Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 147 Confrontation and battle begins

The reason why Uchiha Feiyu can still feel pain in the illusion is because he is afraid that after the pain is really weakened, Terumi Mei will develop the habit of exchanging injuries for injuries.

In this fantasy space, there is certainly nothing wrong with that kind of fighting method. If you play like this in reality, you will probably die faster if you kill the enemy faster.

In the fantasy space, Mei Terumi has not been training for several years. After just one year of training, she has developed her potential to the limit and has extremely rich combat experience.

If you continue to fight next, although you can also improve some combat experience, it will have little effect on the growth of strength. Uchiha Feiyu directly ended the genjutsu.

When Terumi Mei woke up again, looking at the ceiling in front of her, she just felt like she was in another world.

Although only a few seconds had passed in reality, she had already been practicing hard in the illusion space for a year, and even her strength had improved significantly. Even though there was no change in her chakra amount and physical fitness, her actual combat power The world is completely different from the one I was a few seconds ago.

It's just that Terumi Mei was in a trance for a moment and then came back to her senses. In the fantasy space, she felt nothing, but in reality, she only felt that her body was cold, greasy, and wet, which was quite uncomfortable.

"Are you awake?! When you wake up, quickly get dressed and get ready to take office as the Fourth Mizukage!"

Uchiha Feiha patted Terumi Mei's chest, and five red marks suddenly appeared, which also made Terumi Mei completely come back to her senses.

After waking up, Terumi Mei climbed out of the bed, first used Water Release to clean her body, and then quickly put on her clothes.

After the clothes were put on, Terumi Mei still had time to tidy up her makeup. Uchiha Feiha, who was waiting impatiently next to her, took out a gourd, poured out some pills from it, and stuffed it into Terumi's face. deep:

"These elixirs can be used to increase your physical fitness. As your physical fitness improves, it will also increase the amount of chakra."

As for the pills and soul energy that really increase chakra, they also have an effect on Uchiha Feiyu himself, and they have long been absorbed by him.

In the past few years, it seems that Uchiha Feiyu has not continued to do any big work in the ninja world. In fact, thanks to the sacrifices of Orochimaru and Kusanagi Village, both spiritual energy and chakra volume have increased significantly. , even the black energy used for sacrifices has grown to thousands.

Most of the qi and blood elixirs refined from the Hunyuan Treasure Box were given to the sacrificial ninjas as motivation for them to continue their work, but even if it is only a few tenths, it is still a huge sum. There was a large amount of pills, and now Uchiha Feiyu took out a lot and fed them directly to Terumi Mei.

After the elixir entered her stomach, Terumi Mei only felt a slight tremor in her body, and a huge warm current traveled through her internal organs, limbs and bones, causing her to break out into a thin sweat in an instant.

In just a few moments, Terumi Mei's energy and blood nearly doubled, and her physical fitness, nerve response, bone strength, and tolerance have all undergone earth-shaking changes. With the increase in physical strength, the amount of chakra in her body has also increased again. A surge of 50%.

"I feel so powerful...I have never felt so good!"

Clenching his fist, Terumi Mei showed a look of confidence on his face. With his current strength, let alone a baby face like Yagura, Terumi Mei was confident of completely defeating the Third Mizukage in person!

The growth of basic qualities is the most difficult thing for ninjas. On the contrary, abilities such as ninjutsu are skills after all. As long as the ninja's talent is strong enough, he can achieve it quickly.

With Terumi Mei's current basic qualities, she has already surpassed her in the original timeline during the Fourth Ninja War, and even surpassed her by a considerable distance.

The combat power he can display will definitely no longer be the bottom of the Five Shadows in the original work. He can only be better than the young Gaara. His stronger physical fitness can make up for his lack of physical skills and a higher amount of chakra. , which can also greatly increase the power of her ninjutsu.

"Okay... there is probably a war outside. I don't want my medicine field to suffer too much, so I will leave the rest to you!"

In response to Uchiha Feiha's instructions, Terumi Mei just nodded confidently, brushed her long hair, and walked out of the door.

Uchiha Feiyu also followed behind Terumi Mei, slowly disappearing his figure.

At this moment, at the entrance of the Mizukage Building in Mist Ninja Village, the ninjas under the Snow Clan and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have almost gathered, but it is obvious that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are at a disadvantage in this regard.

You must know that the leader of the Snow Clan was the Mizukage. He was killed by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen without any warning, which naturally aroused the uneasiness and resistance of many ninjas.

If the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had already made a series of preparations, and after killing the Mizukage, they would directly attack the Snow Clan, divide and disintegrate the core strength of the third Mizukage, and annihilate them, they might be able to remain stable for a while. The form of Mist Ninja Village.

However, the current Seven Ninja Swordsmen seemed to be mentally ill. They killed the Third Mizukage directly without any preparation. They did not make any cover-up or concealment afterwards, and completely exposed their ambitions...

Of course, for most of the ninjas in the Mist Ninja, they don’t think there is anything wrong with the actions of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Anyway, there are many ninjas with bad heads among the Mist Ninjas. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen, who are called the representatives of the Blood Mist Isn’t it normal for people to have abnormal brains?

There were also ninjas who felt that something was wrong, but even the Third Mizukage was dead, and these ninjas had no way to save the current situation. The only way to minimize the loss of the ninja village was to quickly annihilate the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and their forces.

This also led to the fact that after an hour of confrontation, nearly half of the Mist Ninja ninjas had stood on the opposite side of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and some ninjas chose to watch the situation without helping either side.

"These guys... are they crazy? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that our strength is superior! Why do they still look so confident?"

Yakura, who has a baby face, frowned and looked at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen opposite him, with a little confusion.

I saw that the ninjas under the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had already shrank a little, but the Seven Ninja Swordsmen themselves looked fearless, as if they had the upper hand.

"Forget it, forget about it! In any case, since they have committed such a heinous act as killing the Mizukage, none of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can be left alive..."

"Ahem...wait a minute..."

Amidst the violent coughing, a bald old man who looked like he was in his twilight years came over with a cane decorated with poisonous snakes in his hand.

"Master are here too!"

Yakura said respectfully. As the third-generation elder who established the Ninja Village with the first Hokage, although the Master himself has declined to the limit due to his age and may not even be able to beat a Chunin, his experience and connections are undoubtedly the pillar of the entire Mist Village.

"I have to come... These seven guys must have been controlled by illusions!"

Master Yuan sighed and said helplessly. As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Mist Village exploded:

"What, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were controlled by illusions! How is this possible?!"

"Well... it's really strange to say... When did these seven guys become so united? Theoretically, when the seven get together, shouldn't they insult each other or even fight a few moves?"

"Controlled by illusions, indeed, this makes sense, and even the Mizukage People have been controlled by illusions before, so it is normal for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to be controlled by illusions! "

As many people talked, the ninjas behind the Seven Ninja Swordsmen looked at each other. At this time, a ninja with a shark face frowned and asked Xiguashan Puffer Ghost:

"Master Xiguashan, are you really conscious now?"

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost grinned, and the big sword Samehada in his hand suddenly turned back and swung it. The sharp fishbone like a mace directly broke free from the white cloth wrapped around the blade, making a sinister tearing sound.

The shark-faced ninja standing behind Xiguashan Puffer Ghost shrank slightly, and the whole person retreated rapidly, but the big sword still left a tiny bloody wound on his chest.

"Are you doubting me?! Hoshigaki Kisame!"

The ninja named Hoshigaki Kisame took several steps back, and after standing firm, he coldly wiped the blood off his chest and licked it with his tongue:

"It seems that you really have a problem! You were not so irritable before, and you were not so shallow."

"Hehehe, think whatever you want! Anyway, I just want to turn this Mist Village upside down now!"

As soon as Xiguashan Puffer Ghost said this, the group of ninjas behind the Seven Ninja Swordsmen slowly retreated. This group of ninjas followed the Seven Ninja Swordsmen with some ideas of following the dragon, thinking that when the Seven Ninja Swordsmen came to power, they would bring them more benefits, but they didn't really want to destroy the entire village.

In just a moment, there were no other ninjas around the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. The feelings between the Mist Ninjas were originally weak, not to mention that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were also representatives of the Blood Mist. Of course, there would be no good people who could follow them. It was normal for them to withdraw when things were not going well.

"The Seven Ninja Swordsmen were also controlled by illusions... Damn it, who did it?! Is it another Uchiha from Konoha?"

Yakura waved the weapon in his hand angrily. It was an iron rod with a hook, which looked quite strange.

"Anyway, it's not an ordinary illusion. If it weren't for Qing's Byakugan, I'm afraid that few people in the entire Ninja Village would be able to find out that they are not right."

"In the future, all high-level officials in the Ninja Village must undergo regular illusion inspections, from the Mizukage to the general Jonin, they must be inspected again before they can go on missions!"

The Master said a few words firmly, and Yakura nodded slowly with an ugly face, picked up the weapon in his hand and said:

"Let me try first to see if I can solve the illusions on these guys!"

"You can't deal with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen alone... Let Bubble join forces with you!"

After that, a young ninja with a handsome face and a leisurely look came from behind the Master. He glanced at Yakura, nodded slightly, and then looked at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen again.

Yagura was stunned for a moment, looked at Bubble, who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and suddenly seemed to think of something: "You are... Jinchūriki?!" Nodding slightly, Bubble's voice was light and cold: "Yes, I am the Jinchūriki of the Six-Tails." The existence of Jinchūriki is top secret in any ninja village. Even though Yagura has become a candidate for the Fourth Mizukage, he didn't know that the handsome boy in front of him was actually the Jinchūriki of his village.

Yakura was a little skeptical about the strength of this Jinchūriki, but then he thought that he had been able to suppress the Six-Tails for so many years and never let the Six-Tails run wild in the village. This talent itself also shows the strength of Bubble.

"Okay, let's do it together..."

"Master Yuanshi, wait a minute, add me!"

The crisp voice echoed, Yakura and Bubble turned around and saw a charming girl with a smile on her face, walking over.

"Ming?! Why are you here too?"

The Master said with some surprise. Unlike Bubble, the Jinchūriki who has been living in seclusion in the village, Mei Terumi is still a famous genius ninja in the Mist Village even if she hides her own bloodline limit. In addition, her gorgeous appearance and mature and noble temperament make her almost known to everyone in the Mist Village.

"Mei Terumi, what is this woman doing here?"

Yakura frowned. Although Mei Terumi is quite famous in the Mist Village, in his opinion, her strength is just that, and she can be called a genius, but now she is definitely not a match for the Ninja Swordsmen.

Yuanshi knew more. He knew that Mei Terumi had synthesized a blood limit, and was not much weaker than the lower-ranked ones among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but he did not think there was any benefit for Mei Terumi to participate in this battle.

"Hey, hey, hey, have you guys finished discussing? I gave you a little time, and you are discussing endlessly, right? You actually treat us as commodities... Be careful or I will chop you to death!"

The one who spoke was Kurochu Raiga holding the thunder sword. As his voice fell, the pair of thunder swords in his hands also swung, and terrifying lightning rushed out of the thunder swords and struck Yuanshi directly!

"Elder Yuanshi!"

"Kurochu Raiga, you dare!!"

"Be careful!!"

The speed of the lightning was so fast that even Yagura and Bubble did not react. If the lightning struck them, they would have a way to deal with it, but they did not expect that Kurochu Raiga's first move would actually hit Yuanshi!

It happened in a flash. Just when the lightning was about to hit Master Yuan's head, Terumi Mei also waved her jade hand, and a semicircular wall of water instantly rose from the ground.

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