Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 151 Return to Konoha

After giving the Hunyuan Treasure Box to Mei Terumi, Uchiha Feiyu did not give any other instructions.

With the Hunyuan Treasure Box, any ninja village will become an extremely warlike hawkish ninja village, because from the moment the Hunyuan Treasure Box is obtained, the so-called ninja will become a naked resource.

Even if Mei Terumi has no plan or strategy, just taking out the Hunyuan Treasure Box, in order to obtain more Qi and Blood Pills, the entire Mist Village will become the coldest war machine and devour all other ninjas who do not belong to the Mist Village.

It can be said that from the moment Uchiha Feiyu took out the Hunyuan Treasure Box, the forces in the Land of Water that do not belong to the Mist Village have only one way left, which is destruction.

After staying in the Mist Village for two months, Uchiha Feiyu enjoyed the charm of the female ninjas in the Mist Village and left more than 30 elite female ninjas who were completely composed of senior ninjas to Mei Terumi, and then left silently.

After that, he went to the capital of the Land of Water, directly controlled the daimyo, nobles and guardian ninjas of the Land of Water, and asked them to promote the policy of universal chakra training.

The ninjas of the Mist Ninja may be able to find the problems of these daimyo and nobles because they have been tricked by illusions several times, but it is useless to find the problems. They can't blow up the brains of these daimyo and nobles in order to remove the illusion!

At that time, the Mist Ninja said that these daimyo and nobles were under illusions, but they couldn't remove the illusions. That would only end up in a situation where they were neither human nor human. Anyone with a little brain would not do such a stupid thing.

Not to mention that Mei Terumi is also on his side, and she will naturally persuade the ninjas of the Mist Ninja to hold back. Anyway, universal chakra training is also the general trend, and others cannot disobey.

After arranging the affairs of the Land of Water, Uchiha Feiyu returned to the Land of Fire and slowly walked towards the Konoha Ninja Village.

At this moment, the Fire Country and the Wind Country have begun to implement the policy of universal chakra cultivation, which has spread throughout the continent and set off a storm. Of course, he wants to see how the implementation is going.

Along the way, ordinary people are everywhere discussing the issue of chakra cultivation. Although the current Fire Country does not force everyone to practice chakra, it has opened up the chakra refining technique and even used it as a literacy material and learning textbook.

Most of the intellectuals in the Fire Country who can read have basically understood the next policy of the Fire Country and began to learn chakra refining spontaneously.

Not to mention that ordinary people actually envy ninjas with chakras. They are afraid of the bloody storms in the ninja world, but they still crave magical ninjutsu and powerful power.

The death rate of ninjas is so high. Why can the ninja school in Konoha be easily full every time it recruits students even if it is picky? This is not only because ninjas are treated well and can make more money, but more importantly, everyone craves the power of ninjas!

Therefore, after the policy of cultivating chakra for all people was introduced, all the civilians in the Land of Fire were frantically learning to read and write, hoping to quickly refine chakra and become truly superior people.

Yes, in the eyes of the civilians in the Land of Fire, ninjas are absolutely superior people. Even the most ordinary Genin has a much higher social status than ordinary civilians.

Of course, in the eyes of Uchiha Feiyu, most civilians in the Land of Fire, even if they work hard to cultivate for a lifetime, will at most have the chakra of an ordinary eight or nine-year-old ninja student. This level of chakra can probably only be used for a few times.

Even ordinary civilians, even if they want to cultivate the three-body technique, it is not easy. Maybe they will become the virtue of Uzumaki Naruto. After all, without the bloodline passed down from generation to generation, most civilians not only have low chakra, but also have shockingly weak chakra control ability.

"But... with such a large base, there will be some geniuses who will stand out after all..."

When walking through a small village, Uchiha Feiyu saw a young man who had just cultivated chakra, walking on the water with an excited smile on his face.

Being able to cultivate chakra in such a short time, and to control chakra to the extent of walking on the water, if he can get some education and guidance, this young man can easily become a Chunin in the future. Depending on his talent level, it is not without hope to become a Jonin.

This is just a wild genius that Uchiha Feiyu met along the way. Looking at the hundreds of millions of people in the Fire Country, there are 80,000 civilians with this talent, even if there are not 100,000. If they all grow up, the overall strength may be dozens of times stronger than the basic strength of Konoha!

Of course, this is a completely false proposition. With the current system of the Fire Country, most of these civilians cannot be well trained, but fortunately Uchiha Feiyu does not need these civilians to practice ninjutsu. It is better to say that they only practice chakra, so that they can be considered qualified leeks.

"Maybe I should find some low-quality techniques that can improve life levels and are more popular from the magic book, and let these ninjas and civilians practice..."

"Only when the leeks grow strong can I get more sacrifices and more cultivation consumables..."

Isn't this how the magic in some novels that Uchiha Feiyu read before? The so-called sect is actually a resource production area. In addition to the attributes of tool people, the disciples in the sect are also high-level cultivation elixirs and refining consumables.

Today's Uchiha Feiyu has taken this sustainable development policy into consideration, and is planning to select the inheritance from the Book of Demonic Inheritance and start implementing it when he returns to Konoha.

"I wonder if there is a suitable inheritance in the book of inheritance of the demonic way? After all, there seems to be nothing serious about the low-level inheritance of the demonic way..."

Uchiha Feiyu, who had been thinking all the way, returned to Konoha Ninja Village. At this moment, he was still an S-class rebel ninja in Konoha Ninja Village. He had to wear a mask when he entered the village openly. Fortunately, he had Tsunade's warrant in his hand. The ninja guarding the gate took one look and let him go.

"Konoha seems to have changed a bit...huh!? No, this chakra that guy Orochimaru? Why did he come to Konoha too?"

Hasn't he, a cheap teacher, always been working for Suna Ninja? However, Uchiha Feiyu just changed his mind and understood what was going on:

"So that's the case, maybe there's still room for Konoha's experimental equipment and experimental supplies! The Kingdom of Wind is currently developing very strongly, but its foundation is still far inferior to that of the Land of Fire and Konoha."

"I captured Tsunade and Shizune in this cheap teacher's base, and now Tsunade suddenly became the Hokage of Konoha. With my IQ, a cheap teacher, I naturally thought that the man behind Tsunade was me. ”

"After Orochimaru made some inquiries, it is quite normal for him to come to Konoha from Tian Country."

He already had an idea in his mind, and Uchiha Feiyu was no longer anxious. Orochimaru was just here and wouldn't run away anyway, so he had better go and comfort his big fat sheep first.

"But this guy Tsunade... isn't in the Hokage's office at all! He ran so fast!"

After spreading her perception ability, Uchiha Feiyu twitched the corner of her mouth. She only felt two shadow clones in the Hokage's office. Needless to say, Tsunade must have gone to laze around again.

After feeling the Flying Thunder God Mark on Tsunade, she found that she was staying at her home, and there were two familiar Flying Thunder God Marks very close to Tsunade. They were Uzumaki Kushina and Shizune, and they were also at home. Tsunade's house.

In Tsunade's home, three beauties, Uzumaki Kushina, Shizune, and Tsunade, were changing glasses, drinking happily, with slightly rosy faces, scattered clothes, and a wild look.

With a whoosh, Uchiha Feiyu suddenly appeared behind Tsunade, reached out and patted her smooth white shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Instead of completing the work properly, he stayed at home and drank... He is really a useless good-for-nothing middle-aged Obasan~~"


Tsunade, who was already a little drunk at this moment, was so frightened that she spit out the wine in her mouth. It wasn't until she turned around to see Uchiha Fei that her heartbeat stopped.

"It scared me to death! You guy, stop using time and space ninjutsu to scare people! And... what is Obasan?! Do I look that old?"

"I still remember that before, you asked me to use the Yin Sealing Technique to turn into a little girl in bed and call you daddy!"

As soon as Tsunade said these unscrupulous words, even Shizune and Uzumaki Kushina, who had long been accustomed to sleeping together, couldn't help but blush. Uchiha Feiyu could only roll his eyes in the face of such shamelessness.

"It's really miserable for a Hokage like you in the Konoha stall. You must have a lot of work now!"

"Haha... As long as you don't fight and deal with those files, there is no difference between the shadow clone and the original body!"

Tsunade waved her hand, looking unconcerned, and then raised the corner of her mouth slightly:

"Feiyu, I have prepared a surprise for you when you come back this time. Didn't you find something wrong?"

Something wrong? Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Tsunade and found nothing wrong, but Tsunade's eyes wandered a bit and kept looking at Shizune and Uzumaki Kushina.

Following Tsunade's gaze, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the two girls with slightly red faces. Shizune lowered her head slightly as if she was embarrassed, but Kushina held her head high and deliberately raised her chest.

Um? ! wrong!

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the chests of the two women. He remembered that Shizune was an out-and-out flat, that is, an A level. As for Kushina, she was much better, especially after giving birth, she was bigger, probably Between B and C.

But now... Shizune has definitely surpassed A. She is no different from Kushina before. Kushina is even more powerful. She looks tight but only a little smaller than Tsunade, almost D!

"This is what you are doing?"

With a look of surprise on his face, Uchiha Feiyu came to the two women, put his hand directly through the gap in the collar, and nodded after a moment:

"There is no grows so fast. Is this the surprise Tsunade said?"

If Shizune, who is only fifteen or sixteen years old, still has potential, then Uzumaki Kushina, who has a child, must have no hope of development. Obviously, the changes in their figures must have a huge connection with Tsunade.

'I seem to remember that in the original Naruto novel, Tsunade was a mediocre person when she was fifteen or sixteen years old, and then made rapid progress in a very short period of time...'

‘Now it seems that the case has been solved! Tsunade must have developed some special medical ninjutsu to create such a perfect figure for herself. ’

Perhaps Uchiha Feiyu thought for a long time, Tsunade slowly approached and put her arms around his neck:

"How is it?! Is this gift a surprise to you?"

Uchiha Feiyu nodded gently, looking at Shizune and Uzumaki Kushina, whose faces were red but still held their chests high, and said in amazement:

"It really surprised me. There are no defects in elasticity or touch. If Tsunade is willing to open a beauty salon, I think the money earned will be no less than what you earn as a doctor!"

As he spoke, Uchiha Feiyu moved his fingers, causing Shizune and Uzumaki Kushina to tremble slightly and hug his arms tightly.

After Tsunade's ninjutsu transformation, Shizune and Uzumaki Kushina did bring Uchiha Feiyu greater happiness, making Uchiha Feiyu reluctant to leave and spending an extra hour.

After the welcome party for Uchiha Feiyu's return, Shizune and Uzumaki Kushina, who were exhausted as the main force, both fainted. Only Tsunade, whose immortal body had awakened to a certain degree, could remain awake.

Holding the soft fat sheep in his arms, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand to entangle Tsunade's golden hair, and asked:

"I found the breath of Orochimaru when I returned to Konoha Village. Is that guy here too?!"

"What that guy... He is your teacher, you should respect him!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled:

"Respect him? I don't remember Tsunade, you really have any respect for my cheap teacher. If you really have respect, you wouldn't have taken advantage of Orochimaru's weakest time and hit him directly!"

"Hmm... I, even if I don't have a good relationship with Orochimaru... But we are still classmates..."

"So... If you count from Orochimaru's side... You should call me teacher..."

"Oh? Tsunade teacher?"

Uchiha Feiyu showed a strange expression on his face. He didn't expect Tsunade to have strange excitement points in such places. He could even feel that when he called Tsunade teacher, his other hand felt tightened.

Pulling out his wet fingers, Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and wiped Tsunade's body twice:

"I really thought you were speaking for Orochimaru... I didn't expect you to be this kind of Tsunade."

Tsunade, panting, leaned on Uchiha Feiyu's arms and said:

"Anyway, Orochimaru is working for you now, isn't it better to return to Konoha? The conditions in Konoha are much better than his Otogakure and Sandgakure, and his experiments also have a lot of benefits for Konoha."

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