Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop

Chapter 242: I don't know how many meters underground

Liu Xiaodong is still in charge of many matters related to the production of civilian products, and if he can't solve them, let him and Guo Shugui discuss and solve them.

The military products are also well explained, and he is not afraid of any troubles. You must know that there are military representatives in the factory.

The company's affairs were all arranged, and then they picked up Li Yun, and the two left the company, accompanied her for a long walk around the town, and then they went home.

The next morning, I bid farewell to Li Yun, carried my belongings, came to the company's test flight field, got on the flying boat and flew towards Peiping.

It is the wisest decision to build a test flight field in their company, because it is equivalent to having a private airport within their company. When he wants to go out, he can leave at any time without waiting for the plane.

The plane landed in Daxing, and when we got out of the airport with bodyguards, we saw the person Wang Yuesheng sent to pick him up.

In Wang Yuesheng's office, he finally met the old man again, and the two exchanged pleasantries.

After Wang Yuesheng chatted with him, knowing that he had arranged all the things at home, and that he could carry out tasks with him without distraction, the old man was overjoyed for a while, and then he directly talked to the main topic.

"I asked you to come this time, do you have a general guess about what you are going to do?"

"Yes, yes!" Li Zhenhua nodded in response, and saw that Wang Yuesheng didn't answer his words, but motioned him to continue talking, and rolled his eyes at the old man.

"Yesterday you told me that it is an application of powered exoskeleton, and you also told me that it is going to heaven.

I guess that the Air Force should also use Chi You, or that it is a variant research specifically for the airborne troops.

I can guess this too, I feel that my guess should be close to ten! "

The old man Wang Yuesheng, after listening to what he said, the smile on his face immediately became wider. Looking at that expression, he knew that the guess just now should be far from the truth.

Seeing the old man's smile, he felt inexplicably agitated. The old man didn't say anything specific when he was at home, but now that he's here, he doesn't say anything, just let him guess.

Who can bear this, isn't this teasing him? The expression on his face became a little stinky, and Wang Yuesheng also noticed the change in his expression, and then he got down to business.

"Haha, boy, let me tell you, your guess is far from the truth!

Okay, don't look like you want to eat me, I'm old, meat doesn't taste good!

Seriously, you know we have a space station floating in the sky! "

He was obviously a little confused when he heard the word space station. Why did he suddenly say space station? This has nothing to do with him!

"How about the space station? I don't have much to do with the space station. Are you planning to send me to the sky and let me study there?"

I never figured out what the relationship between the space station and him is. In fact, he only thinks about the space station now, and directly forgets about the use of Chi You's variant. If he still remembers the condition of Chi You, then he should be able to roughly guess what he is going to do.

"Go away, even if you send me up, you can't be sent up at this stage, you are our treasure in Kyushu, you are a monster, it is better for you to let you live safely on the ground.

I won't talk to you anymore, let me tell you directly! Next year's parade is about to begin, and our Kyushu Space Agency plans to add luster to the parade.

He proposed a plan for manned spaceflight to the moon next year, intending to send people to the moon to have a look.

If you have been paying attention recently, you know that our space launch missions for this year and next are very full. "

Speaking of this, he also understood that when he received the words of the moon landing plan, he knew what he asked himself to do.

The moon landing plan is to send people to the moon, then there will inevitably be astronauts out of the warehouse, and the Chiyou powered exoskeleton he created can provide certain protection for the astronauts during the out of the warehouse.

His task is to create a powered exoskeleton for astronauts that can be used on the moon.

If this is really successful, his name will leave a strong mark in the history books, the first powered exoskeleton that can be used on the moon.

"Look at your expression, do you understand?"

"En!" Nodding his head, he really understood, and his heart was also excited.

"Then let me tell you in detail, this time I have you come here, so that you and academician Luo, the designer of the space suit, will carry out this mission together.

The purpose is to design and manufacture a new generation of space suits, or external equipment that will be used by space soldiers in the future.

It counts as a kind of exploration, but I feel that the spacesuit that the two of you collided together will become the mainstream extravehicular activity equipment for our survival in space in the future. "

Listening carefully to what Wang Yuesheng was saying, although the old man's flattery might not have been included in it, he also felt a great honor for this task.

If it can be successfully developed, it is estimated that his name will be included in textbooks.

"The chief, what preparations do I need to make? Where is my work place? Are we leaving now?"

Asking three questions in a row, it is obvious that he is a little excited and inexplicably anxious.

Seeing his calm face as much as possible, but still unable to maintain that calm face, Wang Yuesheng looked very happy.

'It turns out that this kid will also be excited! '

"Relax, relax, you will be taken to the secret research institute in the next few days, and they will provide you with the equipment you need.

But it is indeed strictly confidential, so you should call home now. It is estimated that it may not be so easy to make a call in the next period of time.

It was a completely closed environment, and of course there should be special time for you to talk to your home on the phone, which is different from the projects you worked on before.

This is a task at the national level! "

He has long had psychological expectations for this situation, so there is nothing unacceptable. Thinking about the current conditions, it is much better.

When researching nuclear weapons back then, some people died without their family members knowing what they were doing.

He quickly talked to Li Yun on the phone and told him that he would enter a closed state next time, telling him not to worry, and then nothing happened.

As for the other things, he had already explained everything before he came, so there was no need to worry about anything.

After seeing him finish the phone call, Wang Yuesheng stood up on the sofa, looked at Li Zhenhua who was still sitting on the sofa and said.

"Get up, I'll take you to where you work from now on!"

Then he also got up, walked outside with Wang Yuesheng, followed the old man into a white tiger 200 with military license plate, and then drove towards the outside of Beiping.

This Baihu 200, which is painted in military green, looks pretty good at first glance, and I don't know when the military purchased this car.

As the car drove for a longer time, although he was not very familiar with Beiping, he also knew that he probably had already left the Fifth Ring Road. Looking at the sign on the road - Fangshan, he knew that it was all in the suburbs of Beijing.

"Chief, where are we going? We're all out of Peiping!"

Turning to look at him, he said, "Let's go to the airport. We have to take a plane to get to where you work!"

When he heard that he was going to the airport, he stopped asking, anyway, he would know when the time came.

The car drove all the way to a small military airport. When they got off the car, he was also observing this small airport, which was a little bigger than the test flight field in his home.

At this moment, there was a transport plane waiting on the runway of the airport. He had studied the plane a bit, and he could tell at a glance that it was a naval Y-8C.

Following Wang Yuesheng to Yunba's warehouse, with the help of a soldier, he, Wang Yuesheng and several guard soldiers were fixed on uncomfortable seats.

Then they flew into the sky together with the tarpaulin-covered goods in the cargo warehouse. When the plane stabilized, Wang Yuesheng couldn't help but exhale.

"Oh, I haven't sat on this thing for a long time, it's really exciting!

Li boy, how are you? This time, the plane is just going to deliver something at its destination, so we will take a ride.

If you are sleepy and tired, just squint for a while, and the time is not long, only four hours. "

He looked at Wang Yuesheng and rolled his eyes. This old man is so bad, and he was asked to sleep. It's strange that he can fall asleep in this bumpy state.

He was afraid that when he really fell asleep, his head would be covered with bumps.

"Old man, don't fool me, I'm not stupid, can I fall asleep in this environment?

But I am very puzzled, this plane is Yunba C, and the airport Shiliangxiang just now, isn’t that from the navy, why the navy has something to do with the place we are going to! "

"There are launch platforms at sea too, okay? Don't ask about these things, and I won't tell you if you ask."

After speaking, the old man turned his head to one side and stopped looking at him. The old man reached out to the guards, took a document box from the guards, and took out the documents from it to read.

With a distance of 1,600 to 700 kilometers, the plane flew for more than three hours before landing at a very desolate airport.

After getting off the plane and looking at the desolate Gobi Desert around him, he knew that he must have come to the Northwest, and only the Northwest could have such a scene.

When looking around, he saw a particularly huge launch pad from a long distance, and combined with the environment, he knew that this should be Jiuquan.

Is it necessary to come to such a desolate place for the development of this spacesuit? Is it for secrecy? Anyway, he didn't understand why he came here, but since he's here, let's work hard.

They were taken off the plane by Wang Yuesheng, and there were two cars parked beside the runway, obviously there to pick them up.

After getting off the plane and transferring to a car again, the direction they headed was not the side of the launch pad, but the opposite of the launch pad.

The car drove for more than ten minutes, and soon came to a small hill that was not very high. Looking at the sparse vegetation on the hill, it looked like a very ordinary hill from the outside.

When the car drove to the front of the mountain, there was a sudden movement on the front mountain wall, and a bare mountain wall moved to the side.

It didn't take long, and a huge passage appeared in front of them. Looking at the mountain wall again, it turned out that it was a big thick iron gate disguised as a mountain wall, which was thicker than the doors used in civil air defense projects.

The car continued to drive in. When they got into the mountain passage, the iron gate behind them was slowly closing. He seemed to have come to some amazing place. This should be the secret laboratory of Kyushu!

It is estimated that not many people in Kyushu know about this place, and he became one of them.

Looking at the surrounding scene, he also slightly felt that the car was driving in the downward direction, as if this passage had no end, and he couldn't feel how long he had traveled.

‘As expected, it was made by the country. This thing is much more advanced than the small basement I dug at the beginning. Later, I will be complacent about the underground laboratory that I plan to build similar to a beehive.

But compared with where I am now, it is like the difference between a big villa and a self-built house in the countryside. '

He couldn't help thinking this way in his heart, and he also secretly made up his mind that when he went back, he must make the Hive Project bigger and deeper, and he couldn't say close it, at least he couldn't be petty.

While he was thinking, the car finally stopped. An empty square looked like an underground garage.

They got off the car, and the driver led them to go deeper.

Then they met Academician Luo who was going to cooperate with him. Wang Yuesheng didn't have anything else to do this time, he was just sending him over. Once he was delivered, his mission would be completed.

Wang Yuesheng ate something, then bid farewell to everyone and left, while Li Zhenhua stayed behind. After all, his task was to stay here and assist Academician Luo to develop a new generation of space Just now, he and Luo Academician met, they had not met before, but Academician Luo knew him, but he was not familiar with Academician Luo.

Because he just arrived, Academician Luo didn't take him directly to the place of work, but asked someone to arrange a place to stay for him. After he settled down, the follow-up work could start.

After the turbulence along the way, especially the extremely uncomfortable ride of the transport plane, he was indeed a little tired, and he fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, with the help of the light from the night light, he looked at the strange environment around him, and gradually woke up, knowing that he was no longer at home, but a secret base he had visited before going to bed.

After regaining his sanity, he really didn't know how long he had slept in this dark underground.

He took the mobile phone on the bedside table and turned it on. It turned out that he had slept for eight hours, and it was nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

Looking at this embarrassing time, I felt embarrassed, not because he didn't want to get up early, but because the environment was so confusing.

If there is no timer, you have no concept of time at all, and you don't know how long you have slept.

He touched the switch at the head of the bed to turn on the light, changed into a suit of clothes, opened the door and walked out of the dormitory.

Standing in the corridor, the white cold light source filled the corridor, making the corridor extraordinarily clean. This kind of environment also reminded him of the scene in the Resident Evil that he had seen before.

Just as he was standing in the corridor in a daze, a person was walking towards him at the end of the corridor.

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