Okay, let's see what's inside. After sealing the hole, Liang En said while looking at the large and small shelves in the room and the boxes on the shelves. Hopefully there will be some surprises for us here.

There are no traps or alarms in the room. After all, for normal people, defense facilities are for safety, not to cause trouble for themselves.

Just like some vigilant people may set up some alarms and traps around the house or at the door, but they will never set up a circle around their bed.

As for camera surveillance, it is completely non-existent in this underground black market. This is not because of economic issues, but because the transactions here are not necessarily legal, so they will avoid the appearance of such things that may create evidence for the police.

This looks like a garbage dump. Joan frowned after opening a few boxes, because in addition to stone fragments, what appeared in front of her were several very crudely made animal mummies.

These things placed outside may just be used to hide from others. Liang En put down the lid of the box in his hand and nodded in agreement. Because the things he had in his hands were just some common silver coins, copper coins and some worthless gadgets.

If there is anything eye-catching, it should be some porcelain from China. However, these are all items from private kilns in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. It is okay to deceive laymen, but in fact the value is not very high.

Wanting to teach each other a lesson, they crammed everything they found into the space, and when they cleared the shelves, a safe was revealed.

The thing we are looking for may be inside. Looking at this safe, which was obviously the latest model, Liang En whispered to Joan of Arc. What do you think it could be?

I don't know, but it's probably a large amount of gold. Joan of Arc thought for a moment and said, You know that these Roma people are completely untrustworthy in their ability to appraise items, so hard currencies such as gold and gems should be more valuable. Be popular with them.”

What you said makes sense, but I believe there may be more than this kind of thing here. Liang En said while cutting a hole in the side of the safe. Don't forget how those two Americans died.

What do you mean- Joan of Arc also reacted at this time. At this time, Liang En finally dug through the side of the safe and began to use the power of his cards to open a hole in the side of the safe.

It has to be said that the gang made a lot of preparations to protect the safe and its contents. For example, the safe was directly welded to the steel structure and then filled with cement.

In other words, for normal people, it is simply impossible to open this box in abnormal ways unless they use large machines or explosives.

But it was a very simple matter for Liang En to open this safe, especially when the other party chose an integrated cast steel safe for some unknown reason, allowing Liang En to open the safe with one skill.

It seems that all the good things are here. Joan of Arc immediately exclaimed after poking her head through the hole opened in the wall. Everything in here should be worth more than something on a shelf outside.

Soon, Joan of Arc handed over one thing after another. Unlike those things outside that are randomly packed in ordinary plastic boxes, here everything is packed in some professional boxes.

After spending ten minutes taking out everything inside, they found that there were a total of 17 boxes of different sizes and eight plastic bags wrapped in layers of plastic.

Several of the bags were covered in dirt. Yes, this is indeed our goal. Liang En restored the scene while forgetting to pack these things into his room, and at the same time explained the current situation to Joan of Arc.

It seems like what we guessed before, these guys not only sell various illegal drugs but also engage in underground cultural relics smuggling business. I hope we can teach them a profound lesson this time.

Then what should we do next? After completing the recovery work, Joan looked at the empty warehouse and frowned. Set a fire here to solve the problem?

Set fire? No, of course it's not that rough. Liang En shook his head and said, Of course we have to eliminate our traces, but setting fire is really too low-level.

Liang En was naturally prepared for how to end this operation. He quickly took out a few glass bottles from the space, and then sprinkled the contents in the place where they passed before.

What Liang En prepared this time was hydrochloric acid. As the hydrochloric acid was sprinkled on the ground and the safe, traces of corrosion were visible to the naked eye on both the ground and the safe.

Okay, we can withdraw now. Liang Jiaosheng greeted after confirming that all target locations were sprinkled with hydrochloric acid. Then they reopened the passage on the wall and retreated to the ground along the same route.

This time was also the first time Liang En used these powers on a large scale after the comprehensive upgrade of his extraordinary powers. After the actual operation, he found that although the difference seemed not big, the feeling of using the powers was actually very different.

If the use of force used to be equivalent to picking up a clip from one meter away, now it is like directly stepping forward to pick it up with your hands. The difficulty of operating power between the two is not on the same level.

At least for Liang En, those extraordinary powers are now like his own limbs, and he can solve these problems with a degree of ease that he has never had before.

This operation saved at least 1/5 of the legendary power and shortened the time by 1/3. At the same time, we can perform some delicate operations that were not possible before. After returning to the hotel where he lived, Liang En summarized his this operation.

And unlike the previous use of extraordinary power, the use of extraordinary power this time allowed him to feel the flow of various powers, and also gave him a direction for researching his own power.

At least in Liang En's opinion, there is still a lot of room for improvement in his use of extraordinary power, so he plans to spend more time studying this aspect.

Just like they imagined before. The response speed of the black market was very fast. As soon as Liang En and the others finished breakfast the next day, the hotel attendant called and said that someone was waiting for them in the lobby.

Why are you here, Mr. Hart? What happened? After arriving in the lobby, Liang En found that the old store manager who came to see him was the old store manager, so he stepped forward and asked.

Yes, something did happen. The business you negotiated yesterday may not be possible. After everyone sat on the sofa, Store Manager Hart said to Liang En.

There was a big robbery in our market yesterday. The warehouse in the underground market set up by the group of people who were going to sell your goods was looted, and the things you wanted are gone.

So I'm here today to inform you about this. If they tell you to continue, you must not believe them, because at that time they will definitely cheat money.

After all, this group of people does not have high credibility in the market. If you don't need these things very much and they are the only ones who can supply them, I will definitely discourage you from buying things from them.

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