Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 199 Graduation exams of the two former protagonists

Konoha Ninja School, this may be the most lively place in Konoha Ninja Village now.

Because of the Fourth Ninja World War, the entire Konoha Ninja Village has been depressed a lot - almost 70% to 80% of the ninjas were all filled in the battlefield of the Rain Country. With such a big loss, Konoha Ninja Village is of course no longer as bustling as before.

However, because the time of this Ninja World War was very short, it only took two months in total, so even if there were heavy losses, several ninja villages did not use the backup young ninjas for support - or they had not had time to use them before the battle was over.

Therefore, although the adult ninjas suffered heavy losses and died, none of the students in the ninja school were injured, and there was no movement to graduate early.

And today, it happened to be the day for the new round of young ninjas in the ninja school to graduate, and a group of young ninjas were standing on the playground to take graduation tests.

Perhaps it was because of the excitement of the Fourth Ninja World War, or because Tsunade, the young Hokage, had different policies from the old Third Hokage. Anyway, the graduation test of the Ninja School this time was not some kind of three-body technique, but a serious actual combat.

If a ninja student wants to graduate from the school, he must fight with a veteran Genin who has graduated for a few years, and then the Chunin teacher will determine whether their strength is enough to graduate. Of course, it is not required to win, but at least there must be some ability to fight back.

At this moment, on the playground, two young ninjas, one with a green melon-skin head and one with white eyes and long hair, and a classic Chinese-style girl with a ball head, are the examiners of this Genin exam.

Needless to say, these three people are Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten. Because of their age, although they have graduated from the Ninja School and become Genin, they did not rush to the battlefield in the first time, and naturally did not become victims on the battlefield.

Of course, the fierceness of the battlefield and the heavy sacrifices also frightened the three little ones. Fortunately, the two people who were closest to them, whether it was Hyuga Hizashi or Might Guy, finally returned safely.

Although no close relatives died in this war, the disappearance of those nodding acquaintances or familiar ninjas also made these three little ninjas mature a lot. Now the three of them are standing on the playground, facing the challenge of the newly graduated juniors and juniors.

Standing aside to watch and score, it is naturally the teacher of this elite ninja class, Umino Iruka. As a Chunin who is more engaged in clerical work, he did not participate in the tragic ninja war, and also saved his life.

At this moment, the students of the elite ninja class came forward one by one to fight against the Hyuga Neji trio. The male students' opponents are Hyuga Neji and Xiao Li, and the female students' opponents are naturally Tiantian.

A huge pile of meat rolled towards the opponent, but was calmly touched by Hyuga Neji, and the direction was changed directly. It hit the rock and fell to the ground, turning into a fat boy with two eyes spinning.

"Akimichi Choji... Well, good performance, qualified!"

Umino Iruka nodded at Akimichi Choji's performance, and then turned his head to look at the other side, only to see the shadow under Nara Shikamaru's feet extend, directly controlling Rock Lee and winning the battle.

Speaking of hard power, Rock Lee can beat ten Nara Shikamaru without breathing, but in terms of brain, the two are completely opposite. Rock Lee's brain is ranked last among the 12 little strong men, even compared to Uzumaki Naruto who occasionally has a flash of inspiration, I am afraid it is inferior.

In addition, this is just an exam, not a life-and-death duel, so Nara Shikamaru first used rhetoric to guide, and finally controlled Rock Lee unexpectedly, becoming the only example of a successful counterattack among all ninja students.

"Very good, Shikamaru, you also passed!"

After scoring Nara Shikamaru in the small notebook in his hand, Umino Iruka said with a smile on his face, and Shikamaru nodded lazily and removed the shadow under his feet.

The next moment, Rock Lee, who was free from the shadow imitation technique, suddenly knelt on the ground, his whole body gray:

"I actually lost... I lost to my junior who hasn't graduated yet. My youth is really too bad. I have to make up for it with 100 times the effort!"

Seeing his senior's excited performance, Nara Shikamaru's forehead was sweating:

"That..., senior, you don't have to be so depressed. In fact, I just played a little trick. If it was really on the battlefield, I guess I would have been beaten down by now!"

Nara Shikamaru saw Rock Lee's physical skills. Those students who took the exam at the beginning were basically knocked down with three punches and two kicks.

Nara Shikamaru estimated that with his fragile physique and weak physical skills, he would probably be knocked down by a punch. This is why Nara Shikamaru had to be high-profile and directly control Xiao Li.

Because if he didn't do this, the most likely result would be that he would be killed in one move, and he might not even have a chance to get the Genin forehead protector - when he goes home, he will probably have to go through a mixed doubles game!

"Don't say it, it's my own lack of effort, I've failed my youth..."

"Hey, watermelon-rind thick eyebrow over there, do you want to continue the test! I'm so impatient to wait!"

The blond boy spoke carelessly, although his words were very impolite, but none of the classmates around him spoke.

"Naruto, you should be more polite to your seniors!"

The teacher Umino Iruka said to Uzumaki Naruto angrily, but Uzumaki Naruto just picked his nose and said nonchalantly:

"I know, I know, teacher Iruka! You are really nagging, obviously this guy is really a thick-browed watermelon skin!"

The current Uzumaki Naruto is not a nine-tailed demon fox. The nine-tailed fox was still sealed in Uzumaki Kushina's body, and later it was directly made into a pill, completely dead.

After losing the identity of the nine-tailed demon fox, Uzumaki Naruto's other identity: the posthumous son of the fourth generation Hokage, was highlighted.

Because Uzumaki Naruto is not a Jinchūriki, naturally no one concealed the news that he is the son of the fourth generation Hokage, and therefore his childhood life was directly transformed to another extreme compared to the original work.

Everyone was grateful and flattering to him, which directly cultivated this Uzumaki Naruto into a lawless character. In addition, the Ashura Chakra in his body had long been absorbed by Uchiha Feiyu. In the end, although Uzumaki Naruto did not become a scum, he looked like a devil.

"Golden hair... is the child of the Fourth Hokage! You are right, I really can't be depressed anymore, come on! Next, let me be your opponent!"

Xiao Li jumped up and looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a serious look on his face.

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists and also walked into the battle circle. The current Uzumaki Naruto is not the orphan in the original work. Even without the Nine-Tails and Ashura Chakra, his potential has been greatly reduced.

But in the student stage, he had a good mother to teach him, and without the interference of the Nine-Tails Chakra, he was also a genius student in the class, and his strength was not much worse than that of another genius Uchiha Sasuke.

"Very good, it's my turn next... Sasuke, do you want to see who wins first?"

At this moment, Uchiha Sasuke also walked into the competition venue. Standing opposite him was the last session's chief, Hyuga Neji. After hearing what Uzumaki Naruto said, he frowned slightly.

In his opinion, Hyuga Neji is much stronger than Xiao Li. Even though Uchiha Sasuke, because of his family's teachings, is stronger than himself at this stage in the original work, he doesn't think he can definitely beat Hyuga Neji.

However, Uchiha Sasuke belongs to the standard Uchiha clan. Even if all the bones in his body are broken, his mouth is still hard, not to mention that it was Uzumaki Naruto, who he regarded as his opponent, who took the initiative to challenge him?

"Hmph, just don't cry after you lose!"

"Don't underestimate me! Sasuke?!"

On the other side, not to mention the hot-blooded and naive Lee, the equally arrogant Hyuga Neji couldn't help but roll his eyes:

"Beat me?! It seems that we are completely underestimated by our junior!"

"Lee! Let's compete! Let's see who can knock these two brats down first!"

"A competition with Neji? Well then! I won't lose!"

The four brats seemed to be inexplicably ignited, and at this moment, in the Hokage's office in the distance, someone was watching the four people's fight.

When the new Hokage building was first built, it was planned to be the tallest building in the entire village, and in the Hokage's office in the center, a monitoring system that can see all places in the new Konoha Ninja Village was created by combining sealing techniques and technology.

At this moment, in addition to Tsunade, the Hokage, there were two uninvited mothers in the Hokage's office. They were the red-haired Uzumaki Kushina who looked quite hot, and the gentle Uchiha Mikoto who sat on the stool.

Naturally, in such a place, Uchiha Feiyu, who had just come out of retreat, was indispensable. He was also quite interested in the two original protagonists who had been stripped of the protagonist's halo.

Looking at the battle that was about to begin on the large monitoring screen in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, ignoring the two children's mothers who were joking next to him, and his eyes suddenly turned black and red.

In the black bottom of the eyes, three red magatama kept rotating, completely opposite to the color of the normal three-magatama Sharingan, representing the strange Samsara Eye Technique: Night God Source!

It was originally a dream-like ninjutsu that observed the past and the future and illuminated the world, and then after integrating the Heavenly Demon Secret practiced by Uchiha Feiyu, it had a strange change.

Uchiha Feiyu's thoughts turned into a strange and unpredictable demon in an instant, and through the observed images, they sneaked into the minds of the two former protagonists.

In an instant, Uchiha Feiyu sensed all the thoughts in the other party's mind. As the big and small thoughts in their minds fluctuated, Uchiha Feiyu could even feel that he could completely control every thought in the other party's mind, turning the two into puppets, and the two would not find anything wrong, but would only think that the thoughts were their own thoughts.

This feeling of lurking in the hearts of others made Uchiha Feiyu quite fresh. With a change of mind, he began to control the thoughts in Uchiha Sasuke's mind.

Joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, fear, any emotion of Uchiha Sasuke can be easily aroused in his eyes, and now that the battle is about to begin, the most easily aroused emotion is excitement.

In an instant, Uchiha Sasuke only felt that his fighting spirit was soaring, as if he was possessed by the Fighting Buddha, and the invisible fighting will was almost condensed into flames.

Under this intense mental stimulation, Uchiha Sasuke's eyes turned blood red, and a black magatama appeared in a moment.

"Sharingan?! The Uchiha clan's bloodline limit, I didn't expect you to have mastered it before you graduated!"

Hyuga Neji showed a few traces of surprise on his face. Sharingan is not as common as Byakugan. Any member of the Hyuga clan can awaken it.

On the contrary, even among the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, only a few can awaken Sharingan, and those who can awaken Sharingan at the age of 13 can be called geniuses in the elite Uchiha clan.

"Hehehe! With my Sharingan, I can see through all your moves!"

Hearing Uchiha Sasuke's arrogant words, Hyuga Neji rolled his eyes in a very hidden way:

"It's just a one-magatama Sharingan, who are you trying to fool!"

"The Sharingan is indeed more suitable for fighting than the Byakugan, but it must be at least at the level of three-magatama... One-magatama Sharingan is no match for the Byakugan!"

The observation ability of the Byakugan is better than that of the Sharingan, but it focuses more on perspective and farsightedness. It is indeed not as good as the Sharingan in terms of dynamic vision and hypnotic illusion, but that refers to the three-magatama that has been fully developed. The one-magatama Sharingan has a very weak bonus to illusion, and its dynamic vision is completely inferior to the Byakugan.

But now the high-spirited Uchiha Sasuke doesn't care about these things at all. Instead, he rushed up with full confidence, throwing the kunai in his hand casually, turning into wonderful arcs.

Hyuga Neji snorted coldly. The Uchiha style of kunai throwing seems to be exquisite, but in fact, in order to pursue a strange route, the speed is greatly reduced. In order to make up for the defect, the Uchiha clan often hangs steel wires on these kunai to plot against the opponent.

However, the observation ability of the Hyuga clan's Byakugan is not to be underestimated. He can see the steel wire behind Uchiha Sasuke's kunai clearly, and even the turning of the force and the flow of chakra can be felt almost. How could it pose a threat to him?

He casually stretched out his hand and gently moved the first two kunai. A condensed chakra penetrated through the steel wire and instantly penetrated Uchiha Sasuke's body, making his eyes wide open and his body numb.

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