! This is just a graduation exam! You opened the three magatama sharingan directly? Was there any mistake? Is your mental endurance so low?

With such a low tolerance, how did you endure it until today to open the Sharingan? You are not playing with me!

Could it be that you had already activated the three magatama before, so you were planning to make a big splash today, but I happened to bump into you?

Hinata Neji was thinking wildly in his mind, but still kept a calm face, and pulled out the starting hand of the soft fist. There was even a hint of caution in his expression.

You can't be careful. The three magatama sharingan is basically a pass for jounin. As long as Uchiha activates the three magatama, he will definitely become a jounin, and he will even be much stronger than the average jounin.

With the copying ability of the Magatama Sharingan, you can learn a large number of ninjutsu in a short period of time, and the Three Magatama Sharingan comes with illusion bonuses, and dynamic vision can also strengthen physical skills. It can be said that it can directly make an Uchi Bo became a ninja with no blind spots.

Hyuga Neji is very confident in his talent, but no matter how confident he is in himself, he does not feel that his current strength can compete with a jounin. In fact, even if he is a special jounin, Hyuga Neji has no confidence that he can win. .

Looking at Hyuga Neji's cautious expression, Uchiha Sasuke snorted lightly, his face full of arrogance, and his figure flashed, and he rushed up again.

This time, Uchiha Sasuke learned his lesson and did not use any tricks of kunai and steel wire. Instead, he prepared to have a physical battle with Hyuga Neji first.

Although the Hyuga clan, with the Byakugan and the Gentle Fist, is the best in the entire Konoha in terms of physical skills, Uchiha Sasuke feels that he has awakened the three magatama. With his powerful dynamic vision, he may not be able to make up for the gap in physical skills between the two sides!

Well... Mainly because Uchiha Sasuke does not know many attack ninjutsu, only two fire ninjutsu, one Great Fireball and one Phoenix Fire, plus a lightning ninjutsu, the Thunder ninjutsu of Gratitude Wave. If he directly uses ninjutsu to attack, he will definitely not be able to hit Hyuga Neji, who also has amazing dynamic vision.

So he could only use physical skills to entangle first, and then use ninjutsu as the trump card to win - use physical skills and kunai throwing as a test, and then use ninjutsu illusion as the decisive blow. Basically, the battle of ordinary ninjas is the same process.

However, it is obvious that Uchiha Sasuke really underestimated the soft fist of the Hyuga clan - the Hyuga clan relied on soft fist to maintain hundreds and thousands of years. Although it has never been the boss of the blood family, it has always been stable in the top three. From this, we can see the exquisiteness of soft fist.

The Uchiha clan has a variety of regular people, and the Mangekyō is even more bizarre. The Senju clan has a sage body, and the chakra is so much that it can be called a chatonla, and everyone is a ninjutsu turret.

The Hikari clan relies on soft fists to barely deal with the various ninjutsu of these two ninja families for so many years. After thousands of years of polishing, it can be called an unbreakable skill.

Compared to Uchiha Sasuke, who needs to study ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu, Hyuga Neji only needs to study the taijutsu of soft fist. With a stronger taijutsu than Uchiha Sasuke, and with his talent and training time far exceeding that of Uchiha Sasuke, it would be strange if Uchiha Sasuke, who had just awakened the three-magatama Sharingan, could win!

After the two sides fought for dozens of moves, Hyuga Neji found an opportunity and lightly tapped Uchiha Sasuke's wrist with his fingers. Uchiha Sasuke only felt a slight numbness in his wrist, and immediately lost half of his strength. Even the kunai in his hand fell to the ground in an instant.

Then Hyuga Neji slapped Uchiha Sasuke's chest with one palm. Uchiha Sasuke only felt a severe cramp in his internal organs, and directly spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

"Is this the power of the three-magatama Sharingan? It seems that the bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan is not as powerful as you said!"

Hyuga Neji said with a proud face, but in fact he was secretly lucky in his heart - after really fighting, Hyuga Neji had changed his mind. Uchiha Sasuke obviously did not awaken the Sharingan very early, otherwise he would not be so easy to deal with.

After awakening the three-magatama Sharingan, the Uchiha clan, in addition to the increase in physical fitness and chakra, can also copy a large number of ninjutsu and taijutsu, and quickly enrich their combat skills. In addition, they can also learn some of the Uchiha clan's unique Sharingan pupil techniques.

This period of learning does not take long. The Uchiha with the copying eye can learn a large number of ninjutsu and taijutsu skills in just one day. The Sharingan pupil technique may take a little longer, but it will not exceed three days.

However, although the time is short, the strength of the Uchiha will undergo a complete transformation. Once the standard training of the three-magatama Sharingan is completed, it is enough for an ordinary Genin to have the quality of the Jonin level in the shortest time!

If Uchiha Sasuke had really completed this kind of training, then Hyuga Neji would definitely not be able to beat his opponent no matter what.


Uchiha Sasuke's chest, then wanted to get up, he didn't expect that he had already opened the three-magatama Sharingan, but he still lost so easily - in fact, if he didn't have the three-magatama Sharingan, he couldn't fight Hyuga Neji for dozens of rounds, and it is estimated that he would be sealed by the opponent within ten moves.

But obviously this proud Uchiha didn't think about so many problems, and Uchiha Feiyu had lost interest in him.

Then provoke Uchiha Sasuke's emotions, maybe he can even awaken the Mangekyō, but awakening the three-magatama in a graduation battle is already exaggerated enough, and directly awakening the Mangekyō is really a bit inhuman.

Not to mention Uchiha Sasuke's current age, if he awakens the Mangekyō, he will most likely be completely drained - Uchiha Sasuke's psychopathic brother is a typical example. The reason why Uchiha Itachi died so early was that he was under great psychological pressure on one hand, and awakening the Mangekyō too early also squeezed his body on the other hand.

However, Uchiha Sasuke's performance is definitely more than enough for him to pass the graduation exam. If he studies for another two days, he will have no problem becoming a special jonin.

On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto has been knocked away by Xiao Li for the third time, but he climbed up again after each knock.

The idea of ​​Uchiha Feiyu lurking deep in Uzumaki Naruto's heart did not move at first - Sasuke has the blood of Uchiha, and he can open his eyes directly when he is emotionally excited, but Uzumaki Naruto doesn't care about this.

He doesn't have the Nine-Tails in his body now, even if he is extremely emotional - that can only be excited for a whole day at most, and will not improve his combat effectiveness at all, but may reveal more flaws.

However, although Xiao Li's steel fist is quite high, it does not have special attacks like Hyuga Neji's soft fist. In addition, this is a graduation exam after all, Xiao Li cannot directly kill or maim Uzumaki Naruto, so he has to hold back when he attacks, so he has not beaten Uzumaki Naruto down until now.

After all, even without Ashura Chakra and Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Naruto still has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, and his recovery ability and toughness are far superior to ordinary ninjas. Don't look at how many punches and kicks he received in the battle just now, but in fact he only suffered some superficial injuries.

"Well... the ability to control the mind with the inner demon has been tested, so let's do another experiment!"

Uchiha Feiyu's feelings have completely influenced Naruto's mind, and his own thoughts. After a change of mind, Uzumaki Naruto felt that many skills that he had never learned suddenly emerged in his head.

Regarding this strange situation, Uzumaki Naruto did not have the slightest doubt, but chose one of the techniques without hesitation and performed it:

"Boiling blood!"

Instantly, Uzumaki Naruto's heart beat three times faster than normal, and the high-speed blood made Uzumaki Naruto's skin red, but at the same time, his body's strength, speed, defense, and explosive power all increased significantly!

This is knowledge from the blood nerves, and it can't even be called a skill or a magical power. It can only be regarded as a very small skill-but this is not something that a ninja who has never practiced magic power and only has chakra can learn instantly.

However, Uzumaki Naruto used it instantly, and even felt that he was very comfortable with it. For all this knowledge that surged in his heart, Uzumaki Naruto did not have any doubts, as if he had practiced it from birth.

As the ground was trampled, with a loud bang, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to turn into a golden light, several times faster than before, and appeared directly in front of Rock Lee:

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

Looking at the calf sweeping over, Rock Lee's eyes suddenly shrank, and he raised his arms to block it, but he was half a step too slow and was kicked away.

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