Apart from the approach of the wild boar, nothing happened to him until dark. The only difference was that the road was already open for trucks to enter and leave. It was only a small path for three people to walk side by side.

Okay, we should prepare to camp now. As the sky gradually darkened, Liang En and the others planned to camp. After all, marching in the jungle at night is obviously a stupid thing.

Originally, Liang En thought that he should have dinner and rest early, and then set off directly the next day. But unexpectedly, I received a phone call while I was cooking.

Of course, the phones that can be used in a place like this are definitely not ordinary mobile phones. Fortunately, they were rich and prepared three satellite phones before departure, so they can contact the outside world at any time.

Liang, where are you now? After answering the phone, the slightly anxious voice of Charles from the Golden Dawn came through the phone. Is it the current Yukon, Canada?

Yes, we are right here. Liang En nodded subconsciously and said. You know that I accepted Mrs. Hannah's commission, and I already have some clues, so——

Don't worry about the clues now, you'd better leave there immediately. Before Liang En finished speaking, President Charles interrupted, A team from the Thule Association suddenly set off to your location today. It is very likely that they will Attack you.

What! Liang En showed a surprised expression after hearing the words coming from the phone.

It wasn't that he thought there was anything surprising about the attack. After all, he had directly eliminated the eastern branch of the Thule Association in the Middle Sea last time because of his action. It was reasonable for the other party to want to retaliate.

At the same time, unlike the orderly land in the city, this Canadian wilderness is a completely lawless place, and it is very simple to do something.

But what made Liang En feel a little puzzled was that his operation was actually carried out almost secretly. So how exactly the Thule Society knew about this is questionable.

Yes, this is true. Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, we can confirm the authenticity of this news. President Charles' anxious warning came from the phone.

Although the world has become civilized as a whole, the barbaric side has never left us. The Thule Association's team going to Yukon is likely to pose a fatal threat to you.

Don't worry, Mr. President, I'm not here alone this time. I'm accompanied by a whole security team. Liang En comforted with a smile. But how did my action get revealed?

It's very simple. This is mainly because we and the Thule Association have intelligence personnel who have directly penetrated into each other's organizations. After hearing that Liang En said there were security personnel around him, President Charles also sounded relieved.

We cannot detect these people at all when they are in a latent state most of the time. Only in rare cases will they be activated and transmit information.

Obviously, I am the target worthy of being activated and delivering the message. Liang En asked with a sigh. How many people are there in the opponent's team? What is their approximate armed level?

When Liang En came out this time, he brought two four-person protection teams. If you include himself, Joan of Arc, and Fan Meng, there are 11 people in total, and they are all considered combatants. This does not include the extraordinary power that Liang En possesses. .

Considering the overall level of their group, even if the weapon they hold is only a semi-automatic rifle, it is not something that an ordinary small group of armed forces can easily defeat.

There are a total of six people on the other side, and they may have one or two automatic weapons. President Charles relaxed a lot at this time, and then told the content of the intelligence they had obtained previously.

Before you told me just now, Golden Dawn thought that only you and your girlfriend went to Canada to carry out this search work, so the Thule Association should be preparing according to two goals.

But even so, I suggest that you'd better withdraw. After all, no one can guarantee safety once a fight breaks out. Your safety is much more important than this search work.

For President Charles, Liang En, a newcomer who had recently joined the Golden Dawn, had fully demonstrated his value in previous actions. In this case, the president naturally did not want anything to happen to him.

Don't worry, I can handle these things. Liang En thanked the other party for his concern and hung up the phone. Of course he didn't intend to leave. After all, the current tension was not enough for him to give up his original plan and run away.

However, this does not mean that he intends to act recklessly. As soon as he hangs up the phone, he gathers everyone together and informs them of the latest information, and then solicits their opinions.

It depends on your opinion. Louis, the team leader, said after hearing the information. It is naturally the safest thing to do if you want to withdraw, but if you continue to move forward, I think the risk is within an acceptable level.

For Louis, he is just a security guard, so under normal circumstances he will act completely according to Liang En's orders, but before that, he must truthfully tell Liang En the situation on his side to help him make the right decision.

I personally suggest that it's better to play it safe. When it was Fan Meng's turn, he suggested, You know, if you don't do this kind of work now, you can come back later. There's no need to take this risk.

Unlike other security personnel, Fan Meng's other identity is Liang En's personal friend, so he can naturally put forward his own opinions from his own perspective at this time.

I have the opposite view than him. Joan of Arc added immediately after Fan Meng finished speaking. Now that the enemy has come to our door, how long can we escape even if we escape this time?

For Joan of Arc, when encountering an enemy, she must resolutely eliminate her, because escaping only gives the enemy an opportunity to attack next time. Only by completely eliminating the enemy can she ensure her own safety.

I think we should continue with our plan first. After summarizing everyone's opinions, Liang En said, But be ready for battle at any time. It is not too late to retreat if you encounter danger.

Judging from the combat effectiveness of Liang En's team, unless they can encounter a regular army with a rank of Wuchang level, they will not be able to defeat them but they will definitely have no problem running away.

After making this decision, everyone still ate and rested as originally planned, but security was obviously tightened at night, and hidden sentries were added to the schedule to avoid being attacked.

There is a high probability that the other party will pursue us along the road we took before. Although we camouflaged the vehicle after parking it before, it is unlikely that we can hide it from the pursuer.

After arranging the sentry posts for the night, everyone began to analyze the possible plans that the attackers might adopt. Among them, Louis, who had served as an officer here, spoke. After analyzing the specific situation, he came to some new conclusions.

According to the known situation, there is only one way to go in this direction, and we did not avoid those human settlements along the way, so it is possible that the other party will track us and destroy our vehicles.

So I think it's not a good idea to turn around at this time even from a safety perspective, because it will happen to collide with the pursuer.

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