Qin Ge smacked his lips as he looked at the purple and green cards that suddenly appeared in his hand. He naturally knew what these cards were.

Dream makers can visualize various things through helmets, such as characters, scenes, furniture, music, behavioral logic...

Then these things will become unique cards. The more detailed the visualization and the more behavioral logic added, the higher the card level and the smarter the AI ​​will be. They can be used in other game worlds or sold.

Cards are divided into several levels: gray, green, blue, purple, orange, and crystal.

I heard that the highest level crystal card is enough to exchange for ten lottery tickets of Qin Ge, and this purple woman card with half of her body on TV, although the horror-type character card cannot be sold at a high price in the market now, it is still no problem to easily sell hundreds of thousands.

"These are the things I collected, but now I have to complete tasks to get them. Isn't it a bit too much?" Qin Ge's complaint naturally did not get any response. He could only shut down the system helplessly, and the interface of Xinghai appeared in front of him again.

"The purple character Ka Sadako and the green building Kagayako's haunted house have been detected. Do you want to evolve?" Xinghai's sweet system prompt sound returned to normal.

"Evolve." Qin Ge naturally chose to confirm.

"The dream maker level is LV1, the mental strength is 100, and the evaluation is S among dream makers of this level. Currently, only small dreams can be created. Do you want to spend 10,000 yuan to buy the origin of small dreams?"

If the dream game is a building built on the land, then the origin of dreams is the land.

"Confirmed." Qin Ge has never been stingy about this kind of necessary expenses, and he can't help but sigh in his heart. No wonder people say that being a dream maker is not as good as writing online novels. 110,000 yuan has been spent before he started to create.

He has long known about the profession of dream maker. Although the threshold is low, as long as you have money to buy a helmet, you can enter this industry, but among the more than 300 million dream makers in the world, less than one-tenth can recover the cost, and the internal circulation is extremely serious.

Because the mental burden of visualizing games is very serious, Xinghai has strict restrictions on the dream games that writers of different levels can make. For example, for small games, it is basically to build a game scene of hundreds of square meters, and the number of NPCs cannot exceed five.

Under such strict restrictions, it is extremely difficult to make an excellent dream game, which is a great test of the dream maker's skills.

Qin Ge watched a grid-like thing emerge under his feet, and then extended a range of nearly 500 square meters, and Kayako's haunted house only occupied about one-third of the area.

From the outside, it is just an ordinary neon wooden house, but Qin Ge knows how many terrifying movies were shot in this house, leaving a strong mark in the history of horror movies.

The area is limited, but for the pitiful NPCs in the small dream, it is enough. After all, it is a waste if there are no characters to fill the story in a large place.

So Qin Ge directly deleted all the extra space and only left the haunted house.

His fingers gently brushed over the fence, and the texture of the bricks and the roughness of the cement between the gaps brought a sense of reality, as if the cards summoned from the system would be much higher in quality than the same level.

Qin Ge had never created a dream before because of his age, but he had played a lot and had been exposed to green scenes. At least those scenes would not show the texture of the stone and the roughness of the cement.

Opening the door, a long-sealed musty smell came over. Because there was no visualization of the sun, the whole house was in a dark state. Walking into it, the wooden floor creaked because of disrepair.

All kinds of details have been taken into consideration, and the scene seems to need no major adjustments. You know, if you build it from scratch, even the smell and sound will be added by visualization.

Qin Ge nodded with satisfaction. This scene has reached an excellent level in his mind, and then he began to close his eyes and visualize the appearance of the sun shining into the house.

Because it is a horror scene, the sun cannot be too bright, similar to the brightness on a cloudy day.

When Qin Ge opened his eyes again, some sunlight had already been sparingly sprinkled in from the French windows in the living room, and he could clearly see all kinds of furniture in the whole house.

"Where is my baby Sadako?" Qin Ge murmured and looked around. Suddenly, he felt a little itchy on his neck, as if a strand of hair was sliding across it. When he turned his head, his heart shrank.

He saw a woman in a white dress with dry hair standing closely behind him. The pair of turbid white eyes hidden behind her hair were staring at him.

It was chilling to touch those eyes.

But the rapid beating of his heart made Qin Ge feel the excitement he had not felt for a long time. He not only stretched out his tongue to lick his dry lips, but also put the back of his hand on Sadako's face. It was completely cold without body temperature, as if he was touching a corpse. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Perfect."

"Kill me." Qin Ge tried to issue an order. As soon as he finished speaking, Sadako's cold hand tightly pinched his throat, and the pale face was getting closer and closer.

"Stop." Qin Ge rubbed his neck. He didn't feel any discomfort because he hadn't started to feel pain or suffocation.

As expected of a purple card, the behavior logic was very rich. Qin Ge noticed that her facial expression became more ferocious when she pinched her neck. Then he issued several more instructions, and Sadako was able to act according to the instructions.

"Now that we have the protagonist, we need supporting characters and the core of the story." For Qin Ge, who had rich experience in game production in his previous life and collected countless materials, after seeing the scene, more than a dozen stories automatically emerged in his mind.

But in a limited space, the story cannot be too grand. While bringing players a relaxing and pleasant stimulation, the rationality of the story must also be guaranteed.

He simply sat cross-legged on the ground under Sadako's gaze and began to think. Many things appeared in front of him, such as mirrors, cameras, old people, and children, but then they drifted away under his head. Until a black cat appeared, he raised his eyebrows.

"It seems not bad to use this cat as an introduction to the game." Qin Ge stretched out his hand and lifted up the black cat. Since he only visualized an image, the black cat was like a puppet, with dull eyes, no body temperature, and no movement.

It will struggle when it is caught.

Qin Ge's mind appeared the struggle of the cat when it was lifted up, and the black cat's green eyes gradually became bright and began to struggle hard.

This sets off a logical chain, and the cat will then react to being lifted by struggling.

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