"Academician Li, you are awake. I am your correspondent during the time at the base. My name is Qiao Bo. You can just call me Xiaobo."

Before he could react, the person walking towards him spoke out.

When he heard Qiaobo speak, he looked carefully at the person who came by. He was a very energetic young man, wearing a blue overalls, and there was no other sign.

When he digested the other party's words, he realized that this should be equivalent to an assistant for himself.

Then he stretched out his hand to him, and shook hands with him.

"Oh, hello, Po!

Then I will trouble you while I am here. "

"Academician Li, please come to me, Academician Luo and the others are talking in the conference room right now!

I just came over there, Academician Luo asked me to come over to see if you woke up. "

It seemed that Academician Luo was waiting for him, so he hurriedly followed Qiao Bo towards the place where Academician Luo was.

When he arrived at the place, he opened the door in front of him and walked in, but the correspondent assigned to him did not follow in.

When I opened the door, I saw more than 20 men, women and children in the room, all looking at me standing at the door, and at the moment, there was an empty seat next to Academician Luo at the conference table.

"Academician Li is here, come in and sit down. We are all about to start discussing the next work. You are the most innovative part of our mission, and we cannot do without you."

Academician Luo stood up from his seat as he spoke, walked towards the door, came to him, pulled him to the empty seat, and pressed him on the seat.

"First of all, everyone welcomes Academician Li to join us. Let us work together to complete the task assigned to us by our superiors." After Academician Luo finished speaking, he took the lead and clapped his hands.

Academician Luo took the lead, and there was warm applause at the scene. After applauding for a while, the scene became quiet again.

"This time we are also in danger, and now time is running out, we have to complete the task quickly, and we can't delay the launch.

For this mission, we are all pointing at Academician Li! "

He was also a little flattered to hear Academician Luo say this. After all, the other party is a long-established academician, so it was very useful for him to lift him up like this, and he was also a little embarrassed.

"Academician Luo, don't say that. A young man like me should learn more from you."

Then, under the auspices of Academician Luo, he introduced everyone present to him, and then began to get to the point.

For him, the atmosphere at the scene was very harmonious, and his joining did not have any bad influence on the entire team.

After everyone got acquainted with it, he officially entered the topic. Since he was new here, he didn't know how far the current project was going, so he sat obediently in his seat and listened to their chat.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Everyone knows that we have made a lot of improvements to the newly developed spacesuit, and also applied a new generation of technology to it.

But this spacesuit is not so good, and it can only be as good as we think. We must know that science has no end.

The reason why we brought everyone together again this time is because Academician Li beside me has made a major breakthrough in the power exoskeleton.

The task this time is to combine our newly developed spacesuit with the powered exoskeleton in the hands of Academician Li, so that our spacesuit will become the most advanced spacesuit in the world, and there is no such thing. "

Academician Luo briefly recounted the cause and effect of this mission, and it can be regarded as explaining to everyone why the spacesuit they developed before was facing improvement again before it was used.

At this moment, Li Zhenhua also knew from Academician Luo's narration that before he joined, the team led by Academician Luo had already completed the design and even manufacturing of the new spacesuit.

However, with the advent of his powered exoskeleton, Academician Luo knew that Kyushu had already achieved success with the powered exoskeleton, which made Academician Luo think about continuing to improve the new space suit again.

After Academician Luo finished speaking, he immediately turned his head to look at Li Zhenhua, and said to him with a smile on his face.

"Academician Li will also say a few words, which can be regarded as encouraging everyone."

Academician Luo has already said this, and he is too embarrassed to say nothing, but he just came here, and he doesn't know what to say to everyone, so he just said a few words.

"Hello everyone, I don't really have any research on space suits, but this time I was allowed to participate in your project because I made some small achievements in powered exoskeletons.

In the days to come, I will cooperate with everyone to integrate the power exoskeleton technology I have mastered into the latest spacesuit, just like Academician Luo said, to make our spacesuit the most advanced in the world. none of them. "

When he finished speaking, there was another warm applause at the scene.

Everyone's applause this time was obviously more willing than last time, because when Li Zhenhua spoke, he placed his position very low, and did not show that kind of arrogance.

It was also this kind of attitude that made them all let go of their apprehensions. They were afraid that someone with a higher heart than the sky would come and would interfere with everything, and in the end nothing could be done.

After he made his statement, the applause rang out willingly, and fell silent again. After academician Luo spoke a few words to the crowd, he asked them to disperse and prepare for the next research and development.

But he didn't know what he was going to do next, so he sat in his seat without moving, and Academician Luo obviously wanted to chat with him, so the two sat and waited for everyone to leave.

When only the two of them were left in the conference room of Nuo University, Li Zhenhua turned to Academician Luo.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Academician Luo looked at him with a smile on his face, and turned around.

"Haha, Mr. Luo, you didn't leave either!"

The two looked at each other without saying anything, and suddenly they both laughed loudly at the same time.

After the laughter stopped, the distance between the two of them became much closer.

"Ms. Luo, you can tell me what to do next. You are an expert in space suits. I, a rookie, don't know exactly where to work hard."

Then Li Zhenhua corrected his attitude and asked Academician Luo how to carry out his work in the future.

"Even if you don't ask, I will talk to you about the next work.

I'm good at space suits, but I don't know much about your powered exoskeleton.

But you are lacking in the knowledge of space suits. We don't know each other's knowledge now.

Next, in order to have a good start for the follow-up work, I think we should get to know each other, so that we can combine the powered exoskeleton and spacesuit in the future. "

Listening to what Academician Luo said, he also nodded in agreement. It is indeed like what Academician Luo said, without knowing each other, rashly combining the technologies they have mastered will definitely not progress in terms of progress. It will go well.

"That's right, Mr. Luo, you have to wait for me for a while. I didn't know anything when I came here, and I didn't bring all the relevant materials with me. The main reason is that Minister Wang's level of secrecy is too high. , didn’t tell me anything!”

Hearing what he said, Academician Luo also understood his difficulties, but now the other party can't provide information, but his own information is complete. After thinking about it, he said.

"It's okay if you don't have the information with you, and then you make a report, and the base here will send someone to get it from you.

I will study it carefully when the information arrives, but now the information on my side is complete, and I have already prepared it, so I will bring it to you. "

As he spoke, Academician Luo lowered his bag to Li Zhenhua from a bag next to his seat, put the bag in front of him, patted the bag with his hand, and told him.

"This bag contains the information of the new spacesuit. Although it is not that comprehensive, I believe it should be enough for our docking work.

Take it and study it first, if there is anything you don't understand halfway, you can come to me at any time.

There is no strict requirement on where to bring the materials, but I still hope that the materials should not be brought back to the dormitory as much as possible, and it is best to read them in the studio. "

Looking at the bag in front of me, combined with what Academician Luo said just now, I know that when I read the materials, it is best to read them in the studio.

It's not that I don't believe in myself, but that I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen.

He chatted with Academician Luo about the new spacesuit for a while, and then he led him to the studio.

Carrying a bag and following Academician Luo, the other party arranged a separate cubicle for him in the studio. After arranging him, Academician Luo went to do his own thing.

Only in his own cubicle, he opened the bag given to him, and immediately devoted all his mind to the data research.

While he was researching the information, at the airport when he came, there was a Y-8 plane on the runway preparing to take off.

A car came from a distance and stopped at the tail of the Yun-8 plane. Just as the car stopped, the tail hatch of Yun-8 opened. The car started again and drove directly into the plane.

Then the plane took off and flew towards the Dongshan Kyushu Shenshou Company's test flight field.

The correspondent assigned to him by the base was sitting in the car on the plane. At this moment, the correspondent's clothes were no longer blue overalls, but dark green uniforms of the Rocket Army.

The Yunba plane went directly to the Kyushu Divine Beast Test Field. The car got off the plane and stopped directly at the door of Li Zhenhua's workshop, where Li Yun was waiting at the door. Li Yun handed the bag to the correspondent.

Afterwards, the correspondent who took the information did not even get out of the car, but drove the car back on the plane and returned to the flight.

When the correspondent came back, he handed over the information to Li Zhenhua, without any possibility of leaking anything.

Taking the bag brought back by the correspondent, he found Academician Luo who was thinking about the problem, and handed over the basic information of the powered exoskeleton to the other party, and he returned to his station to study the spacesuit again.

After receiving the information, Academician Luo immediately began to study it. After all, their time is precious now. Even if they waste a second, they may not be able to catch up with the rocket to take off in the end.

During the three days, Li Zhenhua didn't dare to waste a second, and he absorbed the materials that Academician Luo gave him all day long.

Of course he was so nervous during the day, but he didn't know much about the things he came into contact with. He could only have a general impression of the materials he came into contact with from his memory.

But his hacks are not vegetarian, he will study seriously in the virtual laboratory at night for the things he comes into contact with and does not understand during the day.

The seven days passed in a flash. During these seven days, he studied all the materials that Academician Luo gave him. It was not a rough study, but all the materials became his own when he opened it. Knowledge.

Now, to say that he is an expert in space suits is a bit exaggerated, but he is also a person who knows space suits very well.

At this moment, he finally had a detailed understanding of space suits. Space suits are personal airtight equipment that guarantee astronauts' life activities and work capabilities in space. To put it bluntly, there is not much difference in principle from heavy diving suits.

They are also the equipment that guarantees people can survive in extreme environments, but space suits are hugely different from heavy diving suits.

In the vacuum environment of space, the nitrogen contained in human blood will turn into gas, and its volume will expand inside the human body.

If you don't wear a pressurized airtight space suit and adjust the pressure inside the space suit to the same pressure as the atmospheric pressure, you will be in danger of life due to the huge pressure difference between the inside and outside.

Moreover, space suits will face more harsh environments in space, such as vacuum, high and low temperature in space, and whether there is an atmosphere to filter and protect the solar radiation that fills the entire space.

And the space suit will also encounter micro meteors in the sky, and it must be able to withstand the impact of micro meteors.

It is said to be a meteor, but it is actually a small stone, but this kind of stone that moves at a high speed can still be regarded as a micro meteor.

There are also various life support systems in the spacesuit, such as heat preservation, airtightness, heat insulation, ventilation, cooling and other functions.

In short, this spacesuit is a small atmospheric system that can be used for people to move in space. Everything is simulating the earth, and it can also be said to be a miniature space station.

After learning about these things~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he is also full of confidence in integrating his powered exoskeleton into the space suit.

And in his vision, he couldn't help but think of the longing for space suits in many science fiction works.

Among them, there are several that impressed him the most, such as the armor of Master Chief, the spacesuit in Starland, the spacesuit of Charlize Theron in Prometheus, the spacesuit in Stargate and so on.

But in his mind, the spacesuits in Stargate and the spacesuits in Starland are the most suitable for his aesthetics.

Different from the current mainstream space suits, these two models he likes most are very in line with human aesthetics, changing the bloated and hypertrophy of the old space suits before.

Moreover, the protection of these two kinds of suits is relatively better than the old ones, because the exterior of these two spacesuits has armor protection, while the old ones do not have these armors.

Thinking about the received information, he couldn't help but think about it.


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