Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 51: Victory and defeat are common in war

"It's like this. Someone wants to make a game using your image, so I'm here to ask for your opinion." Even with Qin Ge's face, he couldn't help but say it intermittently.


The two female ghosts turned their heads slightly, their doubts deepening.

"It's not a horror dream, it's a love dream game. It can't be called a love game, right?"

Ergui's head was almost bent at ninety degrees, and he was obviously still confused.

Someone wants to use you to play a gentleman's game. Qin Ge really couldn't say this. Finally, after thinking about it, he opened some dream videos of the same type on the Xinghai Forum and showed them, "Well, that's it, if you agree. , you can choose the clothes you like and put them on on the ground, and I will send them to the other party to see the effect.”

"Look at these clothes, they are both beautiful and mature." He picked up two pieces of clothes casually, which happened to be the "Nude Apron" and "Open Back Sweater". Before he could even raise his head, his eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, Back to reality.

[The Xinghai system prompts that you have died. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Please try again, hero. 】


They seemed to have a little objection to this proposal.

Qin Ge touched his heart and felt a little pain, but he still slapped his mouth and put on the dream helmet again. He definitely didn't want to see Sadako wearing an open-back sweater, he just wanted to earn some points and a small amount of money. By the way, Protect your spot in the competition and "evolve Sadako and Pensen."

Two pairs of eyes full of resentment were locked on him. Although he felt a little numb, he could only bite the bullet and said: "Let's discuss the terms, shall we?"

[The Xinghai system prompts that you have died. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Heroes, please try again*2. 】


"Listen to what I have to say first, don't rush to take action!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Ge felt that the world was spinning, and his head fell to the ground and spun around several times.

[The Xinghai system prompts that you have died. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Heroes, please try again*3. 】

Is Su Caiwei sure she can use them to play love games?

Qin Ge touched his neck. Although the pain was reduced to a very low level in the dream, the feeling of having his neck broken was still similar to a stiff neck, which was not very pleasant.

But he put on his helmet again.

"Let's talk about the terms!"

[The Xinghai system prompts that you are dead. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Heroes, please try again*4. 】

"Negotiate terms!"

[The Xinghai system prompts that you have died. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Heroes, please try again*5. 】


[The Xinghai system prompts that you have died. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Please try again, hero*80. 】

Appearing on the sea of ​​​​stars for the eighty-first time, Bixian and Sadako finally did not directly break his neck again or burst his heart. They must be tired of killing.

They were breathing heavily not far away, with black blood vessels looming under their pale skin. To be able to arouse two famous evil spirits to this extent, Qin Ge could be considered a great achievement in life.

"Um...are you still going to kill?" Qin Ge touched his nose in embarrassment. It seemed a bit too much to bully two NPCs. "If you don't want to kill, I will continue talking."

"In fact, this is also good for you. If the dreams you create become popular, more players will come to you to play games, and you will be able to absorb more emotions."

"Why choose us?" Bixian grabbed Qin Ge's hand and carved words on it with his nails.

"It turns out that it will be much more convenient if you can communicate." Qin Ge thought about it for a long time and said matter-of-factly: "Simply speaking, those gentlemen do it to satisfy their own XP, but I am not that vulgar, just for money."

"But if you think this type is too much, you can talk to me about how you want to modify it. Making dreams always requires modification..."

[The Xinghai system prompts that you are dead. Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Please try again, hero*81. 】

It seemed that they thought it was a bit too much, but they managed to say three sentences, which was a good start.

come on! You are the best!

After dying so many times, Qin Ge felt extremely tired now. He could only clench his fists to cheer himself up, and then entered the star sea for the eighty-second time. He was just about to evolve into Sadako and Bixian, when his ears A beep sounded.

[The Xinghai system prompts that April Feixue is requesting to enter your current space. 】

"No time." He declined easily.

[The Xinghai system prompts that April Feixue is requesting to enter your current space. 】

Is there something going on?

Qin Ge couldn't help but frowned. He didn't refuse anymore and clicked "Agree". In front of his eyes was a burst of light and shadow. April Feixue was still facing the face that was uniformly generated by the system.

"You're still up so late?"

"I have just gone through nine or eighty-one difficulties and am ready to ascend to heaven." Qin Ge said feebly: "Do you have a problem with me?"

"It's okay, but my roommate next door seems a little troubled. He keeps sighing, which makes me unable to sleep, so I came up to take a look." April Feixue smiled with two deep smiles and shrugged.

"Just give him a stick and knock him unconscious. There are so many things that will happen."

"Good idea, what are you busy with? Shaping dreams?" April Baixue glanced at the pile of clothes on the ground, looked around and found that there were no other female characters, and quickly dodged with a red face, "I seem to have disturbed your time to enjoy your hobbies."

"What hobbies?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment and then understood, and was so angry that he directly told what happened today.

"The United College Dream Maker Newcomer Competition? I have heard of it, but didn't you tell your teammates about the chief judge's manipulation?" April Baixue kept glancing at the pile of clothes while talking.

"I don't want to bring these troubles to them. I came here to help voluntarily. I am tired enough after a busy day." Qin Ge sighed.

"Then why did you tell me without reservation?"

"We are all strangers, so what's wrong with speaking out? Once we leave the dream, we will be strangers who will never meet again in our lives, so it doesn't matter." Qin Ge waved his hand and said mercilessly: "If there is nothing else, I will kick you out. I am not done yet."

"Maybe I can help you." April Baixue smiled and narrowed her eyes into crescents, but she was still a little confused: "Then you don't need to negotiate with the character cards you created, right?"

"I respect them." Qin Ge naturally would not say anything about their emotional things, and explained: "After all, I created them, and they have emotions."

"I am not forcing them to agree, I just want to talk to them. If they are not satisfied with this type, they can propose the range they can accept, and I will go to talk to Su Caiwei."

"But they didn't wait for me to finish speaking and wait for me to explain clearly. If they don't want to, then naturally stop here, and I will find a way to solve the competition."

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