Wang Chenshi did not break his promise. The next day, the interview was updated on the Baihua column at 8 a.m. on time. It was still the first article, and the title was written in large red fonts: "Revitalize the glory of the horror dream? A dialogue with the dream maker Sadako".

The content was similar to the interview, basically the original words were released with some polishing, but the tone of the evaluation of "School Rules" was a lot heavier, and Qin Ge was portrayed as a young dream maker who was full of blood and wanted to challenge authority.

As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused a thousand waves on the Internet. The phrase "This is not my only chance in this life, revive the glory of the horror dream" was also widely used, and most of them were regarded as jokes.

Many players who had not heard of "Sadako" wanted to see how good the dreams created by this ignorant dream maker were, so the popularity soared to an exaggerated level on the same day.

The huge number of players gradually reversed the evaluation of the water army, and half a day later it rose from two stars to two and a half stars. It seems that it will only take one or two days to return to normal.

Qin Ge didn't care. He glanced at the comments and threw his phone away. He knew in his heart that whether his words would become a joke or a myth depends on the achievements he can make in the future. He just read the comments now.

He has more important things to do. As the saying goes, a gentleman takes revenge from morning to night.

Tianlan Studio gave him such a big gift. It would be too ignorant not to return the gift.

Because if you want to brush the evaluation, you must enter the dream game and stay for half an hour. The water army usually stays in the initial scene after entering and does nothing. After half an hour, they will exit and score.

So the first thing he did was to enter "Sadako" for the first update. The content was also very simple. If the game progress does not exceed 3%, and stays in a scene for more than 15 minutes, you will be sent to a small black room with a square of three meters.

There is nothing in it, just big spiders that are so many that they are half-flooded, southern cockroaches and other cute little things that are popular. After being sent in, players can only exit the game and start over if they want to leave. They will also be marked as important. If they don't move for ten minutes next time, they will be sent in again.

As expected, this update triggered unanimous praise from the majority of water army as soon as it came out.

"Dream Maker! WCNM, refund the money!"

"Is this something that people can come up with?"

"I earn ten yuan for taking a job, because I went into the small black room once and spent three thousand yuan to see a psychologist in the hospital?"


Qin Ge clicked on the background of these accounts and found that they all gave one-star reviews to other dreams. They were indeed professional water army. They directly added a top post with a whipping corpse.

He also figured out how the water army made money, because as long as your playing time in the dream game does not exceed one hour, or the game progress does not exceed 50%, you can apply for a refund, but the evaluation can still be scored after the refund, so the water army generally uses this method to earn labor fees.

It must be said that this method is indeed effective and has curbed the continued growth of bad reviews. The water army either pinches their noses to play and is frightened by Sadako to cardiac arrest, and faces the risk of the game progress accidentally exceeding 50% and being unable to refund.

Or they can only go in and out of the small black room again and again.

But it will inevitably affect a small number of normal players. For this, Qin Ge can only promise to give them a free copy of the next dream game after it is produced, avoiding the danger of word-of-mouth collapse.

Five days passed quickly. With the support of the small black room and Baihua Report, the score of "Sadako" rose to three and a half stars, successfully completing the task.

The number of viewers reached 30 million, and the number of buyers exceeded 300,000. The evaluation was stable at three and a half stars. This is the case where malicious ratings have not been deleted by Xinghai. Because Qin Ge does not need to spend high costs such as various character cards and scene cards, so except for paying half of the handling fees and miscellaneous taxes to the Xinghai system, it is basically pure profit.

But it feels that creating dreams is still much more profitable than buying lottery tickets.

Qin Ge licked his lips and looked at the balance in his account, smiling like a flower.

[Ding, successfully completed the task, the Asian Ghost Story World is unlocked, the mall exchange is unlocked, and the host can exchange items with points. 】

This is the highlight.

Qin Ge immediately called out the system. Because of the deduction of points for bad reviews, the points are only about 430,000 now. I don’t know if the deducted points will be made up after the bad reviews are deleted?

In the semi-transparent page, the originally gray mall exchange is now lit. Clicking it in, I saw that there was only an Asian ghost story folder, which was divided into categories according to characters, scenes, items, music, etc.

[Chu Renmei-from the old corpse in the mountain village]

[Blue character card-exchange points 120,000]

[A poor woman who was drowned]

[Her gentle and sad singing voice is the lullaby for countless children to fall asleep late at night. ]

A blue character card costs 120,000?

Qin Ge raised his eyebrows and wanted to check the highest level cards, but found that the orange card and crystal card had not appeared yet, and the highest level was only the purple card.

[Pen Fairy-from the Korean version of Pen Fairy]

[Purple character card-exchange points 600,000]

[She made the Pen Fairy, a psychic game suitable for all ages, popular. 】

【Many inferior directors have gained inspiration from her, such as Ouija, Panxian...】

【The source of all evil in domestic bad movies. 】

In addition, there are cards of different levels with different exchange points, such as [Kayako], [Little Girl in Red], [Old Lady with Cat Face], [Sister Fuso], [Jiahui]...

It can be said that all the characters in Asian horror works are included, and there are also many cards worth exchanging in the scenes, [Fox Stairs], [Sadako's Dry Well], [Girls' High School], [Cursed Paradise]...

The most outrageous thing is that Qin Ge saw a green card in the item, with a cup of water printed on it.

[Chu Renmei's Corpse Washing Water-Exchange Points 1000]

[I don't know what this thing is for, you can exchange it for a cup and try it. ]

[Maybe it tastes good. ]

Qin Ge's mouth twitched when he saw it. What was he collecting this material for? The system is selling sugar-free cola as cola, and a cup of broken water dares to sell for 1000 points.

He closed the system helplessly. He originally thought that more than 400,000 points were a lot, but now it seems that he can't exchange for many things. He is not in a hurry. The next dream is still being conceived. Wait until it is determined what is needed before exchanging.

It's time to do the next thing, which is to play "School Rules". He has been immersed in "School Rules" whenever he has time in the past five days. The only thing he is doing is to find bugs.

As for the game, he hasn't finished it yet. Yesterday, before the last level, "School Rules" crashed for the 17th time. The worst thing is that the material was not recorded, so he had to go in and record it again.

Tianlan Studio? Let me teach you a lesson. Compared with horror games, the most terrifying thing is actually the players!

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