The celebration banquet ended with the guests having a great time. Although no one drank for the sake of staying sober, the double happiness was enough to make everyone happy.

And Liang En should be considered the happiest among them. On the one hand, it was because he solved a regrettable matter in his previous life, and on the other hand, because the completion of the cleaning work of these treasures finally allowed him to open this card. .

According to Liang En's observation, the time he obtained the card happened to be when he was clearing out the set of gold jewelry that was considered to be Helen's crown in another world.

In other words, the core of this ruins is actually this set of jewelry. This was indeed somewhat beyond Liang En's expectations, because he had always thought that the core of this ruins was the ruins of the entire city, not such a small piece of jewelry.

Perhaps the story of Troy is several stories put together? This thing is really Helen's crown. Liang En couldn't help but think that as a compiled work of oral epic, this was not impossible.

For example, there was a beautiful woman in Troy in a certain era who was well-known far and wide. So when the poets told legends, they used this beautiful woman as the prototype of Helen, and then appeared in the poems as the beauty of beauty.

This is not an impossible thing. For example, China is a civilization that records history very seriously, but whether Diao Chan, one of the four legendary beauties, exists is a mystery.

Although the other three beauties should indeed exist, most of their stories seen today are made up by generations of later generations, and there is basically no evidence.

So Helen should be similar. She may indeed exist in history, but she caused the war mainly for political and economic reasons. It's just that people in the legend subconsciously gave her the characteristics of all the beautiful women who have ever existed here.

However, this may also reflect the differences between different civilizations regarding women. At least in Greece and in Troy, the extraterrestrial evidence of women is very different.

There is no doubt that these discoveries will allow Liang En to publish at least 3 to 5 papers of sufficient weight. If he is more diligent, there should be no problem if he breaks through ten papers. But more importantly, he has obtained several very important papers this time. Not a bad card.

Look what cards you got this time? After returning to the room, Joan of Arc asked Liang En about the cards gained from this operation, because she knew that this was what Liang En was looking forward to most now. . How's the overall situation?

The overall situation is very - very strange. Liang En said as he felt the three cards in his mind. One of these three cards was colored glaze, one was gold, and the third was silver.

This card combination is something I have never seen before: none of them are consumption cards, but only three skill cards and enhancement cards that are not low in level.

It seems that there are some things in this situation that are difficult to understand, but it should be considered a good thing. Joan of Arc nodded slightly. I'll watch the door for you, and you can prepare your cards.

Thank you. Liang En nodded slightly and lay down on the bed, then closed his eyes, because he knew that the situation was getting more and more dangerous now, and he had to seize this opportunity to complete the final preparations.

[Archer (SR): The story of Troy begins with Paris, the prince of Troy. Before he was born, his mother had a dream that predicted that the child would bring disaster and misfortune to the kingdom, so he was abandoned.

In fact, he was involved in the dispute between the goddesses on Mount Olympus. He decided who was the most beautiful woman, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and decided that Aphrodite had the golden apple.

Later, in order to recover his aunt Hesione from Greece. Paris went to Greece on his father's orders, where he met Helen.

He and Helen fell in love quickly and without hesitation, they had an elopement that would go down in history. This also kicked off the Trojan War.

In the epic, Paris is famous for his romanticism. At the same time, seeing Menelaus in the duel is like a person encountering a python in the middle of the valley and retreating. His hands and feet tremble, his face turns pale, he jumps back again, and then He was defeated in the duel.

But this does not mean that he only has a beautiful face and a moving tongue. Because he sucked the milk of a female bear when he was abandoned, he not only has the strength of a bear, but he is also an extremely high-level archer.

Although archers of that era were often considered cowardly, timid people, Paris still achieved honor with the bow in his hand: and killed the famous warrior Agathios by hitting him in his only weak spot, the ankle.

Enhancement card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the bow and arrow skills of the Trojan hero. However, if your body has not reached the level of a hero, this skill will not be available. 】

This skill is just right for my current situation. He smiled after looking at this card. [Body of Demigod (Gilgamesh)] This card just makes him meet the prerequisites for using this skill.

Because in the Trojan War, those heroes often had the blood of gods to become heroes, but the blood of gods of these heroes was not the oldest demigod in mankind.

Therefore, after being strengthened by Gilgamesh's demigod body, Liang En can not only easily use the skills on this card, but may even go further in this regard than the original owner Paris.

Okay, let's take a look at the next one. After accepting the silver card, Liang En looked at the golden card. To his surprise, this golden card turned out to be a skill. Card.

[Wall of Troy (SSR) According to legend, Dardanos, the son of Zeus and the sea goddess Pleades, left his hometown and came to the Gulf of Myssia because of the death of his brother.

The king at that time, Teucer, received him warmly, rewarded him with a piece of land, and betrothed his daughter to him. The land was called Dardania after him.

And when his grandson Tros became king, the Teucians and Dardanians were naturally called Trojans, or Trojans.

After the death of King Telos, his eldest son Iros succeeded to the throne. Once he received a cow as a gift from the king of neighboring Phrygia, and an oracle: where the cow lay down to rest, he must build a castle.

So he followed the oracle and built the castle. Unfortunately, his son Laomedon was a domineering, vicious and cruel man. He not only deceived the people of the country, but also deceived the gods. He saw that the city of Troy was not well fortified, so he wanted to build a wall around it to surround the city.

As a result, after Poseidon completed the construction of the city wall, he chose to default on the debt, and this approach naturally planted the seeds of the city's destruction. However, in any case, the city also had a fortification built by the gods, which could withstand the Greeks for ten years. city ​​wall.

Skill card (permanent) (active), consume one legend point to form a barrier as strong as the Trojan Wall in the legend of Troy around yourself. The power of this barrier is not only physical, but also reflected in mysticism.

Each legendary point can increase the radius by 10m or the maintenance time by 1 hour, but the entire barrier cannot be moved after it is established. 】

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