"Call them out and I'll help you talk." April Baixue chuckled, "How can anyone talk to a girl like this?"


"Female ghosts are girls too."

"Okay, okay, but don't say I didn't remind you. Don't blame me for the nightmare tonight." Seeing her insistence and having no other choice, Qin Ge decided to let her give it a try. Anyway, he wouldn't suffer any loss.

As a result, as soon as the two pale figures appeared, one pinched Qin Ge's heart and the other tightened his neck.

Yes, I have to die again.

Although he could forcefully order them to stop through the authority of the dreamer, Qin Ge came to ask for help, not to give orders.

Just when he closed his eyes and was about to wait for death again, April Baixue's voice rang in his ears, "Wait a minute, the reason why I want to use your image to create a gentleman's dream is because you are very beautiful. "

Sadako and Pensen stopped moving, and then they noticed that there was another person standing next to them.

Being stared at by two pairs of terrifying eyes, April Baixue couldn't help but shudder, but continued: "And not only that, everyone likes you very much to make this request."

Both of them were ostracized and hated in the movie. April Baixue's accidental words seemed to hit what they longed for in their hearts, causing them to stop taking action and instead quietly keep pulling out their hearts and strangling their necks. Wait for April Bai Xue to finish speaking.

"I know that type of game is very excessive, but maybe it can be changed into a normal love dream? In that dream, you can go to school normally, get married and have children normally." April Bai Xue's gentle words are very touching. The contagiousness even made the two female ghosts entranced, "Don't you want more people to know about you?"

Qin Ge nodded hurriedly and added: "What Mianmeng values ​​​​is this IP, which is your image. I can talk to Mianmeng and change your inner wishes into a dream game. I will check and won't let them Recklessly."

"Okay." Bixian carved the words on Qin Ge's arm, and Sadako nodded lightly.

"Then you find suitable clothes to change into, and I'll take a photo and send it to the other party." Qin Ge breathed a sigh of relief. He finally didn't have to die anymore. He was already in a very exhausted state, and his spirit would be almost unbearable if he continued to die. , winked at April Baixue, and whispered: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, but you owe me a favor."

"If you have anything to do in the future, just ask. If I can help, I will definitely do it. If I can't help, then I can only block you." Qin Ge said it without any psychological burden. After all, everyone is a netizen, even if he is blocked, It's impossible to follow the network cable to find yourself.

Bixian and Sadako looked at the pile of weird clothes on the ground and struggled for a long time. Finally, Bixian chose a blue and white sailor suit, while Sadako quietly picked up a set of light blue cheongsam and just put it on her body lightly. Just take a photo and the clothes will be changed automatically.

They may be exposed to this style of clothing for the first time or they may be a little shy in front of the camera, keeping their heads down and playing with their fingers.

The photos taken have a gloomy effect, not like a love dream at all, but rather like a set photo from a horror movie.

Okay, sleep.

Qin Ge closed his eyes peacefully. He had no strength to move a finger.


Early the next morning, a large number of enthusiastic players gathered at the "Friends" booth, which attracted the envy of other Dream Maker teams in the surrounding booths. Even Qin Ge and the other three who had just arrived were surprised.

After asking about it, I found out that several players had formed a group. They originally wanted to denounce the dream maker who created such a perverted and terrifying dream. However, some players who had never experienced it did not believe in evil, and the two sides started arguing. Betting began.

Bet on when someone will be able to find the real way to clear this dream, and how long it will take to last in the dream without triggering the security system and exiting.

There is even a slogan: If this dream cannot be buried, the dreamer who created it will be buried.

Qin Ge was sweating profusely when he heard it. He hurriedly ran into the capsule cabin and put on a mask and hat before saying: "I'm leaving it to you today, I have other things to do."

You Junyu is no better than Yan Qin. He does not have complicated thinking in the setting and just keeps killing people. Therefore, the logic chain of the dream behavior yesterday is enough, even if he does not fall into a dream, it is enough to deal with most players.

"Go." Jiang Li smiled faintly and didn't ask him what he was going to do. Instead, Bai Lu, who was grabbing two meat buns, was curious that he would leave his dreams and run to do other things.

Qin Ge took advantage of the players outside the door and sneaked into them. He walked around and saw Wang Chenshi wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans at the entrance of the J area exhibition not far away. His figure was still as thin as a handful of bones. But her face looked better than the first time I saw her.

"Good morning, she's much prettier today than last time." Qin Ge praised, but it was a bit too overdone. She didn't even need to put on makeup for the funeral.

"Thanks to you, after your last interview came out, you helped me win a lot of voice in Baihua. I eat well and sleep well." Wang Chenshi's eyes flashed as he asked: " What’s the big news when you contacted me yesterday? Do you want me to do an exclusive interview for your entry?”

"This is no problem, but it's not big news." Qin Ge chuckled and said, "But I know if you Baihua dare to report it."

"As long as there is a hot topic, there is nothing that we at Baihua dare not report."

Qin Ge looked around and saw that there was no one around, then he lowered his head and whispered: "Are you interested in the matter of Chen Wansheng, the chief judge of the "Joint College Dream Maker Newcomer Competition", cheating for personal gain and having a personal relationship?"

"Are you sure? Do you have evidence? This is not a joke. This competition is led by the official Xinghai. If the things that are exposed are unfounded, it will not be easy to end." Wang Chenshi immediately held his breath. The involvement was too big, not only involving Qianqiu but also related to the authority and fairness of Xinghai itself, so he did not dare to agree rashly.

"Of course there is evidence, the question is whether you dare to report it? If you don't dare, I can find someone else." Qin Ge didn't want to waste time.

Wang Chenshi stood there and bit his fingers hard. He didn't answer for a long time before nodding fiercely and said: "As long as there is a solid hammer, there is nothing I dare not expose."

If this matter goes well, his voice in Baihua may return to the period when he just won the New Star Award, or even exceed it.

"That's fine, follow me and I'll give you the evidence."

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