Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 172 Changes in the Kingdom of Wind

It was not until he saw the various scrolls about Yin-Yang Release and Samsara Eye left by Uchiha Madara that Nagato was sure that Samsara Eye was indeed Uchiha Madara's.

There was no other reason, it was just because Uchiha Madara had fully developed the power of Samsara Eye to the limit. In comparison, Nagato could only use some basic functions of Samsara Eye, but Uchiha Madara had already mastered the power of Samsara Eye and even developed the secret.

"So, this is the true power of Samsara Eye? There is also Yin-Yang Release... As expected, this eye should be transplanted to me by Uchiha Madara."

There was a bit of loss on Nagato's face, and he sighed softly.

The trio had such great confidence in creating the Akatsuki organization and pursuing world peace. 80% of the reasons came from their confidence in Nagato's Samsara Eye.

The Six Paths Sage possessed the Samsara Eye, calmed the world's disasters, founded the Ninja Clan, and became a legend of a generation. Then Nagato claimed that as the owner of the second Samsara Eye, he had a destiny, and it was not difficult for him to pursue world peace, right?

It can only be said that the lack of information gave Nagato great confidence. Of course, the power of the Samsara Eye is indeed strong. In theory, if Nagato can really fully exert the power of the Samsara Eye and there are not so many behind-the-scenes masters, he can really suppress an era like Hashirama Senju and bring decades of peace to the ninja world.

But now that he knows the truth of the matter, Nagato's fantasy is shattered. He has no destiny, nor is he born with the Samsara Eye. It is only because he has the immortal body of the Uzumaki clan that he was chosen by the behind-the-scenes mastermind as the host of the Samsara Eye.

"It's okay, Nagato. Uchiha Madara gave you the Samsara Eye, maybe with bad intentions, but he is dead now. Doesn't this prove that you are destined to be the one?"

Yahiko patted Nagato's shoulder and said jokingly. Nagato came back to his senses and his face regained some spirit:

"Don't worry, Yahiko, I just have some feelings for a while. No matter whether I was born with the Samsara Eye or not, and no matter who is destined to be the one, I will work hard for the wishes of the Akatsuki organization and our common wish!"

"It's good that you can see it clearly, but is Uchiha Madara really dead?"

Yahiko said with a smile, then looked at a few weirdos and asked.

"Uchiha Madara-sama is really dead. When he was young, Madara-sama might have been very powerful, but he was already in his seventies and eighties at that time. His Samsara Eye was dug out and given to you. It would be difficult for him to fight against any Kage-level person."

"Not only that, even the Outer Path Demon Statue was taken away. Without the Outer Path Demon Statue, even if Uchiha Madara-sama was still alive, he would definitely be dead by now."

"Outer Path Demon Statue..."

Nagato murmured and touched his eyes again.

After having the Samsara Eye, he could also sense the existence of the Outer Path Demon Statue, but even with the physique of the Uzumaki clan, it would probably take half of his life to summon the Outer Path Demon Statue, so he never thought of summoning the Outer Path Demon Statue before.

And a few years ago, the Samsara Eye's induction of the Outer Path Demon Statue completely disappeared. At that time, Uzumaki Nagato was also suspicious, but no one could explain the matter of the Samsara Eye to him, so in the end he could only suppress this doubt in his heart.

Unexpectedly... the Outer Path Demon Statue was actually snatched away by Uchiha Feiyu. It seems that this Uchiha Feiyu is really not an easy person to deal with.

"Outer Path Demon Statue, what is that?"

Yahiko asked with some doubt, but Nagato had only sensed the existence of the Outer Path Demon Statue and knew that the Outer Path Demon Statue was very powerful. He was not very clear about what the Outer Path Demon Statue looked like and what functions it had.

Several white weirdos, that is, White Zetsu, talked about it, which gave Nagato and others a simple understanding of the Outer Path Demon Statue.

"Possessing powerful chakra? And also possessing the power to absorb chakra?"

"Extremely huge and hard demon body? Amazing destructive power?"

"Can create artificial humans... that is, you White Zetsu?"

The more the White Zetsu said, the tighter Yahiko frowned. According to the White Zetsu, the Outer Path Demon Statue is essentially a treasure that is no less than the Samsara Eye. The other party has had the Outer Path Demon Statue for such a long time, I am afraid that both strength and power are already extremely amazing.

"But this also confirms the prediction of the Great Toad Sage. If the other party is really an ordinary Uchiha, how could he pose a threat to the world?"

Nagato spoke calmly, without losing confidence, and comforted Yahiko:

"Believe in the power of the Samsara Eye! The Outer Path Demon Statue is just an external force anyway. After I have fully developed the power of the Samsara Eye, the other party is no longer a threat."

"And I have the help of you, Myoboku Mountain, and Jiraiya. As long as we join forces, I believe we can definitely defeat this Uchiha."

"Well said!"

Yahiko nodded, and also had some confidence:

"Next, Nagato, you will learn the application of the Samsara Eye and Yin-Yang Release here! Uchiha Madara's inheritance should also improve your strength."

"As for other information about Uchiha Feiyu, we will inquire with Jiraiya to see what the other party is going to do."

Nagato's face showed worry, and he spoke in a low voice:

"Be careful. The other party has now completely controlled the Suna Ninja Village, and with the Heretic Golem in hand, even with Teacher Jiraiya, it is very difficult and dangerous to get useful information."

Yahiko waved his hand, not caring:

"Don't worry, I know very well how dangerous an Uchiha is who can kill Uchiha Madara, not to mention that he still controls the Suna Ninja Village and has a heretic demon in his hands."

"I just went to inquire about the situation. Once we find that something cannot be done, we will retreat as soon as possible!"

Nowadays, Yahiko and Konan have almost reached the Kage level after training in Myoboku Mountain. Together with Jiraiya, from Yahiko's point of view, even if they are not invincible, they can go anywhere to find out information. And retreat.

It is precisely because of Nagato's possession of the Samsara Eye that he can understand how powerful the Heretic Golem is. It may not be as convenient to use as the Samsara Eye, but as long as he can figure out some of the most basic uses of the Heretic Golem, It is enough to sweep away ordinary ninjas and dominate the world.

However, Nagato didn't say much. The Heretic Golem was powerful, but it was not flexible enough. I think Mr. Kiraiya still had the ability to lead Yahiko and Konan to escape unscathed.

So the matter was settled like this. Nagato received Uchiha Madara's inheritance and began to study seriously again. His strength was now +1, and Jiraiya took his other two apprentices to the Kingdom of Wind. .

The Country of Wind, Sand Ninja Village.

Uchiha Feiyu has been waiting here for several months and has long been impatient.

During this period of time, Uchiha Feiyu released the crystal ball Sharingan he created into the sky, and has been continuously scanning the entire Kingdom of Wind.

Although Uchiha Hiba's chakra cannot pull the entire Kingdom of Wind into a small infinite Tsukuyomi, if you just use the crystal ball Sharingan to scan the terrain to find people, it won't be much of a burden.

It's just that chakra is not burdensome, but Uchiha Feiyu is not interested in patrolling the Kingdom of Wind all day long to check the surveillance!

"Wait another week. If that guy Jiraiya doesn't show up again, let's let him go for a while!"

"It just so happened that by sacrificing black energy last time, we obtained some methods that can strengthen leeks. At that time, these countries in the ninja world can start to implement it... This is the real business. That guy Jiraiya is not worth my waste. Too much time."

Sitting in the office of the Kingdom of Wind, Uchiha Feiyu once again devoted his mental power to the Sharingan crystal ball in the sky. A faint red light flashed across the crystal ball, slowly turning the entire wind. Zhiguo scanned it again.

Although the Kingdom of Wind is the country with the smallest population among the five major countries, the entire country has a population of tens of millions. Of course, it is impossible for Uchiha Fei to see them all, even if the Sharingan crystal ball can recognize everyone. When he came out, he didn't have the memory to distinguish them one by one.

Therefore, Uchiha Feiyu's detection method is to determine key targets through chakra. Those targets with no chakra, or with weak chakra, are likely to be civilians of the Kingdom of Wind. Those with stronger chakra are generally those of the Wind Country. National ninja.

As a Kage-level ninja, Jiraiya's chakra strength is definitely among the top ten in the entire Kingdom of Wind. Uchiha Feiyu only needs to check if there is any unfamiliar and powerful chakra, and then locate the candidate. You can determine whether the other party has sneaked in.


This time it was still a routine scan, but Uchiha Feiyu was slightly startled and raised his head with a look of surprise on his face.

"Three unfamiliar powerful chakras, one is considered powerful among Kage level, and the remaining two are close to the level of Kage level ninja..."

Feeling the new powerful chakra entering the Kingdom of Wind, Uchiha Feiyu used his "eyes" in the sky to keep an eye on the birthplace of chakra without saying a word, and then clearly saw the three people walking in the desert.

"Is this Jiraiya taking his two apprentices? Why didn't he take Nagato with him?"

Looking at the three of Jiraiya, Uchiha Feiyu was a little surprised, but soon this surprise turned into surprise:

"Forget it, no matter what, Jiraiya is finally here...I have waited so long in vain!"

After confirming that Jiraiya had entered the Kingdom of Wind, Uchiha Feiyu was not in a hurry and started waiting directly in the Sand Ninja Village for the arrival of the three Jiraiyas.

Uchiha Feiyu is not in a hurry, and the three of Jiraiya are not too anxious either. In the past few years, the changes in the Kingdom of Wind have been extremely huge. The green area has expanded seven or eight times, and many deserts have turned into wild savannas. The three people who had been to the Kingdom of Wind or had heard of it were all quite surprised.

"Although I have heard about the changes in the Kingdom of Wind for a long time... I really didn't expect that the Kingdom of Wind is now so much more prosperous and wealthy than before."

Walking in the desert market of the Kingdom of Wind, Jiraiya also felt a little emotional:

"Now I have some doubts about whether Uchiha Feiyu is the person who destroyed the world according to the big toad fairy. He can transform the Kingdom of Wind into this appearance. This young Uchiha may not be like us. It’s as scary as you can imagine.”

Jiraiya was touched by the changes in the Kingdom of Wind, and instead had a good impression of Uchiha Feiyu.

Thinking about it carefully, the Great Toad Sage only dreamed that an Uchiha with three Magatama Sharingan would destroy the world, but he was not completely sure that it was Uchiha Feiha.

Although Uchiha Feiyu betrayed Konoha and also killed Uchiha Madara, he betrayed Konoha for a reason, and killing Uchiha Madara was not a bad thing. Using this to decide his position, was he a little arbitrary?

Jiraiya was a little shaken, not to mention Konan and Yahiko. Yahiko looked at the bustling market in the Kingdom of Wind with a look of envy on his face:

"I have heard before that most of the land in the Kingdom of Wind is desert. I didn't expect that the current environment of the Kingdom of Wind has been transformed to this extent. Teacher Jiraiya, you have been to the original Kingdom of Wind. What does the Kingdom of Wind look like?”

"The original Kingdom of Wind is definitely a much harsher environment than you imagined!"

"The temperature during the day has never been below forty degrees, and at night it is basically below minus ten degrees. Even us ninjas have a history of falling down due to the harsh environment in the desert."

"The amount of vegetation is far less than it is now. At that time, a desert market like this would only plant some turf and plants inside the market. Unless it was a relatively large oasis, you could see more green space."

"It is unprecedented in the Kingdom of Wind to have a large area of ​​grassland and even some trees outside the market."

Jiraiya said with a very cautious expression. In fact, it was not just the natural environment of the Kingdom of Wind that had improved. The residents of the Kingdom of Wind also seemed much richer than before.

Originally, even in such a market, the number of people gathered every day was not too many, only about seven or eight hundred people a day, but now the number of people has increased almost three to four times.

The population of the Country of Wind will definitely not increase several times in a few years. The only explanation is that the civilians of the Country of Wind are richer than before, so the number of people visiting the market has increased so much.

"It seems that not only the environment of the Kingdom of Wind has improved a lot, but the administration of the Kingdom of Wind is also very clear... Otherwise, the income from the transformation of the Kingdom of Wind will probably be misappropriated by those nobles..."

When he said this, Jiraiya was a little confused. Only then did he remember that it seemed that not only the country of wind, but also the administration of the country of fire had become very clear in the past few years, and the nobles seemed to have changed. Similar.

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