Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop

Chapter 275: man from space

Sitting on the table in front of him, Wei Jiang took the plasticine, took it apart, looked at the drawings inside, and then started to make crafts like a kindergarten kid.

Various colored muds are changing shapes in the hands, and with Wei Jiang's efforts, the colored muds have gradually become what they should be. Small animals of various shapes were pinched out by him looking at the drawings.

When I was young, five or six small animals made of colored clay were placed on the table. Although they were not lifelike, they looked exactly like the drawings.

At the moment when these colored clay animals were pinched out, the mechanical prosthetic project that Li Zhenhua was working on had already heralded a success, because this level of fineness was enough to deal with anything in life.

But now that they have prepared Lego blocks and gunpla, this test should continue.

"Brother Wei, stop, we can move on to Lego blocks. In fact, you don't need to work hard for this item. It's just a test of the fineness of the mechanical arm and it's over. The Gunpla behind is the same!"

Then Wei Jiang stopped and continued to knead the plasticine, got up and came to the Lego building blocks, and assembled this set of building blocks with mechanical prosthetics.

Under his control, the mechanical prosthetic is like a human's original arm, and it is as smooth as ever, with no stuttering in the middle.

When he finished assembling a part, he stopped the work in his hands again and turned to the Gunpla model, followed by another burst of operations, and all three experiments went through.

At this time, all the people present excitedly raised their feet. The experiment reached this stage, which proved the effect of this mechanical prosthesis, which can be described as excellent.

The large-scale production of mechanical prosthetics will be a great boon for the disabled in Kyushu. As long as they are equipped with such mechanical prosthetics, they will be indistinguishable from normal people.

And the disappearance of these disabled people in Kyushu will allow Kyushu to gain tens of millions of labor force. Even if they can't exert the effect of normal people, the strength of a large number of people is amazing.

Now the only one who doesn't have much expression is Li Zhenhua, thinking that he already knew what the future of mechanical prosthetics will be. This project will not only make him financially successful, but also make a contribution to society.

It can be said to be a win-win situation. For him, both money and fame can be obtained. For Kyushu, a social problem has been solved.

The experiment is temporarily over, but the experiment of the whole project has not stopped. As long as Wei Jiang uses a mechanical prosthesis for a day, the experiment will never stop. It's just that the follow-up experiments require Wei Jiang to carry out in his daily life, using this mechanical prosthesis just like ordinary people use their own arms.

While they were testing the mechanical prosthetics, the five men on the moon were packing up for their return to Earth, having spent more than ninety days on the moon before they knew it.

Originally, they should have been exposed to the sun for 180 days like the soy sauce in Haitian, but now they found too much on the moon, which made them have to transport these things back to Earth.

It can be seen from this that the difference between someone digging and unmanned detection is that the gap in the middle is too large. Someone digging can use equipment to dig deep as long as one point is identified.

However, no one has been able to find that point, so they have discovered more on the moon in the past three months than the research on the moon in the previous decades.

All kinds of meteorites, lunar soil, a large pile of stones from all over the moon, and a piece of solid water brought up from the well dug out, etc., filled the return capsule.

On the other hand, the five acres of land they opened up on the moon were all replaced by plants with a long growth cycle, and wheat just met the conditions.

All the plants that grew in the ground were uprooted by them, crushed, artificially fertilized and added catalysts to speed up the whole process a lot.

The plants grown in this land were turned into fertilizer and sprinkled on the ground. The carefully selected wheat is also planted in the ground by them. The growth period of wheat is about 220 to 270 days or 100 days, which is the difference between winter wheat and spring wheat.

They chose spring wheat, after all, the temperature in these soft cabins can be controlled. So the growth cycle of wheat may be shorter.

After watching the wheat emerge, the luggage of the five of them was also received in the return capsule. This time the return capsule was full, of course, under the premise of ensuring that they could fly back.

After they leave, there will be no one on the moon again, but what is the difference from before? That is, Kyushu left a moon base on the moon - Guanghan Palace, and opened up five acres of land on the moon, with crops growing on the ground.

The five-acre farmer said it seriously, it is also scientific planting, indoor planting, and the technological content is not low at all.

And the growth of wheat is also extremely worry-free. There is nothing else to do except watering. With an automatic irrigation system, you don’t have to worry about watering. High-tech farming is so easy.

The five people put on their spacesuits and came to the return capsule full of lunar specialties. When everything was ready, they embarked on the return journey.

The return capsule is located in the core section of the Guanghan Palace, and now the core cabin of the Guanghan Palace has four long pillars extending to the sky. When the five people are ready, the Guanghan Palace has already started charging.

When the Guanghan Palace was fully charged, as Mu Yiwei pressed the button in the return capsule, the return capsule was pulled by four pillars and rushed towards the sky.

The launch system they use now uses electromagnetic ejection, commonly known as the conversion of electrical energy into kinetic energy.

When the return capsule was ejected vertically to the moon for three kilometers, the power system of the return capsule itself began to start, and as the flame rose, the return capsule came to the low lunar orbit.

They have to adjust their attitude in this orbit and move towards Chang'e. After meeting and docking with Chang'e, they will return directly to the earth.

This return is heading directly towards the earth, without staying at the Tiangong space station in the middle.

The return time was much slower than the departure, so it took them five days to return. When they came to the earth’s orbit, the return capsule separated from Chang’e again. With Chang’e’s separation, Chang’e’s mission this time is regarded as Completely done.

As for the discarded Chang'e, it will land on the earth according to the original plan, and people will recycle it after landing.

After the return capsule threw away Chang'e, it began to enter the return procedure, which was no different from the usual landing of the Shenzhou return capsule, and there was almost no difference.

After all, it landed at the scheduled time and toward the scheduled location.

With the launch of the landing procedure, many search and rescue forces on the ground are also waiting.

The five-person return capsule landed on the grassland on the scheduled grassland very smoothly. The landing experience this time was not as good as landing on the moon because their return capsule carried too many things.

Otherwise, this landing was absolutely comfortable. The moment they landed in the return cabin, all five of them trembled at the same time.

When the return capsule landed and stopped, unlike before, they didn’t feel any discomfort because they were wearing new space suits, so they didn’t wait for the search and rescue team to come, and got out of the return capsule under the leadership of Mu Yiwei. .

And when they came outside the return capsule, they still didn't take off their space suits. Instead, each of them got a QJS201 light machine gun from the return capsule, scattered them around the return capsule, and guarded them with guns.

Ordinary astronauts are usually carried out when they go out of the capsule. Even if they are healthy, they are also carried out, but this time is different. Not only were they not carried out, but they walked out of the return capsule, Holding a gun to defend the return capsule.

Their performance made the people who came to search and rescue feel unprecedentedly incredible. Never seen an astronaut fresh from space move so fast.

After the five people confirmed the information of the search and rescue team, the return capsule was heavily protected, and the five of them were quickly transferred to the rear.

The return capsule was also transferred to Jiuquan by the search and rescue team. The lunar data research laboratory just established here was directly filled with the things brought back by the return capsule.

This research laboratory is composed of many sub-projects, including those studying meteorites, lunar soil, and lunar water, as well as a team of botanists and biologists who study various species grown on the moon. of plants.

Anyway, all the things brought back from the moon are researched by a special department. When the five astronauts arrived in Jiuquan, they were dragged for inspection. After a series of inspections, the five of them were in good health. Just a simple re-acclimatization to the Earth's environment will do.

The research team of the spacesuit also specifically asked them about the experience of using the equipment to see if there is any inconvenience in using it, so that they can make changes in subsequent models.

When the news of the astronauts returning from the moon became the news of the day again, Kyushu News extended the time by ten minutes that night, as if they had opened a column on Kyushu News, all about them being on the moon thing.

That night, Li Zhenhua sat quietly in front of the TV like a primary school student, watching the news about the landing of the astronauts.

[At about ten o'clock this morning, on the Mengzi grassland, the five astronauts of Chang'e-8 successfully landed here.

The manned spaceflight was successful. During the 98-day journey, the astronauts stationed at Tiangong and carried out their first outing activities at Tiangong space station.

Afterwards, Kyushu's first moon landing took place. After landing on the moon, the five astronauts turned into Wu Gang and carried out a series of actions on the moon to plant and beautify the moon.

Spinach, lettuce, lettuce... and other plants have been successfully planted on the moon using lunar soil, and the lunar land transformation plan is also progressing smoothly.

According to our station's reporter from the Kyushu Space Administration, my country has conducted lunar drilling on the moon. At present, a solid water layer has been drilled under the moon. There is no doubt that there is water on the moon. 】

Looking at the news broadcast in the news, he also felt proud for a while. As a person who participated in it to some extent, he also contributed a lot to Kyushu Aerospace, and he felt that he should do something more.

But as soon as he had this idea, he was dismissed by himself, because he remembered the big machine tool plan he was going to carry out in the future. As for what to do for the aerospace industry, in fact, as long as the machine tools are advanced, it will also promote the aerospace industry. effect.

At this moment, he is also very firm in his big machine tool plan that no one else knows about. This is the foundation of everything, and only when the foundation is improved, the things built on the foundation will be strong.

When he was thinking about this in his heart, the news had finished broadcasting, but he had no intention of paying attention to it. Now he only wanted to finish the current prosthetic limb project and hold a wedding by the way.

After all the trivial matters are done, he will devote all his energy to the project of the large machine tool.

Fortunately, the prosthetic project has entered the formal stage. The first clinical experimenter also underwent surgery and installed the mechanical prosthetic on his body a few days ago. The rest is to collect the experience of using it, and its physical reaction.

At that time, based on the collected data, small-scale fine-tuning will be carried out, which is irrelevant.

For him, the mechanical prosthesis was nearing completion, and there was nothing too important to pay attention to, but his invention would once again cause a sensation in the world.

Especially for the special group of the disabled, it will have an immeasurable impact.

Wang Yuesheng has been paying attention to his prosthetic limb project. Although he is the leader of the equipment development department, mechanical prosthetic limbs should have nothing to do with him as a civilian product.

But who said that there are no soldiers with missing arms and legs in the army? Some excellent soldiers may be disabled during missions, so what if these soldiers are equipped with mechanical prosthetics?

Then these soldiers will become veterans, and veterans play a huge role in the army.

So after Wang Yuesheng returned to would ask about the progress of the mechanical prosthesis project every day. When he learned about Wei Jiang's performance after installing the mechanical prosthesis, he was really excited.

Such a prosthetic can allow many soldiers who are physically disabled due to mission injuries to become soldiers again without being discharged.

If his idea is put into practice, I believe the foreign media will have something to say, and it may spread internationally that Kyushu has a cyborg army with extremely strong combat effectiveness. This is a manifestation of Kyushu's disregard for human rights.

Anyway, there will be a lot of remarks like this in Balabala, and sometimes these remarks are extremely intellectually debilitating, but there are still mold fans who will choose to believe it, because this is what their mold father said, and for them this is the imperial decree.

After Wang Yuesheng saw the progress of the experiment, he immediately installed it, and then went to the leader to discuss matters with the materials.

Regarding Wang Yuesheng's thoughts, Li Zhenhua didn't know at all. Even if he knew, he would not take it seriously. Maybe doing so could promote the popularization of mechanical prosthetics.

After all, there is always a time for every soldier to retire, not to mention that soldiers will still be discharged even if they are officers, and as these soldiers retire, their mechanical prosthetics will also be taken to other places.

This can be regarded as an alternative promotion of mechanical prosthetics!

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