Regarding Kyushu's current actions on the moon, not to mention that Lao Mei has no solution, even if all the space agencies in the sphere are bundled together, there may not be a solution.

Of course, these space agencies will not be bundled together, so they are still fighting on their own.

During this period of time, Nassar has been working hard to restore the glory of the past, but now the moldy industry does not allow it. They can resume production of all the equipment used to land on the moon.

Because of the development of the times, Old Mold has become the world's hegemon, and it has defeated its opponents and stabilized its dominance. Then they shifted their focus of development, moving towards more profitable fields, such as finance, etc., and abandoned heavy industry. .

And the world share of this part of heavy industry was taken over by Kyushu, which allowed Kyushu to develop tremendously, and the old mold of the dominant position embarked on the road of printing money when there is no money, gone forever.

So now they want to resume the production of the moon landing equipment, the difficulty can be imagined, it is no different from rebuilding the heavy industry, but fortunately they did not completely abandon the heavy industry, and they left behind before, so that they can still carry out the restoration. Production, so that you can't even touch the door.

But even so, it is very difficult for them to resume production. Difficulty for them is good news for Kyushu.

In the current situation, all conspiracies and tricks are superfluous. At this time, the hard power of each country is compared. If you are not strong enough, then you will not be able to go to the moon, and you will not be able to fight for the moon.

At this time, of course, Lao Mei did not give up those dirty methods, as long as the methods are useful, he will not be dirty.

The old mold's current solution is to increase investment in aerospace, and strive to resume production of the brilliant equipment as soon as possible. When all the equipment is fully produced, they will be able to go to the moon and Kyushu to compete for the ownership of the moon.

Internationally, there is no accurate statement about who the moon belongs to, but the place Kyushu already occupies on the moon must belong to Kyushu.

In the days to come, I believe that with Kyushu's efforts and the gap between other countries and him, the territory on the moon will become larger and larger, and eventually the entire moon may become Kyushu's territory.

Laomei is working hard to resume production, and the space agencies of other countries are not idle. The whole world seems to have suddenly entered the era of space exploration.

At this time, no one is idle, and the small neighbors of the socialist countries are no exception at this time. They are also developing the aerospace industry.

But their purpose of developing the aerospace industry is different. They are not to explore the extraterrestrial, but to find reasons for researching launch vehicles.

However, Soviet Russia, which is closely related to Kyushu in the international arena, relied on its relationship with Kyushu and began to take shortcuts. After a series of pyes with Kyushu. The future Tiangong space station will accept a Soviet-Russian cabin, and the two companies have also cooperated on the moon landing project.

Don't think that bringing Soviet Russia in the development of the moon will cause much loss to yourself. In fact, Kyushu has benefited more from Soviet Russia.

All these things that happened have nothing to do with Li Zhenhua. He is very busy now, not with work, but with his marriage with Li Yun.

This marriage is really too cumbersome, and Li Zhenhua still has no family to help him. Fortunately, Liu Xiaodong went home and told his father after knowing what he was busy with.

As a neighbor for many years, Father Liu, who watched Li Zhenhua grow up, especially after he was the only one left in his family, took special care of him. Otherwise, when Kyushu Divine Beast was established, he would not have brought Liu Xiaodong with him.

Liu's father knew that Li Zhenhua was planning to get married, so he dragged Liu Xiaodong's mother over to help.

There is nothing else mixed in, just because of the friendship between the two families.

With the help of two experienced elderly people, many things about the wedding can be regarded as the backbone, and the progress is also speeding up.

With Dad Liu in charge of the man's affairs, Li Zhenhua relaxed again. This is when he also took Li Yun and the due gift, and headed towards Haicheng under the protection of Ning Wei and the others.

When he and Li Yun came to Li's house in Haicheng again, and saw Li Yun's parents again, he didn't have the slightest awareness of a new son-in-law coming to the door. He really couldn't get nervous. Also changed to call parents.

Coming here this time is like going through a cutscene. Although it is a cutscene, the form still cannot be saved.

After sending the two of them to the place, Ning Wei took the remaining five people to protect them near Li's house. As for Ning Wei himself, he went to find those who had followed them all the way.

Both parties came here for the mission of protecting Li Zhenhua, and the necessary gas should be communicated to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings later.

Ning Wei discovered these people when he came out of the Kyushu Divine Beast, and then he learned about them through special channels, and then he was relieved. He didn't come here to meet these people until Haicheng settled Li Zhenhua down. .

But it was said that Li Zhenhua was sitting on the sofa in the living room of Li's house, took a cup of tea handed over by Li's father, and then talked about business with Li's father and Li's mother.

"Mom and Dad, Xiaoyun and I are planning to hold a wedding. After all, we have been getting certificates for so long, and we have been procrastinating. This time, I have time, so I will take advantage of the time."

As he spoke, he took out a bunch of things from his bag and handed them to Papa Li.

"This is my bride price for marrying Xiaoyun, your elders will keep it!"

Father Li took it and looked at it one by one. There were a lot of things, and they were very mixed.

"It's fine to bring the things. You can take the rest back and live a good life with Xiaoyun. Your mother and I don't need anything, so we don't need anything!"

Li Zhenhua actually prepared a lot of these things, a house in Haicheng that was close to 200 square meters, a self-produced Kirin off-road bulletproof vehicle, 8.88 million in cash, and many other miscellaneous things.

But Li's father has no intention of staying at all. The Li family only has one daughter, Li Yun. As long as Li Yun lives well and lives happily, that is their greatest comfort.

Li Yun saw that his father didn't accept the things, but pushed them back, and she also spoke from the side.

"Dad, just take these things, this is a bride price, it's not good if you don't accept it!"

"Go away, I'm marrying a daughter, not selling a daughter!" Father Li saw that his daughter was also asking him to accept things, but he was a little anxious.

Looking at Li's father who was in a hurry, Li Yun thought about it and said to him: "Why don't you retire early, and you and my mother will go to Shu Town with me, anyway, the little money you earn is not much at all!"

After some persuasion by the two, Li's father and Li's mother also agreed to the proposal to go to Shuzhen. In fact, this was also discussed by Li Zhenhua and Li Yun before coming here.

The main reason is the safety of the two of them. Li Zhenhua is no longer the former Li Zhenhua. Now he is a national treasure-level academician. He is worried that someone will deal with his family when they can't deal with him.

The two of them went to Shu Town, which could also relieve a lot of security work.

At this time, after the Li family decided to move the whole family, the problem of receiving relatives that had been worrying before was resolved. There was no need to go to Haicheng to meet relatives, and Li Zhenhua's workload on safety was not as heavy as mine.

"The Exploitation of the Vegetable Skeleton"

A week later, three bulletproof cars were parked downstairs at Li Yun's house, and Li Yun's parents also started to transport boxes from downstairs, and loaded them all into the car.

When Li Zhenhua came, he brought Li Yun with him, but when he returned, there were two more people in the team, Li's father and Li's mother.

The two of them have also gone through internal retirement. Compared with finding a rich son-in-law, their salary is not enough at all. It can be regarded as hugging thick legs. The struggle of a lifetime is not as good as the daughter finding a wealthy son-in-law.

When they came to Shuzhen to settle down, Li's father, Li's mother, and Liu's father arranged for Li Zhenhua's marriage together. After their discussion, they finally chose the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month in the Yellow Emperor's Calendar 4723 (January 12, 2027). The auspicious day of the zodiac serves as their wedding date.

And now there is still more than a month before this date, which means they still have more than a month to prepare for the wedding.

With the help of the Liu family, they and the Li family arranged their marriage. The two who were originally the protagonists have now turned into marionettes, obeying the arrangement of the old man.

Except that they sent out their wedding invitations, there wasn't much to do with them, and the two returned to their normal lives again.

Li Yun didn't send out many invitations, but they were her ex-colleagues and classmates who she had a good time with before.

Li Zhenhua had too many invitations. Although he wanted to keep everything simple, he had known a lot of people in the past two years. These people had helped him on his way to success, so the invitations had to be sent out.

The dean of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences and many academicians, Wang Yuesheng from the Equipment Development Department, Yan Hang from Hongdu, Cui Tianzhi from Quancheng Air Force Base, and several acquainted leaders of the Quancheng Military Region, etc., etc., may not be able to come, but this Invitations must be sent.

After he sent out the invitations, he would not be needed for the follow-up work, and he returned to the project of mechanical prosthetics when he was free.

Time flies, Wei Jiang recovered extremely quickly in one month, and Dr. Fang and others also used a lot of expensive medicines to help them recover quickly. The expensive medicines here are not western medicines, but traditional Chinese medicines.

Don't say that Chinese medicine doesn't work, Chinese medicine works very well. I heard a very funny joke before. A western medicine expert who didn’t believe in traditional Chinese medicine at all, asked someone to find an old Chinese medicine doctor after his own disease was not seen well by western medicine. The disease can be said to be cured by medicine.

However, after the Western medicine expert recovered from his illness, he didn't mention this at all, and continued to promote his theory that Chinese medicine is useless, because it is politically correct for him.

With the addition of Chinese medicine, Wei Jiang's body recovered very quickly. It has only been a month now, and Wei Jiang has fully recovered.

His body has recovered, so the follow-up experiment can continue. Wei Jiang stood in the middle of the empty workshop under the gaze of everyone.

And the mechanical prosthesis that belonged to him was also solemnly packed in a box by Dr. Fang, and brought to the experimental site.

Wei Jiang looked at the box in Dr. Fang's hand at this moment, and his heart was excited. No matter how he tried to control it, he couldn't control the excitement in his heart.

He, Wei Jiang, has lost his arm for many years, and today he will have his arm again. Although it is a mechanical creation, it can still make him like a normal person.

Li Zhenhua took the box from Dr. Fang and opened it, and Wei Jiang next to him became even more excited.

Opening the box, Li Zhenhua held the mechanical prosthesis in his hand from inside, looked at Wei Jiang who was waiting beside him, and asked him: "Brother Wei, are you ready for a new life? A life that is no different from normal people! "

Faced with the problem, Wei Jiang couldn't say a word. His lips were trembling slightly. After working hard for a long time, the word "already" came out of his mouth. He was so excited that he couldn't even I can't control my heart and my whole body muscles.

Holding the mechanical prosthesis in one hand, holding Wei Jiang's broken arm implanted with the mechanical prosthesis in the other, and then aligning the two interfaces, the two parts of the mechanical prosthesis are integrated into one body on Wei Jiang's body.

When the mechanical prosthesis was installed on Wei Jiang's arm, at the moment when Li Zhenhua turned on the switch of the mechanical prosthesis, Wei Jiang seemed to feel that he had an arm again.

After being excited for a while, Wei Jiang finally realized that it was time to move his regained arm, because everyone at the scene was waiting for his mechanical prosthetic experiment. If he doesn't move anymore, the people at the scene will all think that the project has failed.

Under everyone's gaze, under the protection provided by Dr. Fang, and under the encouragement of Li Zhenhua, Wei Jiang's new mechanical prosthetic moved, and the prosthetic moved Following his control, the prosthetic was lifted up, and the prosthetic moved. The mechanical bionic hand didn't stop moving until the back of the head, just at the back of the head that Wei Jiang couldn't see, the bionic hand scratched the back of the head.

The strength of scratching was moderate, which not only made Wei Jiang happy, but also felt grateful to Li Zhenhua.

Wei Jiang knew that without Li Zhenhua and his project, he would never have an arm again.

Feeling the back of the head, scratching with moderate strength, Wei Jiang's feeling made him unable to think of any words to describe it.

His prosthetic limb was scratching all the time, but there was a smile on his face.

This smile feels quite normal to Wei Jiang, but in the eyes of other people, this smile is just a smirk.

In the eyes of others, Wei Jiang's current image is a complete fool, a fool who can only laugh.

He calmed down and suppressed his smile. Li Zhenhua looked at Wei Jiang who had regained his sanity, and then took out the things he had prepared a long time ago.

A brand-new set of colored plasticine, a box of Lego blocks with not too many pieces but very small parts, and a Gundam model with no parts painted, three things were placed in front of Wei Jiang.

"Brother Wei, come on, please start your performance, it's time for you to show your real skills!"

With question marks all over his face, it took him a while to react. At this time, doing manual work is the best way to test his mechanical prosthesis.

Playing with plasticine requires the least precision, followed by Lego, and the assembly of Gundam models is the most delicate. Not to mention that Gundam can be played in these three things, even if he can use mechanical prosthetics to complete Lego, the mechanical prosthetics will be considered a success. Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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