When the alarm clock that came with the electronic watch woke up Liang En, who was sleeping, the sky had slowly begun to get brighter. Joan of Arc on the other side of the tent was already dressed and had just returned from brushing her teeth.

There is boiled water outside for washing. Joan of Arc put the towel and toothbrush in her bag and said to Liang En, who was getting dressed. The sentries have already boiled the water before dawn today.

After Hugo got dressed and cleaned up, everyone had already started to have breakfast. Using the hot water they had boiled before, they quickly heated up drinks and ate a simple breakfast with the dry food they brought with them.

Okay, our situation today is like this. After breakfast, Liang En began to arrange the next work, Leave two people to guard the camp later, and the others will explore the surroundings together.

Are we going to stay here for a long time? Jeanne asked in surprise. Yes, at least I will live here until the search is over. Liang En smiled and nodded.

This is almost the center point of the three points we want to check. The nearest three kilometers and the furthest are six kilometers in a straight line, so it is convenient to place the camp here.

Because the places they were going to were all connected by roads, they could follow the roads without worrying about getting lost. Although those roads have not been maintained for decades, they are still vaguely identifiable.

Soon, the eight people were divided into three groups, and then each walked over corresponding to a target. Considering that Liang En and the others were not professional, they were assigned a destination closest to the camp.

Liang En and the others walked on the three-kilometer straight road for two and a half hours. In addition to the thick snow, the rugged mountain road also greatly lengthened the time they needed to spend on the road.

The road we took may be twice the straight-line distance. Looking at a small valley in front of him, Liang En stuck his ski poles in the snow and exhaled, The mountain road is too far.

There is no way. There are not many roads we can choose in this unfamiliar mountainous area with snow. Fan Meng looked at the snow-covered slopes and woods around him and said, It would be too dangerous if we choose to climb over the mountain.

One of the biggest dangers of heading into unfamiliar mountains is getting lost, especially when snowfall has changed the landscape so much, so they would rather take a detour than take a shortcut.

This is a suitable place to hide things. Liang En said subconsciously while looking at the small valley in front of him. Because although this valley is not large in area, it is very hidden.

At least if you don't follow the road and look at it from other angles, then most people may not be able to find the entrance to this valley at all, let alone enter the valley.

What's more important is that in this snowy mountainous area, there is almost no wind in this valley because of the surrounding mountains. There is not even much snow under your feet. You can only get a lot of snow when you step on it. Up to the ankles.

You must know that there are many low-lying areas on the way where the snow can reach people's knees, so by comparison, this valley does indeed look like a geomantic treasure.

Let's take action. The old rule is to go to the metal detector first. After all, there are so many trucks, so if the treasures are really here, you should be able to find some clues with the metal detector.

Liang En said, taking out the metal detector from his bag, and then he and his two companions each chose a direction and began to search slowly.

Do you think there might be something hidden in this place? Fan Meng asked curiously just as everyone was about to start work. “I feel like there’s never been a building here.”

Yes, that's why I thought there might be something here. Liang En shrugged and said, Don't forget those roads outside. If there really wasn't anything here, why did the Germans build those roads outside like crazy? the way.

What you said makes sense. Fan Meng just didn't think about it, so he realized it immediately after being reminded by Liang En.

The grade of the road outside is not low, and it is unlikely that such a mountainous road will be built all the way to the wilderness, so there is a high probability that there are quite a few secrets hidden in this valley.

As they expected, less than five minutes after the start of work, Liang En's metal detector buzzed. After hearing the sound, Fan Meng quickly came over to ask Liang En and Jeanne to step back, and then he Stepped forward to check it out.

Unlike the previous relics, when excavating these modern relics, you have to be careful of the possible presence of various explosives, especially this kind of World War II relics.

To give the simplest example, those who suffered the highest casualty rate among treasure hunters were the digging parties in Eastern Europe, and the reason for this was the large number of explosives left on the battlefields of World War II.

Although a large part of the dangerous explosives have expired due to the passage of time, occasionally a few are enough to cause fatal harm to the treasure hunters.

It's safe here. Fan Meng raised his hand after more than ten seconds to indicate that everything was safe now. Sure enough, what was dug out was a half-street sign with a white background and black edges, which read. Depot der

Savings, is this also a bank? After seeing this word, Liang En suddenly became excited. After all, Bavaria's spicy and crispy treasures are also world-famous.

Although according to the law, the spicy treasure and the treasure Liang En and the others are looking for this time do not belong to the discovery, but the discovery can always get an extra bonus.

Liang En didn't think that what he was looking for would be hidden here, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to have some extra income from this trip.

After finding the sign, Liang En and the others quickly spread out and searched around the sign. Soon, they found a mound of soil on the periphery of the stone wall more than ten meters away.

The appearance of a mound of soil was obviously abnormal, because it was surrounded by stone mountains, and a pile of soil looked very abrupt here. After rummaging through the soil, they found several warheads and bullet casings.

This is the bullet for the 9mm Parabellum bullet, and this is the bullet for the 7.92mm Mauser rifle bullet. The bullets can come from these two firearms. Liang En quickly recognized these things on the ground.

So it is very possible that this is what the Germans buried, but it is impossible to tell what is behind this mound from the outside.

That means we have to dig up this place next. Looking at the pile of soil, Jeanne sighed. The three of us alone may not be able to dig out these things even after dark.

It doesn't matter, we can ask someone to dig together. Liang En thought for a moment and said after stepping on the soil that was as hard as stone and frozen due to the low temperature.

At least nothing has been discovered in other places yet, so I think it would be a good idea to gather everyone together to excavate this place that has been discovered first.

Anyway, there must be something here for us. It would be a good thing if there is what we are looking for behind. If not, I think everyone will not refuse if I can earn some pocket money as a bonus.

Well, this does make sense, especially since there is something in this place, I feel a little reluctant not to dig it out and take a look. Fan Meng said, taking out the walkie-talkie, and then followed the pre-agreed rhythm on the walkie-talkie microphone. The knocking started.

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