Just when all three people in the secret room fell down, a small rustling sound came from the ventilation duct not far away. A few minutes later, a slightly fat raven came from a certain ventilation duct. Got out of it.

This raven is the last point responsible for positioning. Its main task is to locate the specific positions of the people in the room for Liang En, and finally guide it to use skills to launch attacks.

Although these people did check the ventilation ducts before negotiating and made certain defenses, they never expected that animals could pass through such a complex pipe network.

Of course, in order to avoid being discovered, the raven did not go directly down the ventilation pipe to the secret room. Instead, it chose to listen at the corner of a nearby pipe to locate it.

The hearing of ravens is much stronger than that of humans, so even small sounds in the secret room will be captured, and the specific location of the other party can then be located.

It was the positioning given by this raven that allowed Liang En to accurately activate the card to deal a fatal blow to these three lawless gangsters without making visual inspections but only indirect observations.

Did it succeed? Jeanne, who had been observing Liang Enzhen before, asked in a low voice as she watched Liang Enzhen open his eyes.

Successful. Liang En said, raising his head and looking at a beige building on the right. If he ignored these obstacles, he would find the secret room in the hotel right in his sight.

The attack just now was not easy because the two sides were more than 70 meters apart. Therefore, each attack consumes 8 legendary points, and the points he can use now are only enough to launch two attacks.

Fortunately, he can now replenish his legendary points every day, so after launching two attacks, Liang En immediately activated his skills to replenish his legendary points, and then launched a third attack.

As for the method of attack, it is very simple. Just use the [Blood Control (SR)] card to convert 30-50 ml of blood in the opponent's cerebellum and brain stem into a solid state and block the blood vessels.

You must know that 15ml of brainstem bleeding is enough to be fatal, and Liang En's method of turning more than 30ml of blood directly into solid can directly kill the target on the spot, without even having time to make a big noise.

In other words, if Liang En is willing, he can easily kill anyone without being discovered. After all, the abilities he currently possesses are basically impossible to defend against in today's society.

This is why Liang En told Joan of Arc about this before launching the attack, because he felt that if he used this power unscrupulously, one day he would have psychological problems.

Therefore, it is obviously a good thing to find Joan of Arc to share such secrets and conduct a moral review for each of his attacks, because it allows him to recognize each of his attacks from the heart and avoid some psychological problems.

After all, no matter how powerful the skill is, it will not involve the strength of the mind. Therefore, in order to avoid the tragedy of destroying oneself, sometimes it is not a bad thing to put a limit on one's own power.

There is a viewing platform over there, let's get off the bus. Because this car was a tour bus, it quickly stopped at a riverside pier not far away. Seeing this, Liang En pulled Zhen Deye got out of the car among the crowd.

After getting off the car, they quickly disguised themselves as tourists sightseeing along the street and walked towards the attack site, preparing to make the final finishing touches.

At the same time, the raven that originally lurked into the room had successfully used the ventilation system to evacuate from the hotel. This is basically impossible for ordinary animals, but it is very difficult for these raven whose IQ has been greatly enhanced. Simple.

We still have plenty of time. After receiving the information from the raven, Liang En whispered to Joan of Arc, The other party has not discovered the situation in the secret room yet.

Because these guys had specially found a very soundproof room during their previous negotiations to ensure privacy, so when Liang En successfully completed the assassination of them, the people outside the door did not hear their dying struggle at all.

In other words, unless those outside broke in after discovering something was wrong, Liang En and the others would have at least half an hour to deal with the first and last work.

Soon they came to the crosswalk next to the turn just now, and then Liang En used the power of the card to turn the condensed blood on the back of his target's head into liquid again.

This was actually part of the attack plan planned by Liang En and the others, in order to create as much chaos as possible while launching a limited number of attacks.

For example, as is the case now, if both parties at the party can be made to think that the other party is responsible for the murder, then the ensuing chaos will definitely deal a fatal blow to the two gangs.

After finishing the finishing touches, Liang En and the others went back to Raven in an unnoticed place, and then returned to their hotel. The next day, they found the subsequent development of the entire incident in the newspaper.

The criminal groups are fighting. It seems that the loss we suffered this time is that we can't go back for revenge. The next morning, President Charles quickly found Liang En with the morning newspaper, and then pointed to the figure in the newspaper. Picture of the boss.

This person is the mastermind behind the scam and sent you threatening letters. However, according to the newspaper, his other two important leaders of the criminal organization died mysteriously together in a village not far from here yesterday. In the hotel.”

Because of the death of the leaders of these criminal groups, these criminal groups directly launched a large-scale firefight in the hotel and exchanged fire with the police who arrived later.

Sounds a little bad. Joan of Arc asked, looking at President Charles. Are there serious casualties this time?

Well, how do you say it-- After being asked by Joan of Arc, President Charles was stunned for a moment before speaking. A total of three people died and 17 were injured in the entire incident. From a numerical perspective, it can be regarded as a heavy casualty.

But except for two hotel attendants who were slightly injured, the other casualties were members of these criminal gangs. Therefore, from the perspective of casualties of innocent people, it can be said that there were very few casualties this time.

This sounds like good news. Liang En raised his eyebrows and said in an excited tone, I am very happy to see these garbage get the end they deserve. The only regret is that they did not receive real punishment.

At the same time, Joan of Arc was obviously relieved. Although according to everyone's previous expectations, this group of people would find out that the leader was dead and would be unlikely to hurt innocent people, there were many things that no one could be sure of before they happened.

That's why she showed such an expression after hearing the news, because for Joan of Arc, this meant that her previous plan did not harm innocent people, and it could be said to be a completely successful plan.

As a warrior who lived in the Middle Ages, Joan of Arc naturally bears a strong imprint of the times. Even though she came to this world and changed a lot, she was unable to achieve complete changes.

For example, when facing a battle, Joan of Arc will try her best not to harm innocent people, but in some cases, after weighing the pros and cons, she can accept casualties on innocent people during the battle.

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