This SSR card is indeed a very good card, and it is also very practical. After looking at the card named [Wall of Troy (SSR)], Liang En nodded with satisfaction.

Because he knew how powerful this city wall was built by the gods in the legend. In the epic, the reason why Troy fought for ten years despite being completely disadvantaged was related to the strong city wall.

The Greek coalition forces on the cross-sea expedition were obviously unable to capture the city wall, so they had to adopt a long-term siege to deal with the city.

From a strategic point of view, this is the correct method. After all, Troy is a city that lives on trade. At the same time, most of the supplies need to be imported from the outside world. Cutting off the input of supplies can force the city to surrender, but this is not actually the case.

The number of Greek coalition forces and the surrounding terrain made it impossible for the Greek coalition forces to completely blockade Troy, so they could only achieve this goal by destroying the surrounding Trojan allies. Obviously, this would prolong the war.

What's even worse for the Greeks is that they have no geographical advantage at all as an attacker. Even if they rely on robbery to raise supplies, they are unlikely to last longer than the defense against the Trojans.

As a result, the enthusiasm of the Greeks was exhausted during the long war. Large-scale plagues also broke out because the army was stationed in one location for a long time. The city did not fall until the gods finally intervened and used the Trojan horse trick.

But from beginning to end, the Greek coalition failed to break through the city wall. In the end, it was the Trojans themselves who destroyed the city wall and let the Trojan horse enter the city before the city finally fell.

This illustrates a very famous fact from the side, that is, the strongest fortresses are often breached from the inside, no matter what era.

However, in addition to the need to prevent the fortress from being breached from the inside, this story also illustrates how powerful the wall built by the gods in Troy was. Especially since the power Liang En has gained now comes from legend rather than history.

There is no doubt that any defensive ability has an upper limit, but as Troy is very strong, the defense it can provide is naturally the highest level.

At least in Liang En's perception, the defense formed by this card can perfectly defend against the most powerful conventional weapon he knows, which is the direct-aimed fire of the 150mm howitzer. As for more powerful weapons, he doesn't know. .

But this was enough for Liang En, at least he didn't think anyone would shoot him with a weapon as high as a 150mm heavy gun.

The only uncomfortable thing is that this skill must be actively released rather than passively defended, and it cannot be moved, which reduces the value of this card by at least half. But think about it, this card comes from the city wall of that legendary city, but it is well known that the city wall must be guarded to function, and the city wall will not move.

One for attack and one for defense. It's all about combat. Looking at these two cards, Liang En smelled some uneasy atmosphere.

Because based on his summary of the cards he had drawn before, the cards that appear are often closely related to the ruins, but in terms of classification, they are also related to what he lacked during this period.

And now that these two cards seem so full of martial virtue, it can only mean one thing, that is, he may have to face a very important battle recently.

Fortunately, I have made all the preparations. As for what happens next, it all depends on luck. Because Liang En already knew about this matter before, so after the initial experience, he quickly calmed down and looked at the last one. card.

To be honest, the last card surprised Liang En the most, because almost every UR-level card can change a lot of things, so there are very few of them, so he was surprised that he could see such a card. .

[Heroic Age (UR): Between the 8th and 7th centuries BC, the ancient Greek Boatean poet Hesiod believed in his long poem The Age of Farming that human development has gone through five generations of human race.

These five human races are the Golden Age race, the Silver Age race, the Bronze Age race, the Heroic Age race and the Iron Age race that are familiar to people today.

Among them, humans in the Heroic Age were some demigod heroes. They carried out the war of attacking Thebes and the expedition to Troy, and passed down to this day through their implementation.

Hesiod once wrote in his work: When the earth also covered this generation (referring to the Bronze Age race), Zeus, the son of Cronus, created another generation on the fertile earth, the fourth generation. generation.

This generation is nobler and more upright. It is a god-like heroic race called demigods. They are the race before our generation on the vast and boundless land.

Cruel wars and horrific battles wiped out some of them. Some men were killed in battle in the land of Cadmus at Thebes, which had seven gates, fighting for the flock of Oedipus;

Others, for the sake of beautiful Helen, sailed across the great gulf to Troy, where the finality of death swallowed up part of them.

After the heroic age, the far-sighted Zeus created another generation, the fifth generation. This is the real race of black iron people. People can never get peace, can't get rid of fatigue and sorrow during the day, and can't avoid death at night.

For this reason, the poet Hesiod lamented: I wish I were not born in the fifth generation, or died before this, or was not born after this.

In other words, the Heroic Age, whether as the name suggests or according to the traditional view of ancient writers such as Hesiod, refers to the era when heroes lived and fought in myths, legends and epics.

And the power from that era when humans and gods coexisted and gods walked on the earth can pry open a gap in the most basic rules of a world and allow power to connect two existences that were not connected before.

Secondary skill cards (permanent) are used attached to the main career card and are permanently bound to the user's soul and cannot be released. The power related to it must pass through this card to be able to work. 】

Let me see what this is. After reading this card, Liang En was a little nervous, and his palms even sweated, because this kind of card that does not have a purpose in the card introduction basically has very unusual properties. side.

Sure enough, although this card only has one sentence to introduce its use, the content of this sentence really shocked Liang En, because the effect of the card I told him in this sentence was far better than he imagined.

By consuming legendary power, you can use it to transform the item you want to transform into a supernatural being. The legendary power consumed is related to the strength of the extraordinary item and the gap between it and the base item.

The higher the intensity of extraordinary items, the greater the gap between the items that need to be extraordinary and the basic items, and the more power is consumed.

At the same time, these things can only be used if they are owned by themselves and their historical followers. When other people get these items, they will be like getting an ordinary item, and they will not produce any extraordinary effects.

I thought I could directly activate the spiritual energy recovery script. After reading the introduction, Liang En complained, But now it seems that it should be a script based on my own method. Fortunately, this is not a bad thing.

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