Sorry, this is indeed our mistake. After President Charles finished speaking, the middle-aged male person in charge of the auction said with an apologetic look. We will resolve this issue very quickly.

For the auction house, this is definitely a big flaw, especially since this crown can be regarded as the final lot of the first half of the auction. In theory, there should not be so many problems.

Therefore, after confirming the news brought by Liang En and others, they quickly organized an investigation into the auction house and the merchants who provided the auction item, and began a large-scale traceability work on this item.

As the top auction in the UK and even Western Europe, the organizer has a huge amount of resources and manpower at its disposal, so Liang En and the others had just finished drinking a cup of tea when the auction brought information about the crown.

I'm sorry, Mr. Charles, there are indeed some problems with this crown. We will refund your auction fee and pay 20% of the compensation. A young man came in and said a few words in the person in charge's ear, and the person in charge stood up He stood up and said.

Can I ask what happened? Mr. Charles asked curiously, Of course, you don't have to tell me if it's not convenient to talk about it.

Well - there is nothing inconvenient to tell you. Just don't publicize it in public. The person in charge smiled and said, We can confirm that the diamonds and gems on this thing have unknown origins.

When you informed me of this incident just now, we conducted further investigation on these things and found that there was something wrong with the gemstone certificates. Most of the certificates came from an appraiser who had a special relationship with the jeweler.

After detailed investigation, the auction organizers discovered a suspicious point, that is, the appraiser of C.DUNAIGRE, a Swiss gem consulting agency, and the jeweler were both Eastern Europeans who immigrated to the UK as children, and they had always maintained contact.

This is a completely non-compliant matter. The principle of avoidance is an international principle, so theoretically it is not possible to issue a test report, let alone the current erroneous test report.

This is the worst thing that has happened since our auction was held. It can even be said to be a huge scandal. The person in charge of the auction shook his head and said, then looked at Liang En and the others. But I assure you this is just an accident.

I hope so. President Charles said, shaking his head. But don't worry, I will keep this matter a secret for you.

Because something like this happened in the middle, Liang En and the others were naturally not very interested in the auction in the afternoon. Fortunately, few people were interested in those alchemist manuscripts, so Liang En finally bought the manuscript for 37,000 euros.

Not all auction items at this kind of auction are expensive. Although expensive auction items are the mainstream, there are also some more special auction items that exist to satisfy the special hobbies of some people.

The price of these things in terms of money is not high, and the profit is even less. However, in order to attract more people to participate in the auction, sometimes those things are put up for auction even if they know that they will lose money.

However, this was a bargain for Liang En, allowing him to buy it at a price that was at least 20% cheaper than at an outside auction.

This should be a note left by a certain sorcerer in the Renaissance. Unfortunately, the name of the recorder was not left on it, but judging from the content, he should be a master among alchemists. After returning to the room, Liang En immediately asked Studying the notes.

Purely from an alchemical perspective, there were very few alchemists of that era who could reach the level of the owner of this notebook. So this should be the content left by a master.

It seems that you have good taste. Jeanne smiled and said, It's a pity that I can't understand these contents at all, otherwise I can understand your excitement now.

Dong dong dong - Just as Liang En and the others were celebrating their harvest, there was a sudden knock on the door. After opening the door, they found a hotel waiter outside. We don't seem to have ordered room service. What can I do for you?

Liang En looked at the waiter and asked, with a curious expression on his face. Because waiters in top hotels generally don't take the initiative to disturb those guests.

I saw a letter at your door. Is this for you? The waiter nodded politely, then took out a letter and handed it to Liang En and the others.

What? Liang En lowered his head and looked at the letter. He really didn't know when this was placed at his door. He and Joan were talking just now and the carpet at the door was very thick, so he really didn't know. I didn't hear anyone pass by the door.

Such a letter naturally piqued Liang En's interest, because a normal letter would never be thrown directly at the door of someone else's room like it is now.

Who do you think would send us a letter in this way? After the waiter closed the door and left, Joan looked at the letter placed on the table with a puzzled expression.

I don't know, but I think this is definitely not a good thing. Liang En frowned as he looked at the letter, because under normal circumstances no one would deliver letters in this way.

For safety reasons, Liang En first used the cards to conduct a divination to confirm that the letter was not dangerous, and then carefully opened the envelope of the letter with tools.

Huh? After opening the envelope, a thumb-sized metal piece fell out of the envelope and made a crisp sound. It turned out that a small piece of scalpel blade fell out of the envelope.

Is this someone urging you to update? After seeing the blade, Jeanne asked with a teasing expression on her face, and the word urge to update was also used in very accurate Mandarin.

After coming to this world, it seems that I want to make up for the lack of knowledge I could master in my previous life, so now I am working hard to learn everything I am interested in from Liang En.

Various languages ​​are naturally one of the things that Joan of Arc is most interested in. For example, recently she is learning Chinese in addition to several ancient languages.

The reason for choosing Chinese is also very simple. On the one hand, this language is far more versatile than other languages ​​on a historical scale, and on the other hand, it is Liang En’s mother tongue.

Of course, it is not easy to learn a new language, especially one whose language tradition is completely different from that of your mother tongue. Fortunately, it is not difficult for Joan of Arc.

With her already high intellectual foundation and repeated strengthening, Joan of Arc can now be called a genius. At least she can learn languages ​​at a speed several times that of normal people.

For example, she has learned English, German and Spanish, and has mastered at least 80% of ancient Egyptian. She is now learning Spanish and Chinese.

Naturally, it is impossible to learn a language simply through textbooks, so Joan of Arc will naturally use other things to learn, such as Chinese online novels, so she knows some popular memes on the Chinese Internet.

I think it shouldn't be the case. Liang En carefully took out the paper from the envelope with a large pair of tweezers, and then his face suddenly turned ugly.

Because there is a blood-red handprint on this piece of paper, and at the same time it is written in crooked English: Don't mind your own business, or you and your family will be next.

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