"Name: Qin Ge, Age: 20, age confirmed, mental strength: 100."

"You meet the requirements for applying for a dream maker. Please confirm whether to submit 100,000 yuan to apply to become a dream maker?"

"Confirmed. Congratulations on becoming the 303412341st dream maker of Xinghai on September 23, 2022. Your Xinghai Dream Helmet will be delivered in one hour. Please sign for it in time."

"Please enter your dream maker ID."

"Cola Sugar Master."

"Dear Dream Maker, Coke Sugar Master, Xinghai Dream welcomes you. Every dream game created is like a twinkling star in the night sky. I hope that the star you create will become the brightest one and last forever."

"I can finally apply after waiting for twenty years." Qin Ge stood up in front of the computer and stretched his waist.

He is not from this world.

Qin Ge came from another very similar world. He was an ordinary horror game maker. He went to an ordinary 997, graduated from an ordinary key first-class university, had an ordinary annual salary of one million, died suddenly in an ordinary overtime, and came to this not-so-ordinary world.

The country is still a similar country, and the world is still a similar world, but there is basically no shadow of war, because under the leadership of the United Nations, a technology called virtual dream reality came into being, and people's desires can be satisfied in the illusion.

Xinghai is the official website of the virtual dream game launched by the official. Everyone needs to be at least 20 years old and have a qualified D-level mental power. You can apply to become a dream maker and create various dreams and publish them on Xinghai.

"Finally, I can make horror dream games by myself, and I don't have to endure the dregs on Xinghai anymore." Qin Ge seemed a little excited. Because of his profession in his previous life, he had been collecting various materials, including but not limited to movies, games, novels, etc. Over time, he actually suffered from a very rare disease.

Horror stimulation addiction.

He was very dependent on the excitement brought by horror, but he didn't expect that the game dream two hundred years later could not bring him any excitement. If you have to describe the quality of horror games in this era, then even the domestic horror movies in the previous life are excellent compared to it.

Ding Dong~

"I'm here." Qin Ge heard the ringing sound from outside the door and didn't even have time to put on his slippers. He trotted over and collapsed the moment he opened the door with an expectant smile.

Outside the door was a beautiful girl wearing a light white dress. Her eyes were as clear and bright as a lake, reflecting the sunlight. The breeze blew through her straight and smooth black hair and fluttered with the hem of her skirt, like a pear flower fluttering in the wind.

"Why do you look like you are very disappointed to see me?" The girl raised her eyebrows lightly and smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

"Close the door." Qin Ge didn't bother to look at her again and walked in. The girl's name was Jiang Li, one of his tenants.

The two-story villa he lives in now, located in the wealthy area of ​​Baijing City, was bought without the help of his parents, aunt, or fraud. He won a lottery ticket worth 30 million yuan with his own strength.

This villa, including the yard, is nearly 400 square meters. It is too empty for one person to live in it, and it is also very troublesome to clean it up, so he asked two classmates to live in it. He only charged a symbolic rent every month, but they were responsible for cleaning the house and cooking.

As for why he lived alone, it was because his parents died in a car accident when he was very young, and his relatives avoided him, so he could only rely on himself to live. Fortunately, he had the experience and knowledge of his previous life, so he struggled to live safely all the way to now.

"Are you waiting for this?" Jiang Li took out a square box from behind, looked at the words on it and read: "Star Sea Dream Helmet, Black Premium Edition."

"My dear head..." Qin Ge was about to rush over to snatch the helmet when he saw Jiang Li holding the helmet high up with a smirk on his face.

"Dear Jiang Li, thank you for taking the time to bring me the helmet."

"Well, you're welcome." Jiang Li handed the helmet over and asked curiously, "What kind of dream do you plan to create?"

Before she finished asking, she saw Qin Ge running upstairs with the helmet in his arms, and shouted, "I'm going to cook soon, don't you want to eat first?"

"Just leave some for me!" Qin Ge was in no mood to eat now, and he went into his 80-square-meter master bedroom and unpacked the package very violently and concisely.

Inside was a black helmet about the size of a motorcycle helmet, with sharp edges and full of science fiction.

Then he threw himself on the bed in the posture of a Filipino diver entering the water, and couldn't wait to plug the helmet into the power supply and put it on his head.

First, everything went black, and then I felt weightless. In the darkness, I could see bright stars. When I came to my senses, I was already standing on the void, surrounded by countless galaxies. In the far-reaching horizon, there stood a majestic palace burning with golden light.

This is the login interface for entering the Star Sea, and each star is a dream game.

"Dear Dream Maker, Coke and Sugar Adder, welcome to the Star Sea." The sweet prompt tone of the system was normal at first, but it turned into a rustling sound full of electrical noise.

"What's going on? Did I buy a defective product?" Qin Ge was very confused, but before he could think more, the translucent interface in front of him was replaced by a black interface.

"Ding, horror material system activated, host Qin Ge's identity confirmed."

"Qin Ge, 20 years old."

"Reputation: unknown."

"Dream maker level: LV1"

"Owned cards: none."

"Game worlds created: none."

"Opened world series: none."

"Lottery opportunities: none."

"Mall: not redeemed."

"System?" Qin Ge was stunned. After being influenced by countless novels, he certainly understood what this was. He clicked on the gray world series and his face suddenly changed, "You are cheating!"

There were hundreds of folders under this column, and they were all clearly marked with names, such as Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Asian Tales, European and American Blood, Cthulhu Mythos...

They were all materials he collected in his previous life to make games, and they came to this world with him.

"Ding, newbie gift packs are distributed. The purple character card Sadako and the green scene card Kayako's Haunted House have been distributed to the favorites."

[Sadako: Purple Character Card]

[From The Ring, a classic work that has been passed down for decades. 】

【The scene of her crawling out of the TV is an indelible and pleasant memory in the hearts of countless people. 】

【Please remember that classics never go out of style. 】

Happy memories? Memories that were happily sent away?

【Kayako's Haunted House: Green Scene Card】

【As the residence of a woman as famous as Sadako, every corner here contains a story. 】

【In this house, the quilt is no longer a synonym for safety. 】

"Ding, a new task is started. Please use these two cards to create a small horror game with a price of no less than 108 yuan. The goal is to have at least 3,000 people buy it within a week of release, and the final evaluation is no less than three stars. The reward is to open the Asian Ghost Story Mall for redemption. The penalty for failure is to deduct half of the deposit."

"Note that every time someone gives one star, one point will be deducted, two stars will not be deducted, three stars will add one point, and so on."

"If the host is found to have cheating behavior such as brushing points, one brushing point will be deducted five points."

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear comes from the unknown."

"From now on, let the world feel the shock brought by this emotion again!"

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