Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 152 Orochimaru's Research

Konoha Ninja Village, originally an underground laboratory belonging to the Roots, has now been reactivated.

Today, this former laboratory welcomed a familiar visitor.

Walking in the dark and damp passage, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes showed a bit of nostalgia, thinking that when he was at the root, he often walked around here.

The root ninjas were basically lifeless and rarely spoke. At that time, he and Danzo were still in a cooperative relationship, and most of the root ninjas still had no reaction after seeing him.

Now there are some more ninjas here, many of them look strange and should belong to Orochimaru's men.

After all, apart from Orochimaru's human experiments, Konoha really couldn't find a few ninjas who were so weird that they had six hands or two heads.

These ninjas are very vigilant. Compared with the basic ninjas, although they are lacking in professionalism and do not have the cold and murderous temperament of the dead warriors, they are full of energy and are obviously deceived by Orochimaru. Fanatic believer.

It's just that these vigilances were obviously useless when facing Uchiha Feiyu. Under the illusion of controlling the five senses, Uchiha Feiyu felt like he was in a no-man's land, all the way to the innermost laboratory.

The door of the laboratory was pushed open. Compared with the cold and damp corridor outside, which was unmodified and dug directly with earth escape, the inside of the laboratory was bright.

"Long time no see, Feiyu... Every time we meet, you always come up with something that surprises me."

Orochimaru in the laboratory turned his head to look in the direction of the entrance, with a cold smile on his lips, and said.

"What are you referring to? Teacher Orochimaru? Sorry, there are so many things that can surprise you, so I don't know what you are referring to."

"There are many, many... For example, your ambition is not enough to control the Kingdom of Wind and Sand Ninja. Now Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire are already under your control..."

"There are more...such as the universal chakra policy, which is much bigger than the actions of one country and one village!"

"The more people who have chakra, the more you can get!"

Orochimaru, who also obtained the Mixed Yuan Treasure Box from Uchiha Feiyu, may be the only "outsider" in the entire Naruto world who guessed Uchiha Feiyu's thoughts. The so-called National Chakra Plan, in Orochimaru's eyes, Undoubtedly, it is to select higher quality offerings for the mixed ingot box.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu has gone further than Orochimaru thought in the aspect of "eating people and cultivating immortals", and his food is much more sophisticated than Orochimaru imagined. Orochimaru does not know this. .

"Okay, Mr. Orochimaru, after the implementation of the universal chakra policy, I am not the only one who benefits from it. Even if I am the one who eats meat, don't you, Mr. Orochimaru, get the soup?"

Borrowing the qi and blood elixir made from the Hunyuan Treasure Box, Orochimaru's current physical fitness and chakra content are almost comparable to those of a tailed beast.

Especially now that Orochimaru has practiced the improved version of the art of reincarnation, his mental power and yin escape chakra have increased significantly. With the addition of the yang escape chakra that his physical body lacks, he seems to be about to awaken yin and yang. The feeling of escape.

Of course, this is just a feeling. Without pure Ōtsutsuki bloodline, relying solely on the hard top of Yin and Yang escape chakra and Yang escape chakra, even Uchiha Feiyu doesn't know what amount of chakra can be used to synthesize Yin and Yang escape - anyway, Orochi Maru's current amount of chakra is definitely far from enough.

Moreover, the Qi and Blood Pill can only do this. There is a limit to the physical quality that this pill can increase, or to be precise: there is a limit to the flesh and blood life in the Naruto world.

The ninja world has evolved to the highest level, and the physical body with the strongest energy and blood is the level of Senju Hashirama. Like the Otsutsuki clan, they have evolved into chakra energy creatures and are not flesh and blood life at all.

Therefore, Uchiha Feiyu has gradually stopped caring about Qi and Blood Pills, because this thing is indeed useless to him. In comparison, pure chakra power and soul power, at least for now, Uchiha Feiyu has not seen the limit.

"That's true..."

Orochimaru chuckled lightly and ignored the topic. Compared to Uchiha Feiyu, who has perfected the art of reincarnation without corpse, Orochimaru may have to change a lot of bodies, and his requirements for Qi and Blood Pills are much more. .

"By the way, Mr. Orochimaru, have you invented anything recently? How much of the information I gave you have you analyzed?"

"Haha, where did you get that information? It's not the same system as chakra at all...forget it, don't say it if you don't want to say it,"

"That magic method of dismantling demons has been improved by me. As long as I change the flow of chakra and break through a few chakra nodes, the chakra can increase dozens of times and last for five to ten minutes."

"But as long as it is used, the best result is that the chakra channel is broken and you can no longer be a ninja. Most of them are almost a dead end. It can be regarded as a quick version of the Eight Gate Armor Formation with a greatly reduced power. ”

"Another fruitful thing is the Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands, a rather strange ninjutsu... No, to be precise, this has gone beyond the scope of ninjutsu, and is closer to the blood inheritance limit of the escape technique. "

"Chakra that has absorbed a large amount of toxins can be directly called poison escape. It can poison the opponent in close combat, or it can be mixed into wind escape and water escape in the form of poisonous gas and venom."

"As for the sequelae of disfigurement and damage to the body, it is actually because the body cannot withstand the toxicity in chakra. All it takes is a little body modification."

"After all, the poison has become very slight after being transformed by chakra, and the training method of this ninjutsu itself will also enhance the owner's poison resistance, so this transformation is not very difficult."

As he spoke, Orochimaru stretched out a hand. His palm turned extremely dark in an instant, and he lightly brushed a ninja who was tied to the experimental table.

The ninja's face turned purple and black in an instant, and his whole body was shaking. In just a few seconds, black blood was already flowing out of seven holes, and he was almost out of breath.

"Such a powerful poison. You should have made some improvements to Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands!"

Uchiha Feiyu came over and took a look, and said with some amazement. You must know that just now Orochimaru only slightly touched the skin of this ninja with his palm.

With such a small contact area and such a short contact time, this ninja was already on the verge of death. The effect was much stronger than the original Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands.

"I changed the original spider venom into snake venom. The big snakes in Longdi Cave were cultivated by me. Their poisons are all kinds of strange and much more complex than those of ordinary poisonous spiders."

As Orochimaru spoke, he grabbed the poisoned ninja, took out the mixed ingot box from his arms, and put the ninja directly in it - as long as the living ninja could refine the elixir, he was not wasting it at all now.

" doesn't matter whether it's a spider, a venomous snake or a scorpion. The most essential part of ninjutsu is to use poison to transform chakra and mutate it. As long as you find the right method, it doesn't matter. It doesn’t matter what kind of toxin is used.”

"At most, different poisons will have different effects on the body, and the resistance produced by the cultivation method of Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands is the most effective against spider poison."

"Through the improvement of this ninjutsu, my body has now developed resistance to snake venom, and can fully accommodate this kind of chakra full of snake venom."

Uchiha Feiyu curled his lips, rolled his eyes at the ninjutsu scroll handed over by Orochimaru, and then returned it to Orochimaru.

Most of these poisonous skills are products of quick success and can produce lethality in a very short period of time, but the upper limit is basically not high.

After all, the effect of Poison Technique is often to kill 1,000 people and damage yourself by 800. No matter how you modify and improve your resistance, it is difficult to avoid damage to your basic vitality. What is often improved is only combat effectiveness, but will damage the source of life.

Uchiha Feiyu himself cannot practice it, and at the same time, it is impossible to spread this kind of poisonous technique on a large scale - this kind of poisonous technique that will damage the origin of life is not a good way to cultivate leeks. It is at most used for training. Just a few thugs.

'But I'm about to control the entire ninja world, so it doesn't seem to be of any use to use thugs or anything like that! ’

It cannot be said that the things developed by Orochimaru are of no use. If we were still in the era of the Ninja Village, whether it was the method of dismantling the demon or the Thousand Spiders and Thousands of Poisonous Hands, they could be transformed into the fighting power of the Ninja Village in a short period of time and increase the foundation of the Ninja Village. , but for the current Uchiha Feiyu, it cannot be said that it is useless, it is just useless.

But Uchiha Feiyu thought about it and realized that the mess he gave to Orochimaru didn't seem to yield anything good...

"Okay, these two pieces of research can be thrown into Konoha's Sealed Book, and I will get some truly secret good things for you to study later."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand, interrupting Orochimaru's endless introduction. Orochimaru licked his tongue after hearing the words. His mouth was a little dry after talking so much, and then he stretched out a hand.

"What is this for?"

Uchiha Feiyu tilted his head, and Orochimaru said angrily:

"Give me money and funding?! Do you think these things are researched for free! They were all exchanged for real money!"

"Tsk, it turns out I'm here to ask for money!"

Uchiha Feiyu clicked his tongue lightly. No wonder his cheap teacher talked so much. It turned out to be a lack of funds!

Of course, Uchiha Feiha also knows that Orochimaru must have swallowed a lot of funds for his own research. If he expects him to do research work for him honestly, it is better to expect Viper to never eat meat again and become a vegetarian. .

"Okay, I can grant you as much funding as you want, but when the time comes, I will let Tsunade handle the specific research projects, experimental materials and experimental losses."

Now that Uchiha Feiyu actually controls three big countries, he will definitely not be short of money, but he doesn't want to be taken advantage of. With Tsunade watching, Orochimaru's misappropriation of funds will not be too exaggerated.

Orochimaru's face froze slightly. Tsunade, as a master of medical ninjutsu, has naturally conducted many human experiments, and is well aware of the consumption of various experiments. It is probably not easy for him to easily gain energy. Look, When preparing financial statements, you need to put more thought into it.

But the most important thing is not the research funds. For Orochimaru, what he wants most is the soul elixir and the endless strange knowledge in Uchiha Feiyu's hands.

It's just that these two things are not easy to get. The soul elixir Uchiha Feiha himself is useful. As for the knowledge in the Book of Demonic Heritage, most of the useless ones have been given to Orochimaru, and the rest are Uchiha Hiba's trump card.

Therefore, what Uchiha Feiyu studied for Orochimaru were only some useless things. Although as knowledge of other systems, Orochimaru could get a lot of benefits from it even if he could draw inferences from other systems.

But in fact, these things can only serve as knowledge foundation, or enrich Orochimaru's methods, but they can't make him improve in essence.

Not to mention that for Orochimaru, who has been determined to learn all ninjutsu since he was a child, the temptation of the unfamiliar knowledge system in Uchiha Feiyu's hands is also amazing!

When thinking of this, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth again and glanced at his cheap apprentice. Whether it was for funding, for soul pills, or for more knowledge, maybe he was trying to bribe his cheap apprentice?

Although this guy was selfish, insidious and cunning, and had the same personality as himself, he was a young man after all. Orochimaru found that his apprentice was similar to his former teacher and a white-haired companion, both of them were quite lustful!

However, compared with his two teachers who had lustful intentions but no courage, his cheap apprentice was obviously a real doer with real experience, and his experience was much richer and more colorful than Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya.

I have said before that, except for those people who were controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, Orochimaru could be said to be the person who knew Uchiha Feiyu best in the entire ninja world. This understanding not only included Uchiha Feiyu's personality, but also his abilities.

So Orochimaru easily discovered the changes in the Sand Ninja and Konoha's upper echelons, the beautiful female ninja village leader who suddenly rose to power, and the young beauty ninja who greatly increased in strength. These were obviously the harem created by Uchiha Feiyu!

Orochimaru only paid attention to this at first. Compared with someone's lust, he was more concerned about his cheap apprentice, who could control these women without using illusions at all, and could also greatly improve the strength of these women.

But now, maybe it's a good way to cater to their preferences?

It just so happened that this time I found a container with pretty good qualifications. The most important thing was that compared to the group of ugly people under my command, my container was definitely beautiful in appearance and outstanding in qualifications.

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