Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 171 Uchiha Madara's Base

Konan and Yahiko, who came to Myoboku Mountain, finally saw Nagato, and also saw the old and huge big toad sage.

There was no need to say much, just the existence of the big toad sage, the huge size and terrifying chakra, had already shocked the trio, and made the three of them obediently stay quiet.

In the following time, Nagato was taken to practice sage arts by Fukasaku and Shima, two toads who had cultivated sage arts, while Konan and Yahiko also followed Jiraiya to learn about a group of toads in Myoboku Mountain, and learned how to summon these toads and cooperate with their own ninjutsu system.

The toads in Myoboku Mountain have many functions, and they are the most versatile among the three holy places. Whether it is direct combat, or sealing, concealment, exploration and other abilities, they can all do it, which greatly makes up for the shortcomings of Konan and Yahiko.

But the one who really made the most progress is still Uzumaki Nagato!

Nagato himself has the Sage Body of the Uzumaki Clan, otherwise he would not be able to bear the pressure of the Samsara Eye. It can be said that in terms of the talent of the Sage Mode, Nagato is much stronger than Jiraiya, and is catching up with Hashirama Senju in the past.

And although the Samsara Eye squeezed the chakra in Nagato's body, in fact, this eye that condensed the highest level of Yin-Yang Release was also of great help to Nagato in practicing the Sage Mode.

In the original work, Uchiha Madara easily seized the Sage Chakra in Hashirama Senju's body in the end, and it was absolutely inseparable from the help of a pair of Samsara Eyes, which shows the effect of the Samsara Eye.

In three months, Uzumaki Nagato can easily enter the Sage Mode. Because of the nourishment of the Sage Chakra, his original Sage Body has also come a step closer. Even in normal state, his tolerance for the Samsara Eye has increased a lot.

Uzumaki Nagato has no way to exert the power of the Samsara Eye, so in this case, as long as the body's tolerance is increased, the strength of Uzumaki Nagato will naturally increase.

Even in a normal state, the current Uzumaki Nagato can use some normal Shinra Tensei, Wanxiang Tianyin and other ninjutsu without consuming vitality.

If he enters the Sage Mode, Uzumaki Nagato can even use one or two large-scale Samsara Eye ninjutsu such as Super Shinra Tensei and Chibaku Tensei without damage!

On this basis, consuming vitality for addition, the burst of power is even close to the Samsara Eye Uchiha Madara - of course, even if Uzumaki Nagato is in a much better physical condition, it is estimated that he can only burst out one or two ninjutsu, and he will be drained dry.

The stronger the ninjutsu, the more vitality is extracted, just like the original Uzumaki Nagato used the smallest Chibaku Tensei, of which about half is chakra and half is his vitality.

And now he is desperate, he can use Tenkai Zhenxing, which is also half chakra and half vitality - but Tenkai Zhenxing needs to consume seven or eight times the chakra of that small Chibaku Tensei, and the vitality consumed is naturally the same.

However, ninjas have always been open to these desperate ninjutsu. In many cases, they can still keep half of their lives if they fight hard, but they will be beaten to death on the spot if they don't fight hard.

Although Myoboku Mountain has the intention of treating Nagato and the other two as cannon fodder, it is also very clear in teaching ninjutsu and providing contractual assistance. It can be said that in a short period of time, the trio, especially Nagato, has been reborn and surpassed his strongest period in the original work.

When Jiraiya brought his three apprentices back to the Rain Country through the summoning technique again, the four were full of confidence.

After seeing the strength shown by Nagato, Jiraiya even felt that the God of Ninja and Shura of the Ninja World in those days were at most this kind of combat power! With the help of Nagato, it is not easy to deal with a mere Uchiha?

"Lord Nagato, Lord Yahiko, Lord Konan, you are finally back!"

Just as the four had just returned to the Rain Country, the Akatsuki organization had received news that the ninja disguised as Black Zetsu had found them directly.

"Three adults, you will never imagine what happened after you left."

Yahiko, who returned to the ninja world, tilted his head, glanced at the dancing ninja in front of him, and said:

"Okay, Afei, don't keep us in suspense here, what happened?"

"Good news, great news, leaders, we found a legendary secret base of ninjas."

While speaking, the ninja named Afei also glanced at Jiraiya, who chuckled and stretched:

"Oh, I've been eating the insect feast at Myoboku Mountain every day for a while, and I almost want to vomit... I'll go out and find a restaurant to enjoy a real feast!"

Hearing the words "insect feast", Yahiko and the other two turned green. Although Jiraiya found an excuse to leave, the food at Myoboku Mountain... can only be said to be full of protein and very nutritious.

After a while, the three of them came to their senses from the "aftertaste" of the insect feast, and looked at the ninja named Afei again:

"Okay, Jiraiya-sensei is gone now, whose secret base was discovered? If you have anything to say, you can tell me now!"

Afei smiled and said:

"The three leaders would never have thought that when we were digging the underground base, we found a secret base that was left a long time ago. It turned out to be the secret base left by the legendary Uchiha Madara!"

"Uchiha Madara? How could he leave a base in the Land of Grass? I don't remember the Uchiha clan coming to the Land of Grass?"

Yahiko, the most knowledgeable among the three, frowned and felt a little strange. A Fei shrugged:

"We don't know much about this, but we did find a lot of ninjutsu scrolls, and even some strange white artificial people inside. According to our inquiries, it is indeed Uchiha Madara's secret base, and even in Wu Six years ago, Uchiha Madara stayed there! "

"It's getting more and more unbelievable. Everyone knows that Uchiha Madara has been dead for decades..."

Yahiko shook his head, with a look of disbelief on his face. Although he didn't go to school much when he was young, he had heard about the Battle of the Valley of the End between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!

How could a dead man who had been dead for decades suddenly appear in the Country of Grass a few years ago?

"Oh, Lord Yahiko, you don't care if he is Uchiha Madara or not, go and study the ninjutsu in those bases first! The ninjutsu there are all very good. According to our judgment, even the weakest one is B There are seven or eight level Ninjutsu and S-level Ninjutsu!”

"There are also those white artificial humans, which are also very strange and have very strong vitality. There are even artificial humans who can use wood escape!"

Seven or eight S-level ninjutsu, and an android using Wood Release? Why are you getting more and more outrageous as you talk? Yahiko looked at Ah Fei who was in high spirits and wondered if someone had used illusions on him.

But after all, A Fei is also the fourth-ranked ninja in the Akatsuki organization. After all, he is a strong jounin, and ordinary illusions are not that powerful, right? Could it be that what he said was true?

Yahiko and the others were dubious and followed A Fei, and soon arrived at the so-called secret base.

This base was built 30 meters underground. As soon as they walked in, Nagato and the others frowned, showing unpleasant expressions.

On the stone table in the base, there are some strange-shaped pieces of meat, and on the rock wall, there are also some dug out three magatama sharingan eyes, placed in glass vessels.

"Is this a human experiment? The three Magatama it really related to Uchiha Madara?"

Seeing the things in this secret base, Yahiko really believed A Fei's words. Even if the owner of this base was not Uchiha Madara, he should have close ties with the Uchiha clan.

Over the years, Uchiha's Sharingan rarely leaked out. Most of them were digested within the clan. Originally, there was a root that secretly collected some. Now that the root is destroyed, except for the people within the Uchiha clan, Besides, it's hard to imagine that there are so many Sharingan in the outside world.

And it can't be an ordinary Uchiha, it must be at least an elder or something to collect so many three magatama sharingan.

While the three of them were still visiting the base, suddenly, several white figures emerged from the underground of the base:

"Oops, someone is here again!"

"Are you here for a group visit? Do they know what it feels like to defecate?"

"Look at that red-haired eye. Isn't that Madara-sama's reincarnation eye?"

What! ?

The three Nagatos turned around and looked at the white figure that suddenly appeared, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

At first sight, these strange white figures had a very subtle aura. They were more like plants than humans. Even though the three of them were not easy-going people, they did not notice each other's existence at first.

Secondly, this is also the question discussed by these white weirdos... is the reincarnation eye related to Uchiha Madara?

"What are you guys talking about?! The Samsara Eye is related to Uchiha Madara?"

When it came to the issue of Nagato's Rinnegan, the one who reacted the most was not Nagato, but Yahiko. He suddenly appeared in front of several white figures, frowned and asked.

"Ah, he should be Madara-sama's successor! That's why Madara-sama gave him the Samsara Eye."

"It's a pity that Madara-sama is dead, so I can't continue to teach him."

"What exactly is going on?!"

Yahiko grabbed a white weirdo and asked impatiently.

"Uh... here's the thing..."

A white weirdo who looked a little more serious and smart opened his mouth to explain to the trio.

“After the battle at the Valley of the End, Lord Uchiha Madara used secret techniques to cheat Senju Hashirama, but he was also seriously injured and had to implant Senju Hashirama’s flesh and blood to recover from his injuries. "

"After a long period of time, after merging the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama, Madara-sama obtained the powerful Yang Release Chakra, which was fused with his own Mangekyo Sharingan, and awakened the most powerful Rinnegan Eye! "

"It's a pity that Madara-sama was already old at that time, and the samsara eyes were too heavy a burden on him. With no choice, Madara-sama could only transplant these eyes to his successor."

"Originally, Madara-sama was planning to wait until his successor came of age before teaching him, but unfortunately, before the plan could begin, Madara-sama was approached by a descendant named Uchiha Feiha, and was killed. ”


After hearing this, the three Nagatos looked at each other in confusion. Originally, they suspected some conspiracy, but the last sentence made a huge twist, which really shook their heavy hearts to a point of embarrassment.

Although in the mouths of these white weirdos, Uchiha Madara regards Nagato as his heir, the three of Nagato are not just three-year-old children. They have been struggling in the ninja world for so many years and created the Akatsuki Organization, the Kingdom of Rain. The second largest organization is no longer a novice.

Uchiha Madara's various actions are full of conspiracy no matter how you look at it. The Samsara Eye he left for Nagato is probably not just to make Nagato his successor, but also for other purposes and back-up plans.

But in the end... Uchiha Madara didn't implement any of his plans, and was killed by that Uchiha Feiyu. It was simply an anticlimactic ending.

After calming down a little, Yahiko looked at Nagato and asked:

"Nagato, do you think these weirdos are telling the truth?"

Nagato gently touched his eye frame, was silent for a moment, and nodded a little disappointed:

"I believe what these weirdos say, my Samsara Eye... is indeed very strange. If it is a transplanted eye, it can indeed explain a lot of things."

In fact, Nagato is not unaware of many problems with the Samsara Eye, such as it is difficult for him to develop the potential inside the Samsara Eye, and he even has to spend his life to fully exert the power of the Samsara Eye. For example, his Samsara Eye can only be opened but not closed, which is completely different from other eye-type bloodline limits.

It's just that the Samsara Eye had become a legend thousands of years ago. No one has awakened it in all these years. Because it was just an isolated case, Nagato attributed all this to the special features of the Samsara Eye.

Now it seems that this is really not a problem with the Samsara Eye. If the Samsara Eye itself is transplanted to explain it, it is more in line with common sense.

In the ninja world, there have been many examples of transplanting special eyes, and the transplanted people generally find it difficult to fully exert the potential of the eyes. After the transplant, the eyes will always remain open and consume a lot of chakra, which is very similar to Nagato's current state.

With this comparison, Nagato naturally has an idea in mind. As for why he has no memory of the Samsara Eye transplantation-at his age when he awakened the Samsara Eye, the memory was tampered with by someone, and there is no way to find it.

Yahiko glanced at Nagato and slowly said:

"Nagato, don't be disappointed. It's not completely certain that this eye belongs to Uchiha Madara. Do you white guys have any other evidence?"

"As for evidence, Madara-sama has done a lot of research on the Samsara Eye. You can go and take a look!"

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