The internal strife of criminal organizations is absolutely excellent news for the auction house, because it means that their revenge actions will be greatly reduced.

Yes, this is indeed good news. President Charles looked at Liang En and the others and said, And the auction has planned to take this opportunity to contact everyone and launch a fatal attack on that organization, including our Golden Dawn .”

For the auction, the previous fraud and the subsequent threat did indeed exceed everyone's expectations, because this behavior has seriously threatened the cornerstone of the auction.

After all, for this kind of real high-end auction, the authenticity of the auction items and the safety of the people participating in the auction are the top priority, but that group of lawless gangsters suddenly violated these two most critical taboos.

Although some people at the auction speculated that this might be a misunderstanding, but in this case, regardless of whether it was a misunderstanding about the auction, revenge must be made, otherwise the reputation of the auction will be completely ruined.

Yes, because these lawless gangsters like to fight hard, generally speaking, wealthy people are not willing to conflict with these people, but this does not mean that it is absolutely impossible for them to have conflicts.

This is especially true when facing fundamental interests. As long as the interests are large enough, even if these powerful people know that they will face risks next, they are willing to take huge risks to fight these fatally dangerous guys. in the end.

Not to mention that judging from the current situation, the targeted criminal groups are currently in internal strife. If you don't take the opportunity to beat up the lost dog at this time, you will really be a fool.

What do we need to do? Liang En asked. Sometimes it is very important to be consistent with everyone, not to mention that the goal of this operation is also Liang En's goal.

There is not much that needs to be done, because judging from the current situation, our next actions will not encounter any problems. President Charles smiled and said seriously.

The other party said this not to be too proud, but to describe a fact. After all, an important reason why criminal gangs hide in the dark is their lack of strength, so naturally they cannot be the opponents of these real rulers of the Western world.

So you just need to go back and enjoy this Christmas vacation. I believe you don't have to wait until the Christmas vacation is over. You will be able to get the compensation you deserve.

Because the matter had come to an end, Liang En and the others returned to Dublin that afternoon to prepare for Christmas.

To be precise, Joan of Arc is the only one who celebrates Christmas, while Liang En and his family prefer various traditional Chinese festivals rather than these European and American festivals.

This is actually the path Liang En and his family have chosen. They will integrate into this society as much as possible, but they will never give up their traditions.

The reason for making such a choice is simple, because they have seen too many banana people give up everything in the past but still not be accepted by the European mainstream, and as a result, they completely lose their position.

Of course, they just said that they would not take this festival seriously as a religious festival like the local Irish people, and they would still participate in some secular activities.

After all, the festive atmosphere is there, and it’s obviously inappropriate for my own house to be deserted. Not to mention that there are a lot of purely commercial activities in Europe before Christmas, such as discounts and rewards. It would be too boring not to participate. .

Of course, their arrival also brought some new trends to the area. For example, they have successfully added dumplings to local and surrounding Christmas dinner recipes.

After all, for these Irish people, it is obviously a very good idea to make a lot of dumplings in one go and freeze them in the refrigerator before the holidays, and then eat them slowly during the holidays.

It's just that this Christmas, Liang En's place is obviously more lively than in the past, because this year Bathory also came here to celebrate the holiday with them, and by the way, he briefly reported on how the work was going this year.

From a certain point of view, Elizabeth Bathory brought a special Christmas gift, because according to him, basically all the industries owned by Liang En have entered the profit period this year, so the income has more than doubled compared with last year. Double.

The reason for this situation is first of all because many projects that were still under construction in the past have been completely completed and started to generate profits.

Secondly, it is because some projects that suffered losses in the past have begun to turn losses into profits. Of course, the most important thing is that Liang En has introduced a large number of new industries this year, and these industries have brought much more benefits than the previous industries.

For unfinished industries, the biggest examples are several museums and investments in Japan and other places. For example, the first cartoon about the FATE series was produced and well received, which naturally brought a lot of people income.

As for the most famous example of turning losses into profits, one comes from Greece. After the card was used, the olive plantation not only came back to life, but also achieved a bumper harvest.

There are even more new industries. Whether it is the Guatemalan jade mine or those new discoveries, Liang En's income has naturally greatly increased, allowing his current industry to expand rapidly.

However, when Liang En saw the final balance for this year, his eyes widened in surprise, because in such a good situation this year, not only did he not have any income, but he also had a loan of about 50 million euros.

Although for Liang En, his current industry gives him confidence when facing such loans, he is still very curious about where these loans, plus some of the wealth he saved in the past few years, will go, amounting to more than 80 million euros. Where is it?

Because we bought the First State Bank of Barboursville, Elizabeth Bathory explained. The total assets of this bank are about US$152 million, and the total deposits are about 139 million yuan. There are structural problems, but they can be adjusted.

For Elizabeth Bathory, this bank can definitely be regarded as a high-quality property, and the reason why this bank went bankrupt before was purely because the quality of the assets in hand was not high enough and it was difficult to recover.

Therefore, in Elizabeth Bathory's view, this bank can complement its own industry: all industries can come together through the bank to form a synergy, and the bank can also take this opportunity to gain new life.

Of course, it is not very simple to do this. But for Elizabeth Bathory, this is much simpler than running a territory. She feels that she has more than 95% chance of handling this matter.

This bank has a total of four branches and 35 employees. It is considered one of the common small banks in the United States. I have now begun large-scale reorganization work on the bank, and it is estimated that it will be back in operation by the end of January or early February.

After sending those documents to Liang En's phone, Elizabeth Bathory explained the current situation in a low voice.

If everything goes well, this bank will turn a profit from April to May. By then, our resource integration will be complete.

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