It is indeed a very bad thing to collide with a pursuer, because it is completely different for us to ambush others and for others to ambush us. Joan of Arc also put forward her own point of view at this time.

If we continue to move forward then the other side will have to chase us, so we have a chance to prepare for the ambush in advance with the help of the raven.

And if we return now, it is very likely that we will directly encounter the group of trackers head-on. At that time, a head-on collision should be the most dangerous of all the types we previously expected.

You are right, so moving forward now is the most correct thing to do. Liang En nodded and said, And I believe that my raven should be able to complete the early warning work. Those stalkers can be taught a lesson.”

I have a problem here. Fan Meng suddenly asked after Liang En finished speaking. Once the other party destroys our vehicle, how should we leave after we finish the work?

It's very simple. Our target location is very close to the river and there is a very open lake area. Liang En took out the map and said, At that time, we can use the phone to contact the seaplane to pick us up.

This was actually one of our alternative plans at the beginning, to fly here directly and then fly back again, but later we chose to walk because we wanted to investigate how to transport the minerals if there were real minerals.

That would be good. Fan Meng nodded seriously, It is indeed not particularly difficult to survive in the wild in this area, but it is better to avoid things if possible.

The journey on the second day was not much different from the journey on the first day. If anything, everyone seemed a little nervous, as if an attacker might jump out of the surroundings at any time.

Fortunately, no dangerous elements appeared along the way, and they didn't even encounter wild animals a few times, so at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, they successfully approached the expected target.

How should we go next? After looking at the surrounding environment that had completely turned into a primitive forest area, Louis walked to Liang En and asked, because the map in his hand only ended here.

Actually, I don't know either, because the clues I have only end here. Liang En said with a helpless shrug. So everyone, let's look around and see if you can find anything.

According to what Liang En had seen in the historical projection, the fake priest should have only obtained a very small part of the real clues, so he spent so much time and energy searching.

Is it okay for us to spread out and search like this now? Fan Meng asked worriedly after watching everyone disperse in groups of two. If we encounter an attacker at this time——

Don't worry about this, because the news I got from President Charles is that although the Thule Association team set off yesterday, it only left the city today. It will take at least a whole day to get to us. Liang Enxiao Said after a moment.

To be honest, if we weren't unfamiliar with the surrounding environment and there was only one road open to traffic hundreds of kilometers away, I would have definitely chosen to retreat yesterday.

But now it seems that we were right in not retreating yesterday. Joan of Arc nodded. If we had retreated yesterday, we would have met them on the road today. It would have been really miserable at that time.

Although the opponent's combat power may not be stronger than Liang En's, the Thule Association, which has automatic weapons in unobstructed areas on the road, is obviously able to cause a large number of casualties in a short period of time.

The place Liang En and the others chose was the lakeside not far away. Walking along the gap in the trees, the three people appeared at the gravel-covered lakeside in ten minutes.

This lake should be a glacial lake, so the stones on the edge of the lake are not the common pebbles or dirt, but angular gravels.

Let's look around the lake first. Liang En said after looking at the surrounding situation. The missing road five or six kilometers away can basically tell that this place has not been developed on a large scale, so we first look for artificial traces by the lake.

According to the information seen before, the expedition team should have arrived here. Under normal circumstances, such an expedition team would definitely replenish fresh water near such a clean water source.

There seems to be something over there! Just ten minutes after everyone started searching, a light not far to his right suddenly attracted his attention.

This seems to be something reflecting the sun's light. After several people stepped on the uneven stone ground and walked seven or eight meters, Joan of Arc quickly saw that the thing on the surface was reflective.

After carefully examining the light spots on the surface, they quickly searched for the location of the light, and found the source of the light on a small slope more than ten meters away.

What people never expected was that what reflected the sunlight turned out to be a telescope lens glass! The telescope was half-buried in a sand dune, with only a little bit of the severely rusted telescope shell and 1/3 of the lens exposed.

It must be said here that Liang En and the others were lucky enough. After all, it would not have been easy to find this telescope if the angle of the sun had not been just right for them to see the reflection.

This looks like a Carl Zeiss Silvamar telescope. After digging the telescope out of the soil, Liang En quickly recognized the specific model of the telescope.

Silvamar is a cross-era product in the history of Zeiss, and it was definitely a design ahead of its time. After the basic design was determined in 1909, Zeiss produced the Silvamar until 1975 without modifying the main design.

From this point, we can clearly see the rationality of the basic design of this telescope. To this day, there are still quite a few optical instrument factories producing replicas of Silvamar.

This is why Liang En could recognize it at first sight. If it was some off-brand or specially customized telescope, he would definitely not be able to remember it, but he would definitely be able to remember this common variety.

This should be a military telescope produced in Germany at the end of World War I. Liang En said after careful inspection, Traditionally, this kind of telescope was made of brass. It was not until the end of World War I that it was replaced by iron due to lack of supplies. of.

If I remember correctly, two of the security personnel on that expedition were British veterans who had participated in the First World War, so it was normal to have trophies on them. Joan of Arc recalled it and quickly remembered something.

Anyway, it's not normal for a telescope to appear here. Liang En carefully checked the telescope and then took out four almost intact lenses.

Especially since the lens of this telescope doesn't seem to have any major damage. Normal people wouldn't leave such expensive optical instruments lying around.

You are right, so something must have happened here. Joan of Arc looked at the lakeshore and said, If we can figure out what is going on, I think we can decipher what happened to the Brown Expedition. Missing.

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