The crown called Moonlight Dream is a piece of jewelry made around gemstones. This is completely different from Liang En's approach of focusing on jewelry as a whole and having no special need for gemstones.

So after seeing this work that was also made by a master but whose style was completely different from his own, Liang En subconsciously checked it carefully out of some professional habit.

It's not normal, it's very abnormal. However, after staring at these gems for a few minutes, Liang En looked more and more strange, and finally raised his head and asked. Why are there no numbers on these diamonds?

Liang En asked this because each of the current legal diamonds has a unique GIA code on the waistline, which is exactly the same as the number on the diamond certificate.

This is an important part of the campaign to avoid illegal diamond trading. Of course, it is also one of the special ways that several major diamond groups monopolize the diamond industry.

But the problem is that 1/3 of the diamonds set in the crown called Moonlight Dream do not have this number. More importantly, the ones without numbers are all large diamonds, so this situation is obviously abnormal.

If it were a small diamond, it would be normal if it didn't have a number, but the pile of unnumbered diamonds now even includes a large diamond with extremely high clarity, almost 25 carats, and it shouldn't be without a number anyway.

Although the other diamonds are not big, they are at least five or six carats. In this case, it is obviously abnormal to not find even one numbered diamond, especially the cut of several diamonds. Liang En always feels that there is something wrong. wrong.

Because these are relatively old diamonds. After hearing Liang En talk about the diamond cutting issues, President Charles quickly opened the manual and took a look at the introduction and said, And before GIA issued the regulations, the final of cutting.”

This explanation is indeed reasonable, Mr. President, but the problem now is that these gems don't look normal. Liang En frowned as he looked at the gems on the crown seriously.

At first glance, this crown is indeed a very good work of art, but if you look closely, you will find that the cutting method of the gems and the style of the crown do not match 100%.

This is not surprising for ordinary jewelry, because many things cannot be perfect due to cost constraints. You cannot require industrial mass production of a diamond ring that costs no more than 1,500 US dollars to achieve perfect harmony.

But this crown is different. It is the top jewelry made by a real jewelry design master. In this case, theoretically there cannot be any flaws.

What do you mean this gem is abnormal? As the president of the Golden Dawn, Mr. Charles also broke out of the storm, so he reacted quickly after Liang En mentioned it.

That's right, for these top-level jewelry, the gemstones above must correspond to the jewelry itself. Liang En said, pointing to the diamond embedded in the center of the crown.

But there are some minor flaws on this crown. For example, the largest diamond is not cut perfectly, so that the diamond's fire has not reached a perfect level.

Is it because of the antique diamond? Mr. Charles asked after thinking for a while. “You know even by the middle of the 20th century, people didn’t have as much knowledge as we do today, so it’s normal for diamond cutting to be unsatisfactory.”

Mr. President, what you said is indeed a possibility, but this diamond is not like that. Liang En said, pointing to the shining diamond on the crown.

According to my observation, the cutter of this diamond is a true master, and it is absolutely impossible for a master like this to make such a low-level mistake.

Even in the past, when people didn't have this knowledge, those masters were able to solve this problem with their own experience, and there would be no such loophole.

To be honest, even if the secondary diamonds on the crown have such problems, it is acceptable. After all, humans are flesh and blood, not machines, and they cannot always be in the best condition.

But it is obviously abnormal for the diamond that is the core of the entire piece of jewelry to have such a low-level problem. Even if the problem is very small, it should not be solved only by people with the same level of jewelry production.

What Liang En did not say is that although these secondary diamonds appear to be of a somewhat ancient cut and are not too bright, they are actually modern imitations of past cuts.

However, this kind of imitation is very precise. The other party should have deliberately used ancient tools to avoid being discovered. But the problem is that although the techniques used by the other party try to imitate the past techniques as much as possible, they still show modern techniques from time to time.

Unfortunately, this flaw is too inconspicuous, especially since not all professionals understand the past diamond cutting methods, so even the professionals who hosted competitions and auctions did not see this before.

However, Liang En's inheritance comes from an old-school jewelry master, so after discovering that something was wrong, he discovered through careful observation the flaws that the other party exposed when cutting diamonds.

However, considering that this flaw requires professional skills to be seen, and in addition to the previously identified problems with the main stone of the crown, it goes without saying that this thing will not affect anything for the time being.

If you say so, then the current situation is indeed suspicious. After hearing what Liang En said, President Charles tapped lightly with the index finger of his right hand. But if this is the only evidence, I think——

Actually there is another evidence - After hearing his president's inquiry, Liang En could only tell what he had found on other diamonds.

If this is the case, I think we can basically confirm that there is indeed something wrong with this crown. After listening to Liang En explain all his findings, President Charles sighed softly and then stood up from his seat.

I think you may need to follow me to find the person in charge of the auction, because the current situation has clearly shown that this jewelry has it, so we need to communicate with the auction more easily.

After finishing speaking, President Charles put the crown back into the box, and then led the way towards the auction house located on the side. Walked past the room prepared by the organizer.

Hello, Mr. Charles, what can I do for you? Looking at Liang En and the others who came in through the door, a middle-aged man quickly stood up from behind the table and asked.

There is indeed something I want to talk to you about about this crown. Mr. Charles said, placing the box on the table and opening the lid. There's something not quite right about this crown, like—

In the next ten minutes, Liang En and Mr. Charles thoroughly explained what they had just discovered on the crown, and then stared at the person in charge.

At the same time, a young man walked to the side holding the crown, and then called two appraisers to begin the appraisal. Soon, the two appraisers said that everything Liang En and the others said was true.

——So we need an explanation. After explaining all the circumstances, Mr. Charles looked at the other party seriously and said, At least your auction should not hide these circumstances.

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