For the members of the Golden Dawn, many of the things they collected were very unpopular, so they could only try to buy them from some reliable people.

Of course, it is inevitable to encounter some unreliable dealers, so for the Hart store manager, he will only remind Liang En of the risks involved. But that's all it is, and it won't stop it further.

However, thanks to his previous reminder, Liang En and the others launched a reconnaissance operation, and then planned the previous assault and obtained those important things.

Looted, how is this possible? Liang En frowned pretending not to know anything. He wanted to know what corresponding measures the target of the operation would take after he completed the operation, so he asked deliberately.

If I remember correctly, the entire market is underground, and there are only a few passages that lead to the ground. In this case, as long as the entrances and exits are guarded, it is difficult for me to imagine that anything can leave the basement.

You're right, this is what we find strange. Store Manager Hart said with a frown. I only got the news this morning. By that time, all the passages in the basement had been closed.

According to the tradition of the underground market, all stores will be inventoried at the beginning of the morning before opening to the public. This fact was also discovered during the inventory. So an investigation was launched directly there.

So the underground market was not open until I came here, and from what I heard, many people suspected that the theft was related to an insider, and I thought so too.

It is completely understandable for him to make such a conjecture. After all, if something is lost in a place that normal people cannot access, the first thing people will think of is that there is a mole.

However, judging from the fact that they have not given a relatively certain answer until now, not only have they not found the real culprit, they don't even have any clues, so they have kept the underground market blocked.

After the exchange of information, Manager Hart left because he needed to go to the underground market to observe the situation in order to respond to the next thing. As for Liang En, he and Joan of Arc started traveling around the city together.

Of course, this trip was not just a simple trip. Taking advantage of the opportunity to visit various tourist attractions, Liang En and the others scattered all the powdered products they seized yesterday and flushed them into the public toilets of those tourist attractions.

And when they returned to the hotel after a day of travel, store manager Hart called. On the phone, he told Liang En that a large-scale fire incident had occurred in the underground market, and that the organization had exchanged fire with another organization before.

According to the intelligence currently obtained, after the fighting broke out between the two organizations, both sides suffered heavy losses, and then were killed by the underground market despite repeated advice.

This information was reported by the underground market. But those of us who opened the store there are not very sure about their report. After introducing what happened, Store Manager Hart said in a hesitant tone.

I asked many people, but no one understood why that organization chose to take the initiative in that place under all adverse circumstances. Many people felt that the underground market was killing people and silencing them.

Although according to the information I found, the investigation after the items disappeared proved that one party stole the other party's items, but in fact this is probably an excuse made by the underground market.

In addition to the information he found, Store Manager Hart also sent Liang En several photos, one of which vaguely showed a tattered plastic bag covered in mud.

According to the store manager, this plastic bag is a photo sent by the underground market to prove their words, but most people think this is just a staged photo taken by the market.

be honest. Sometimes it is much easier to solve the question than to solve the problem. At the same time, this underground market is not a formal market, so it is not impossible to solve the problem using this method.

However, Liang En thought of another possibility at this time, that is, the unique products that Liang En and the others destroyed before were probably that group of people, and such unreasonable actions were most likely related to the unique products.

The reason why they came here before was to investigate those who buried unique items and cultural relics in the park, and to track the whereabouts of these things and people.

And now it seems that the warehouse that Liang En and the others moved before should belong to the organization that hid these things and killed the two Americans. Because the photo given by the underground market shows this.

However, even Liang En and the others did not expect that the group of people who secretly excavated and hid things were actually in the underground market, so it was normal for the two sides to fight after being discovered.

This coincidence really makes people feel speechless. After Liang En hung up the phone, Joan of Arc stood aside with a sigh on her face. I didn't expect that group of people would actually set up shop in that underground market.

This is normal. After all, these people are doing secret work, so there are not many people who can find out their secrets, and their peers are the people most likely to know these secrets.

It's just that I didn't expect that our plan could lead to these situations and finally turn it into such an ending, but this can be regarded as allowing us to understand what happened before.

Now it seems that after the things were lost, the underground sealed the entire market according to the rules and then launched a comprehensive search. As a result, they found the things that had been hidden here before.

As we all know, those who work in this industry are all villains among villains, so it is normal for the two parties to start fighting as soon as they disagree, and then it turns into a tragedy.

I'm wondering if the police here in Switzerland don't care about these things? Joan asked curiously after thinking about the next situation. So many people died here, why didn't Store Manager Hart talk about the situation?

If there are outsiders among the people who died this time, the local police will indeed manage the situation, but if they are insiders, it's another matter. Liang En shook his head and said.

European countries have traditionally not managed the internal affairs of these Roma people, let alone when these criminals are engaged in gangsterism.

This is the norm in European management, so sometimes we have to solve some problems ourselves. Liang En shook his head helplessly.

Okay, let's not discuss these issues anymore. Now let's take a look at what we found in the safe this time. We haven't looked at it since we came here.

After confirming that the room was relatively safe, Liang En took out the boxes one by one from the space and began to inspect them. He found that most of the boxes inside actually contained cash and some gold.

Are we taking away their nest? Liang En and Jeanne looked at each other in confusion as they looked at the stacks of old banknotes with non-consecutive numbers in the box and the small gold bars placed beside them.

They also understood why this group of people chose to use guns in such a very unfavorable environment. After all, anyone would be furious when they wake up and their savings are gone.

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