"Wait a minute! That customer is not that simple. In addition to being your competitor, he is very powerful. We at Baihua don't dare to offend him easily. Please forgive me."

Qin Ge stopped and turned around to see Wang Chenshi winking at him, smiling understandingly and sitting down again. We are all smart people, so just stop there.

He is a competitor with himself, and he is so powerful that Baihua dare not offend him easily.

Except for Tianlan Studio, which is owned by Qianqiu, one of the three major multinational dream companies, there is no one else.

"I'm already hungry when I order. The coconut chicken here is really good." Qin Ge suddenly seemed like a different person. He greeted the waiter with great enthusiasm and took away two glasses of boiled water. "How can I drink boiled water? There’s no taste at all. Come on, eat and drink whatever you like, I’ll treat you.”

"At first glance, you are beautiful and capable. You will definitely be great in Baihua in the future. Please help me say some good words during this interview."

He turned around faster than turning over a book, and he turned so fast that he almost broke his neck.

Wang Chenshi was a little confused by the huge change in attitude. He didn't come back to his senses until Qin Ge finished greeting him, and said uncertainly: "Teacher Qin, can we start the interview?"

"Let's get started." Qin Ge was as friendly as a neighbor's big brother.

Wang Chenshi first asked for some basic personal information, and then asked in surprise: "Are you still a student at Baijing University? You are so young, haven't you made other dreams before?"

"No, "Sadako" is my first work."

"Then how do you control the player's psychology so accurately?" Wang Chenshi automatically changed his honorific title after knowing that Qin Ge was younger than himself, narrowing the distance between them. "You must know that this is a lot of high-level horror. Dream dreamers can do this through accumulated rich experience.”

"There is a kind of person in the world called a genius." Qin Ge said matter-of-factly.

"You are really immodest." Wang Chenshi laughed dumbly, then frowned and said: "Did you make "Sadako" out of your love for scary dreams? Have you ever investigated the current situation of scary dreams before?"

"Of course, I think everything should be done out of love, so that you can be motivated. Investigating market conditions is the most basic thing. Dream makers don't do things behind closed doors and just rely on imagination."

"The current situation of "Sadako" is undoubtedly a success for a new dream maker, but I am curious, if "Sadako" is not popular, will you continue to create horror dreams?"

"There's no way it won't be popular. I have confidence in my work." Qin Ge stood up and took the initiative to fill a bowl of steaming white tender chicken for Wang Chenshi and said with a smile: "The market of horror dreams is more important than other categories. It is indeed small, but there are also a group of people who like it, just like sugar-free Coke, there will always be people who like it, and there must be players waiting for a work that can impress them. "

"Besides, it doesn't matter if you fail. This is not the only opportunity in my life. I have the patience to wait for success with countless failures." Qin Ge's eyes filled with bright light and he said with confidence: "My goal is not to make a movie. The success or failure of a small work is to create a horror dream that can enter the hall of glory, and it is our duty to revive the glory of horror dreams. "

Wang Chenshi stopped writing, frightened by the heroic words, and said in a daze: "Reviving the glory of the terrifying dream? This is not a simple matter."

"Someone has to do it, why can't it be me?" Qin Ge drank the sweet soup with satisfaction, feeling extremely refreshed.

"It makes sense." Wang Chenshi smiled and said: "I noticed that the plot of "Sadako" seems to be incomplete. I wonder if there are any plans to update it in the future? And what are your plans for the route of your work in the future?"

"I will release another small dream game to supplement the plot of "Sadako"." Qin Ge thought for a while and decided to tell his plan. After talking to Jiang Li last night, he thought about it for a long time, "I believe everyone It can also be seen from the name of "Urban Ghost Story-Sadako" that this is a series of works. "

"When I become a senior dream maker later, I will integrate all the works of urban ghost stories into the same dream world to create a world full of ghost stories and bizarre events, but that is also a matter for later."

"Anyway, I will still use Sadako as the starting point to create a terrifying dream."

Wang Chenshi kept nodding, with a smirk on his lips, and asked: "I wonder if you pay attention to the works of your colleagues? What do you think of Tianlan Studio's "School Rules"?"

A cold light flashed in Qin Ge's eyes, he licked his lips and smiled: "I heard that the quality of other players' videos is average, so it didn't attract me. After I go back, I will enter "School Rules" to play and study, and check out Qianqiu's products. Then give a specific evaluation of what quality the dream can achieve.”


The two chatted happily, and they ate for two hours before getting up and leaving with satisfaction. The heat brought out from the restaurant was immediately dissipated by the spring breeze mixed with the fragrance of pear blossoms and the coldness.

"I got a very satisfying interview." Wang Chenshi waved goodbye and said, "I will apply with the editor-in-chief and will definitely publish this article. The talented new dreamer who brags about challenges Qianqiu, the giant dream company. This It’s a very good breaking point.”

"This report will make you a myth if you actually make a work that will be honored in the Hall of Glory in the future. If you fail, it will make you a joke."

"I'm sure I won't be a joke." Qin Ge chuckled. He waited until Wang Chenshi's car started before stopping another car. As soon as he got into the car, his face suddenly turned cold.

Tianlan Studio? Let me see how much weight your dream has.

[Ding, an excellent dream maker must not only accumulate materials for learning at all times, but also understand the situation of competitors. ]

[New task: Enter the dream of "School Rules" to play, get a rating of no less than B level, and reward 1 lottery opportunity. ]

Are there new tasks?

Qin Ge called out the system panel to check.

[Qin Ge: 20 years old. ]

[Mental strength: 110. ]

[Reputation: Slightly heard of. ]

[Dream maker level: LV1. ]

[Cards owned: Sadako (purple character card), Kayako's haunted house (green scene card). ]

[Game world produced: "Urban Tales-Sadako", current rating: 2.5 stars. ]

[Opened world series: None. ]

[Lottery opportunity: None. 】

[Mall: Redemption items are not available. 】


1. Use Sadako to create a work with a rating of no less than 3,000 people and a rating of no less than three stars within seven days. The reward is to open the Asian Ghost Story Mall for redemption.

2. Enter the dream world of "School Rules" to play and get a chance to win a prize. 】

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