In the home of the Terumi clan, in a rather exquisite-looking three-story building, Mei Terumi was thinking in front of the mirror.

This little princess of the Terumi clan has green eyes, long reddish-brown curly hair, her right eye is covered by hair, pink lips, and a plump body. Even though she is only 17 years old, she can already see her maturity. The enchanting posture.

It's just that Terumi Mei is not in the mood to admire her own beauty in the mirror. Instead, she frowns and thinks about the changes in the Mist Ninja Village.

"How strange...the seven Ninja Swordsmen actually rebelled at the same time?! The Seven is just a name, they are not guys who love each other..."

"A few of the Seven with abnormal brains rebelled, which can be called normal, but everyone rebelled together..."

"That guy from Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost is the leader of the assassination team. How could he betray the Third Mizukage?"

"And how could the Third Mizukage be killed so easily? Seven people working together can kill Kage-level people. This kind of nonsense can only deceive ordinary ninjas. The Third Mizukage, who knows all about Seven people, can't defeat them even if they work together. , and it’s impossible to be assassinated silently!”

"It really doesn't make sense. It's like the Seven People and the Third Mizukage have all been possessed by an evil spirit... Wait, they've been possessed by an evil spirit..."

As if she had thought of something, Terumi Mei, who was analyzing and thinking to herself, suddenly had a look of horror in her eyes, and she suddenly stood up:

"No... I have to find Teacher Yuanshi! If I guess correctly, Mist Ninja Village is really in trouble now!"

After the words fell, Terumi Mei stood up and turned around. As a result, she bumped into a man. When the two of them bumped into each other, Terumi Mei felt horrified. Without saying a word, Mei Terumi stooped back and opened her mouth to spurt out. Ninjutsu.

Uchiha Feiha chuckled, and the genjutsu that manipulated the five senses was activated instantly. Terumi Mei felt a numbness all over her body, and then her vision went dark and she fell to the ground.

"As expected of the Fifth Mizukage in the original timeline, his brain is very flexible! And... Terumi Mei is now Genshi's apprentice?"

"It seems that I still underestimated her. Even according to the normal inheritance, maybe Terumi Mei can become the fifth Mizukage."

Although the Bloodstained Family of the Mist Ninja is strong, it has also been in decline over the years. Especially according to what Uchiha Feiyu knows, the most outstanding geniuses of the Kaguya clan and the Oniden clan later suffered from the Bloodstained Disease. In this case Under the circumstances, with Terumi Mei's strength, it is still very possible to become the fifth Mizukage.

"But with me, you don't have to be the fifth Mizukage. Wouldn't it be better to directly become the fourth Mizukage?"

Picking up Terumi Mei, who had lost all five senses, Uchiha Feiyu looked at her lifeless pupils. The three magatama in the blood-colored Sharingan eyes kept spinning, and he directly used the God-Saving Technique.

"Use the God-Saving Technique to control it first, and then unlock it after she has completely become my cauldron!"

The reason for this is that Terumi Mei will be a Mizukage from now on, so naturally no one can find out that she is controlled by genjutsu.

After releasing Terumi Mei's five sense control, Terumi Mei's originally scattered eyes slowly gathered together and looked at Uchiha Feiyu.

"Are you...the master who uses illusions to control me?"

"What a strange feeling. I know I'm being controlled by your illusion, but I don't have any thoughts of resisting. It's such a terrifying illusion!"

Terumi Mei was talking about terrible illusions, but her eyes were filled with submission, not even a hint of hostility.

This is exactly the terrifying thing about the Art of Savioring Gods. It essentially transforms a person's mind, rather than a trick to confuse people's minds.

The God-Saving Jutsu used by Uchiha Feiyu through chakra is of course far inferior to the original version, but it has exceeded the limit of Naruto's conventional illusions and is even more terrifying than other gods.

"Okay, let's not discuss the issue of illusions for now. Time is short now, so let's get straight to the point!"

With a smile on his lips, Uchiha Feiyu picked up Mei Terumi, placed her on the big bed in the room, and then stretched a hand along the collar.

Terumi Mei's face turned slightly red, she twisted her body and stretched out her hands to hug Uchiha Feiyu.

More than two hours passed in the blink of an eye. When Terumi Mei woke up from her happy coma, Uchiha Feiyu had already unlocked the God-Saving Technique.

"how do you feel?"

Uchiha Feiyu gently stroked Terumi Mei's wet face, which was a mixture of Terumi Mei's tears, sweat and saliva, exuding some kind of gorgeous and rotten brilliance.

Terumi Mei let out a long sigh of relief, stretched out her hand to touch Uchiha Feiyu's strong chest, and showed a silly smile:

"I'm almost dead. No, I've died several times, and then come back again. It feels like the first half of my life has been wasted..."

Uchiha Feiyu's face was covered with black lines, Terumi Mei's head felt like it was going crazy, and he said helplessly:

"I'm asking about your physical condition and the chakra in your body! What I want to know is how strong you are now? Who asked you how you felt just now?!"

Terumi Mei covered her head, and then woke up from the infatuated state just now. After a moment of concentration, she felt the surging chakra in her body and the skyrocketing physical fitness, and her face suddenly became dazed.

"The chakra has more than doubled, my physical fitness has also increased by at least 1.5 times, and..., I actually synthesized another blood inheritance limit!"

"Hahaha, I thought it would take several years to synthesize the Dissolution Technique! I didn't expect it to be done so quickly! It's really great, I'm really a genius!"

Before practicing dual cultivation with Uchiha Feiyu, Terumi Mei had already synthesized the Boiling Technique bloodline limit. At this moment, she found that there was actually another special chakra in her body. This was the second bloodline limit she had been working hard to synthesize - Dissolution Technique!

Having two bloodline limits is not just as simple as having one more escape technique.

The two bloodline limits of Dissolution Technique and Boiling Technique both tend to be corrosive attacks, and there is actually a certain overlap in function. Therefore, even if you have two bloodline limits, it does not mean that your strength has doubled, but that you have more means.

The really scary thing is that every time you awaken a bloodline limit, it is equivalent to allowing the ninja's body to evolve, which can greatly increase the ninja's talent, physical strength, nerve reflexes, chakra volume... and other innate qualities!

Especially for the first generation of bloodline limit ninjas, the growth rate is even stronger than those bloodline family ninjas. As the first generation of double bloodline limit ninjas, the huge bonus brought by the two bloodline limits has already allowed her basic qualities to enter the level of Kage.

In fact, Terumi Mei is only 17 years old now. She can be called a top talent to enter the level of Kage at this age.

After all, except for some ninjas who awakened the Mangekyō very early, or simply Jinchūriki, the earliest record of normal ninjas becoming Kage-level is about 20 years old.

"With your current strength, can you become the Mizukage of the Mist Village?"

Uchiha Feiyu interrupted Mei Terumi who was laughing foolishly. Mei Terumi came back to her senses, pouted and thought for a while, then shook her head helplessly:

"Sorry, I definitely can't do it! I have just awakened my bloodline limit, and I haven't really integrated the lava escape into my combat system. Even if all the basic qualities have reached the level of the Kage, there is still some gap in combat power from the Kage level!"

Uchiha Feiyu nodded, and he also had some understanding of Mei Terumi's current situation. Her basic qualities increased too much and too fast, and her practiced ninjutsu has not yet fully caught up.

If Mei Terumi is given a few more months, she will definitely be able to integrate the combat skills of the two bloodline limits and truly exert the combat power of the Kage level, but now she is definitely still a little short of it.

"In that case, it doesn't matter. I have plenty of ways to improve your strength! I'll use the Tsukuyomi Illusion World to help you practice ninjutsu first, and then use the elixir to improve your basic qualities. I believe that by then, your strength will be at least much stronger than the average Kage."

"In the entire Mist Village, there are not many Kage-level ninjas except the Third Mizukage. It seems that there is only one Yagura Kujitsu, whose strength has reached the Kage level!"

"Yes, that baby-faced man should have been designated as the Fourth Mizukage..."

In this timeline, Yagura Kujitsu did not become the Three-Tails Jinchūriki because there was no Uchiha Madara to seal the Three-Tails into Lin's body, which was almost a brain-dead operation, but his own strength has indeed reached the Kage level.

Generally speaking, unless there is really no other choice, the Kage of a village will not choose a Jinchūriki. Because of the internal atmosphere of the Mist Village, it is more inclined to the law of the jungle, but it is also more difficult for a Jinchūriki to become the Kage of a village than an ordinary ninja.

In the original work, after becoming a Jinchūriki, Yagura Karuta could become the Fourth Mizukage. Now, it goes without saying that he is a guaranteed candidate.

"If you defeat him with overwhelming strength, can you become the Mizukage?"

Uchiha Hiba interrupted Mei Terumi and asked.

"Kumitake Yagura's strength is not bad. Now I have the confidence that I can defeat him after a few years of training, but if I want to defeat him by crushing..."

"Don't worry, I'm here to guarantee that I can improve your strength to the limit! You just need to tell me whether you can become the Mizukage after defeating him!"

"Of course you can! There are many rules in the Mist Village, but the biggest rule is that the strong are respected!"

"The second generation Mizukage was taken by the ninja from the Kizuna clan who defeated the third generation Mizukage! So it was not until the second generation Mizukage died that the third generation Mizukage succeeded in taking the position."

"Don't say that I can defeat Kumitake Yagura by crushing him. As long as I can win, whether it is an easy victory or a reluctant victory, I will definitely become the fourth generation Mizukage!"

"Very good, then let's start now!"

Uchiha Feiyu smiled and nodded, leaned down to look into the eyes of Terumi Mei, and the three-magatama Sharingan spun for a while.

Mei Terumi felt the world spinning, and a moment later she appeared in a strange world, with mountains and water, and a huge training ground in the center.

There was a circle of strange stone statues around the training ground. If you look closely, you will find that those stone statues are all ninjas, and some even wear forehead protectors.

"This is the illusion space I created with Tsukuyomi. With my current strength, I can completely suppress several years of time in an instant."

"In this illusion space, although there is no way to train the body, various techniques and property changes of chakra, as well as various ninjutsu, can be practiced."

"The stone statues around are the souls of the ninjas I killed. Although you can't use the cheating trick of possessing a body to practice, you can also fight with these ninja souls to hone your ninjutsu skills."

Standing in the center of the training ground, Uchiha Feiyu softly introduced Mei Mei. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the stone statues immediately shed their stone shells, revealing the ninjas inside.

After these ninjas opened their eyes, Mei Terumi found that all the ninjas had three magatama Sharingan in their eyes. Seeing Mei Terumi's puzzled expression, Uchiha Feiyu shrugged:

"These souls in the Tsukuyomi illusion have been completely controlled and assimilated by this illusion, and the three magatama in their eyes is proof of this."

"After being controlled by the Tsukuyomi illusion, the souls of these ninjas will also strengthen the power of this illusion, and even with the strengthening of the illusion, it can also bring spiritual growth to the host."

It's just that Uchiha Feiyu usually "eats" people to practice martial arts every day, and his spiritual power grows incredibly fast. Compared with this, the strengthening of the illusion can only be said to be better than nothing, so he doesn't care much.

But for ordinary ninjas, this ability is definitely a huge help in training. Just relying on the spiritual power poured back from the illusion space, it is enough for an ordinary Uchiha ninja to drive all the way to three magatama, or even a kaleidoscope.

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's introduction, Terumi Mei looked at these ninjas with sparkling eyes, as if she saw a huge treasure.

Ninja is also a profession that improves in battle. Ninjas who have experienced the Ninja World War are definitely stronger than ninjas of the same level.

Being able to fight continuously in the Tsukuyomi space, let alone a few years, even just a few days can completely increase her strength.

"By the way, there is one more thing... Even if you are seriously injured enough to kill you here, you will not die, and of course the pain will not weaken."

"In addition, if the chakra in your body is exhausted, you only need to shout and it will be fully restored, so you can completely let go when you practice and fight, and don't have to worry about any problems."

Hearing this, Terumi Mei was even more happy. She didn't have to be afraid of death, nor did she have to worry about chakra consumption. With endless opponents, this is simply the most perfect training ground!

As for the problem of pain... As long as the ninjas with rich combat experience are not afraid of the so-called pain.

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